
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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A Winter to Freeze Your Heart part 2

Started by Unimaginative, February 10, 2014, 06:17:49 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

       "Why should I go back there when the place we're headed is in the other direction?" Ervoyce had regained control of himself.... that is until Vatra started talking about losing the soap again. He held it in long enough to make his statement, but had to lean against the wall and laugh for a minute as the entire series of events re-played through his mind. He straightened up, still smiling, "They're probably starting to wonder what's taking us so long, we should probably get going."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

That was exactly what Bryant was doing. "What can they be doing doing?" He wondered out loud. Arya merely shrugged.


Ushen shrugged as well, as he tried to remember how'd they moved the dresser all the way down here.

Cornflower MM

Arya was then, at the moment, going through a box that she vaguely remembered tossing junk into. Finding as piece of crumpled paper, she un-crumpled it, and went as white as a ghost, a memory flashing through her mind. . . . .


Vatra gave him a stern look but it didn't last for long. It melted into a grin "You know you are very bad at concealing your mirth. Besides I won't really be able to do much with this sling. I'm as much use at moving furniture as a fish is at flying, and don't you go tellin' me that there are fish that fly cuz you've seen em,"  She said jokingly.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Dannflower Reguba

       Ervoyce's grin grew even wider, as impossible as that seemed. He spoke with a chuckle rocking his voice, "Actually, I have indeed seen fish fly. It was awhile back, but I've seen it nonetheless. The sea otters I was with thought it was hilarious when one landed on top of my head during the night watch." He pushed off of the wall and headed towards the bedroom. The dark squirrel rounded the corner just as Arya turned pale. He held out his arm to prevent Vatra from passing, and hung just around the corner, listening intently to the conversation in the room.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

Zanga laughing, teasing her about her drawing. . . . . . . Zanga encouraging her, then starting a snowball fight. . . . . . . . . The flashback continued as Arya stared at the drawing. Her old drawing, now being held by shaking paws.


"Now really, you're just goin' ta have ta show me these famed flying fishes some day.  Did this fish happen to be playing a flute and dancin' a jig as well" She called after him, He rounded the corner and she came in close behind only to be stopped short by his arm. "Hey, what's tha..." She said cutting herself off when she saw and understood the look on his face. He wanted to listen in.  "Shame on you," She said looking him square in the face with the severity of a woman whose caught her husband gambling again. She did not try to hid her voice but she did not try to speak loudly either, if they heard, they heard. With that she strode around him out of his way and into the bedroom. 

What she saw concerned her. Arya sat on the floor by a box of various things and in her paws she held a crumpled up piece of paper. She looked like she had seen a ghost, Zanga. Perhaps she had. Vatra knelt down by here and placed her good paw on Arya's. She wanted to make her know that she was not alone. In passing she glanced at the paper and what she saw surprised her. It was a drawing of Ervoyce.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Dannflower Reguba

       Ervoyce had been about to reply when he stopped short, he wanted to know what he was getting into before he arrived as he preferred to know the problem before it became his. Sighing, he followed Vatra, but allowed her to be the only one with Arya.... Now seemed like a time for only one beast, but he listened just in case. Realizing that they could probably use some alone time, he spoke to Ushen and Bryant, "Hey guys, that dresser ain't gonna move itself, and I'm sure not carrying it by meself!" When he was sure neither of the ladies were looking, he gave the other two a stern look and flicked his head towards the door to indicate what he was trying to do.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

Bryant immediately registered the signal and went over to the dresser. "Of course, Ervoyce! C'mon." He said, his eyes flicking to Arya and Vatra. Arya blinked, still staring at the paper, and realized that Vatra was next to her. She leaned towards her slightly, and started to quietly cry.

OOC: Very slight PP there, Faiy. Should I change it?


Ushen was to say the least confused. All he saw was Arya sobbing over a piece of paper, but then Ervoyce gave him, and Bryant such a look, Ushen didn't ask. He went over to the dresser, and began trying to push it. 

Cornflower MM

Bryant went beside him and joined in, wondering how in the world they'd gotten it in there.


"How did we ever get this in here anyway?" Ushen asked, as he strained to push the heavy thing out.

Cornflower MM

"That's just what
I was wondering./" Bryant panted, shoving against it, and noticing that it ,moved an inch. "Hey! It moved!"


"Oh brilliant! My life is fulfilled!" Ushen's dry sarcasm was obvious.