
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Overlord's Orders II

Started by James Gryphon, October 01, 2011, 11:29:04 AM

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James Gryphon

A minute passed by in silence.

"Well? Speak up, Muse; I don't have all day to interrogate you.

Alternatively, if you're cowed by my presence, then maybe Redwall Musician or someone will be willing to speak about this. I want an explanation of this error now; I don't care who it comes from."
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Redwall Musician

Musician eagerly starts speaking, "You see on our way there Matthias stopped and got us coffee. Apparently Muse must have had two cups because the whole way there he was bouncing around. He doesn't usually drink that much caffeine. That explains his energy.

"When I got to the museum I saw Muse had run Taggerung over. I stopped to try to bring the life back into him but to no good. So I had Captain Tammo and Daniel take him back out to the truck as he was useless to us. That's when the alarms went off. I look around at HeadInAnotherGalaxy, Matthias, and Muse. I did not know which one of them set the alarms off.

"Acting quickly a shouted, 'HiaG! Get the book and let's get out of here!' HiaG was the closest to the book. So we all ran out and just as we got to the truck it started to rain! News reporters were driving down into the parking lot, policemen coming after us. Jumping into the van we took off with Daniel driving. But we had to pass a speed bump in the road and the book went flying into the air and a cup of coffee spilled all over it. And thus is how we bring it to you now."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

James Gryphon

"An interesting story, that sheds some light on this situation.

What it doesn't explain is why Matthias bought this coffee to begin with. None of you work any jobs besides the ones I give to you, so there is no good reason why you should be fatigued. You ought to have been rested and ready to do my bidding.

So, Matthias: Mistakes were made by others, but the root cause behind it all seems to be your decision. Explain why you felt it was necessary to dose all of my servants with caffeine."
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"Sir, Muse insisted that we have coffee for this mission. Said that caffeine would keep us energized for our task. I don't drink the stuff myself, but I wanted to avoid the possibility that we wouldn't be alert for the job. Yes, I bought and served the coffee, but only at Muse's insistence."

James Gryphon

"I see.

Well, with the mission a complete loss, and an adequate explanation of what happened, I think my decision is very clear.

None of you have failed me before, so I assume you are not acquainted with my methods of punishment. Let's hope for your sake that you won't have to experience it first-hand, but I've found that it always helps to give a concrete example of how this works.

These otherwise unassuming glass capsules you are all trapped in have all types of high technology built into them, useful for all kinds of my purposes. The one that Muse is now standing in will demonstrate one of their capabilities."

A spotlight turned onto Muse's capsule, lighting it up for everyone in the room to see. Suddenly, a mist, and then a fog seemed to form around Muse's body. Muse struggled for a few moments, but then ceased and stood completely still. The voice continued on as though nothing had happened.

"I have long been interested in the science of cryogenics. While normally I might prescribe a punishment more harmful, I needed someone I could test this technology on."

A few moments passed, then a light on the canister turned green.

"Good, the freezing procedure is a success. Your former colleague will be revived in fifty years, above ground, with no memory of ever having worked here. A merciful release, don't you think?"

All the lights in the room went dark again.

"Now. I don't need any more test subjects, so I trust this will motivate all of you to work harder in the future. Always stay in prime form to do my bidding and use common sense, and hopefully we won't need another object lesson like this. If one is required, the next person will not get off so easily.

Here is your next mission: Go to the robot-production plant in Michigan and obtain the blueprints for their new robotic servants. I'm now running short on minions, and with something to use as a jumping-off point, I should be able to concoct replacements for them in no time."


Some time later, six submarines docked with the base. The seventh submarine, once employed by Muse, still remained in its former place.

When the servants disembarked and entered into their capsules, the Overlord greeted them, but he wasn't happy.

"Once again, you managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

I checked in with my sources to see your progress, and the only thing that I could find out was that there was a massive explosion in Detroit, which destroyed an entire robot-production plant and the adjoining block. My blueprints are nowhere to be found, and the media announced that they think there's a correlation between the factory bombing and the museum theft. They're attributing it to a new terrorist group.

One of you -- DanielofRedwall, Captain Tammo, somebody, I don't care who. Start talking, and tell me why I shouldn't fry all of you right now."
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Daniel raised his hand. "Well, sir, we boarded a flight to Michigan, first class, of course. But as we were flying, I discovered that the pilot was drinking too much coffee! I ran at him and knocked a coffee that was close to his mouth away and told him about the trouble coffee had gotten us in to. I never mentioned breaking in to the museum, however, the only thing I said was my friend was knocked out cold by a man who had had too much coffee. I wanted to show him how much danger he was putting us in. But anyway, trust Redwall Musician to spill the beans! She was eavesdropping and barged in and started talking about EVERYTHING to do with our last trip. But it was strange, she spoke as if she were a robot, and she seemed to be brainwashed. Anyway, the pilot crash-landed the plane, because of coffee overdose, right in to the robot factory in Detroit and blew it up! In a TV interview the pilot mentioned all Musician said! We ran for our lives to Michigan, but we were no match for the Ninja Police! The ninjas put us behind bars, but we escaped thanks to some quick thinking from HIAG. Fearing we would be arrested again, and possibly given the death sentence, we fled back here, unfortunately with no blueprints." He added dumbly, as he didn't really get what the Overlord said, "Also, don't fry us, we wouldn't taste nice!"
Here, he gave a deep bow, but forgetting he was in a chamber, he banged his head on the outside.
Received mostly negative reviews.

Redwall Musician

Musician's eyes narrowed. She looked very serious, which was strange, because she was never serious. "I must say I did give away information. But this was due to the air ports lack of security.
"It all began as I was checking in. I had my ticket, and was wearing a black coat with a pink hat as I sat down to wait for my flight. I noticed a woman not far away wearing the same hat and coat as me. It was then I realized she looked just like me.
"The others were sitting behind me, playing with Daniel's iPod and texting there moms. They didn't notice the woman come up and sit next to me. I polity said, "Hey." She replied "Gjdgnasfl." She spoke the death defying beaver tongue! I turned around and poked HiaG on the shoulder.
"'There's a beaver here!' I said.
"'Of coarse," he replied.
"Before I could say anything else the woman, a death defying beaver shaped-shifted to look like me, pulled out something and hit me and I was knocked out.
"When I awoke I had missed my flight and was stranded at the air port. I don't know what happened after I was knocked out.
"So I called a taxi. Turned out the taxi was working for you, mi'lord, for it flew me up into the air. I secretly boarded the plane using my natural fearless skill. Just as I was about to find the others, I heard Daniel talking to the pilot. Some strange force took over me and I told him every thing. Only after Daniel shot me an angery glance did I turn around and see my look-a-like beaver. She had brain washed me into saying it! I punched her in the nose and the shape-shifting power disabled. I pushed her out of the window, and suddenly the plain was falling.
"The rest was as Daniel told. I was feeling very dozy after the fight the beaver, being brain-washed, and knocked out, all in the coarse of three hours.
"I don't know who organized our traveling, but whoever did should have let us take your private flying cars. Much more convenient and private."
Musician the nodded her head towards ToR, and muttered, "I believe he's the one who organized it."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"I organized the flight, and everything would have been fine had Musician not been brainwashed and babble out everything. And then try and tell you how to do your job as she did by using your private vehicles.
"I understand authority, and did my part with the plane perfectly."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Redwall Musician

"Says the one who sent text his mommy saying 'i'm going on a secret mission. C U later'," Musician said under her breath. She then let her mind wander and began thinking about her half-finished tropical house design she had started drawing before she had been on this mission. Yep, the tropical house would need a hot-tub. And a ice cream buffet
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

James Gryphon

"I've long been aware of the beavers' intrusions into my territory. They will be dealt with soon.

The detail that bothers me is not the brainwashing by the beaver, which is unfortunate and can be forgiven; nor is it the mode of transportation, which was the most covert way to travel.

Someone mentioned that HeadInAnotherGalaxy's 'quick thinking' helped you escape from the ninja-supported prison, but I haven't heard any more as to how this took place. Shed some light on your escape."
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"Very simple. He thought quickly, and the plan saved everyone. And he stole a cake too, though that wasn't as fast. But before then, he grabbed a passing bird, and used its beak to unlock the prison cell. The lock was the shape of a Black Northern Lockberger's beak. Most of the ninja police are going to bird-beak shaped keys instead though. Saves time and energy and proves more secure, though the fees with having keys is quite high"
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

James Gryphon

"I see.

Listen carefully, my minions, and I will reveal to you my judgement, as well as the reasoning for it.

All of this mishap was part of a beaver plot to infiltrate my regime. The problems were manufactured by beavers, with one HeadInTheGalaxy central among their agents.

You see, there were several pieces of evidence that incriminated him. I am knowledgeable regarding the process of beaver brainwashing, and the fact is that it always requires more than one beaver agent. Since only one beaver was apparently in evidence, the fact is that they had inside help.

HeadInTheGalaxy's nonchalant response when Musician keyed him in to the beaver threat was a dead giveaway. He was distracted by his text messaging, and forgot all about putting on his pretense. Naturally he knew that he would be joined by another beaver agent, so he was thus not at all surprised to hear that one was nearby, and he let that show.

Finally, don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that that bird would just happen to pass by, or that you would not be recaptured attempting to leave the prison? The fact is that all of that -- the bird passing, and the easy escape -- were facilitated by HeadInTheGalaxy's Beaver Marshall superiors, all with the intention of tricking me and getting their preferred agent deeper into my organization.

Unfortunately for them, their attempt failed. One might say fatally so. Observe HeadInTheGalaxy's capsule."

The spotlight lit up HeadInTheGalaxy's capsule, revealing him for the first time to the group. He was passed out on the capsule's floor, not moving or responding to the light.

"The air has been removed from his capsule, providing what would normally be death by suffocation. In this case, since he is aligned with the beavers, he will of course defy death, but while he is out, his memory regarding everything he has learned in my service will be removed. He will, albeit unintentionally, play a role in my elimination of the beaver threat."

The lights went off, and the Overlord continued, sounding almost as though he was in good humor.

"With the spy eliminated, I'm giving you some vacation time in Sweden to view the wonders of one of its gorgeous Ice Hotels. Relax and enjoy the cold.

I have only one requirement for this -- this, like every other ice hotel, is a unique wonder, and will disappear, never to be seen again, after the winter is over. While you are there, take high-resolution, panoramic pictures of every aspect of the hotel. It will be saved for posterity in my archives. This is of personal interest to me, so failure will not be dealt with lightly."


Some time later, five submarines docked with the underwater station; the servants disembarked, and once again heard the Overlord's enraged voice.

"I send you on a pleasure tour, to serve as glorified photographers, and yet you persist in coming up short of my objective.

My sources indicate that within a week of your arrival in Sweden, the hotel was melted, by an "unknown cause", which the hotel security, the Swedish police, and Interpol are now all in the process of investigating. Also, the only picture I got back was of some sled dog with a ridiculous expression on its face.

Would one of you care to enlighten me as to how you achieved this catastrophic failure?"
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Redwall Musician

"We had spent the whole week taking picture. On Friday, Matthias, Daniel and I went out on our dog sled to take more pictures. Daniel was driving the sled, I was giving directions, and Matthias had the camera. Tammo and ToR remained at the hotel to get the other pictures processed. Anyways, Daniel was driving the sled up the hill, so we could get a better view for the pictures. Suddenly the earth shook. Daniel suddenly stopped the sled and Matthias went tumbling out, accidentally taking a picture of the dog. I looked around, a little worried about why the earth was shaking. Daniel pointed up to the top of the hill, and I saw a dragon. He swooped down and breathed fire onto the hotel. I have no idea where he came from.
"Luckily Tammo and ToR escaped before the building melted. The dragon disappeared into the sky. And we got sent back here, the pictures ruined in the fire," Musician said.  
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


"I tried to save them as best I could, but several of the hotel guests appeared and began shooting at me and Daniel. I figured it'd be us getting killed and pictures ruined, or just the pictures being destroyed. I tried to grab a camera to get a few pictures of the hotel in its last minutes, but Daniel knocked it from my hands. Why, you should ask him."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

James Gryphon

"I would be interested in knowing that, later.

First, though, I want to know why the hotel guests were shooting at you in the first place. Based off of that I'm left to assume you did something else to blow your cover and attract suspicion, but so far none of you have told me what it is.

Someone can tell me about that, but they'd better speak fast. I'm getting tired of all of your bungling."

The servants heard a new sound: a low, ominous hum, as though something were being powered up.
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