
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Overlord's Orders IV

Started by Matthias720, November 17, 2011, 06:02:35 PM

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Plugg Firetail

"Me and Tiria were buying Cotton candy for all of us to eat. The hot air balloon didn't exactly have the greatest food choices. While at the cotton candy stand, we met a small group of people. They were stuck at the fair and needed a ride out. We agreed to the plan instantly, with the idea that if anything goes wrong, we could use this as a cover story. Unfortunately, as we got closer to the air balloon, Tiria got cold feet. She ran to the others and tried to tell them it was all my idea. As I saw Tiria running up, the leader of the group of people, ran up to another balloon. It turned out that they had a balloon, but they had soup instead of anything good. The leader rigged the balloon with a bomb, but it blew up, causing our ship to get a hole.

   While Musician and I did buy the goats, it was so we could have something to eat and drink. Goats milk is very nourishing.

  Abou the gas in the forest, I think it was Daniel. Earlier he had bought Odorient, which makes the air around us smell. Well Daniel was spraying this stuff around, saying "It's good for the plants." Obviously I tried to stop him, but I was the first to get knocked out.

Trigoma and me were making a new balloon out of bubble gum. I got the idea of using the ingots to make a iron crane, since iron cranes are the best kind to make. Then Tiria came. She told us to get a real crane first, that way we have something to model ours off of. We protested, but she ran off to get it. That's why there is a construction crane here."

Redwall Musician

"The goat thing I was force into. I had asked the lady for a thousand disappearing coats, but she thought I said goats. When Plugg saw them he told me we needed goats because we could use them for food and drink. I tried to tell the lady  about the mistake  but she didn't hear me. So we decided we should just keep the goats for food and drink, since all our supplies got ruined.
"The reason I bought the gum was because as Daniel and I were walking to steal the dog, we came across a 'Buy In Stock" tent. He saw gum and tickled me and said he wouldn't stop tickling until I bought the gum. Because I couldn't think while he was tickling I bought the gum. He grabbed the first 10 pieces of gum and started eating them."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


OOC: Wait a minute, didn't Trigoma say we bought the gum to fix the balloon, and we got it later?

"M'Lord, with the "Odorient" business, there was a good reason. There were beavers following us, and I didn't want to panic the others, especially Trigoma. He gets a bit wild when panicked. The "Odorient" stuff, well, I thought it was actually something else. You see, I needed somewhere to place my beaver repellent, a place I knew nowhere would look. I bought some "Odorient" at the World Fair, as that would be something no-one would look at. I didn't want people fiddling with the beaver repellent, or we might run out. So, just before going to look for the dog, I said I needed to go to the bathroom. I sneaked off and got rid of all the stuff inside the "Odorient" bottle. I then poured the beaver repellent I had brought along in to the bottle.
I saw many beavers at the fair, one was at a petting zoo. I decided we needed to avoid that petting zoo at all costs, but Musician saw a llama there while we were searching for the dog. She insisted her and I go to that zoo to pat the llama. Before I could explain why we shouldn't, she had rushed off. While she was patting the llama at that zoo, the beaver placed some sort of tracking device on her, and followed us all to the pine forest. I decided to use the repellent on our camp, but needed an excuse so Trigoma wouldn't panic, so I said the "Odorient" was good for the plants.
The beaver that I was protecting the robotic dog from was the same beaver that placed the tracking device on Musician, I was sure of it. I discovered the beaver repellent wasn't very effective at all, unfortunately. He caused me to accidentally take the dog's head off after firing a tennis ball at my hand. The blow made my hand swing back and knock the dog's head off. Tiria insisted she would be able to fix it and made us hang about, but she ended up failing, so we came back empty handed, unfortunately. However, there is some gum left over if you want, oh lord."
Received mostly negative reviews.


OOC: You guys are doing well so far. I love what you've written! XD Keep going, and I will make a decision tomorrow.


ooc: yeah i got a little confuzzeld too. but nonethless here i go o.o

"oyes milord. the dog was from macdonalds farm. that may be why tiria decided to rampage that song the way she did. well i finished the plans but confused it with the goat feed, and gave it to a death defying goat! must have got the idea from the beavers. but eather way the plans were gone. so we just rigged the crane and set it a little loose to give it fireing power. we all climbed into the balloon, when we suddenly relized. we forgot souviners! well i admit i started to panick and have weezing attacks. i have to stand on my head and count the alphabet backwards on my fingers. its a bit hard to do. well plugg and ToR planned to buy the souviners as tiria and musican constructed the dog back together. wut they didnt know wus they accedently added some of the TNT power to the head. not to mention they put the head on backwards -_-. well i started to calm down and we waited for the others to get back with the souviners.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


The overlord looked from one servant to another, considering each what they said, in turn. Finally, after thinking a long time, he spoke. "Despite the great trust I have placed in you six, you have failed in your objective. As it has been said, 'A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.' So to remedy this situation, I shall remove the weakest link from the chain. Tiria, you have made several mistakes, and you have not defended yourself. Have you no answer? Regardless, I have ascertained that you are the main reason I do not have a robot dog as the centerpiece for my back lawn. You are the Weakest Link. Good-bye." As the overlord spoke, a pair of men in lab coats entered the conference room, grabbed Tiria, and dragged her from the room.

The overlord turned back to face his underlings. "She will be taken to a facility where her personality will be erased, and she will be reprogrammed into a TV gameshow host. Expect to see on her TV in eight or nine months, hosting 'Who Wants To Be A Survivor Millionaire'. Now for your next mission. You are to go to the Swiss Alps and fetch me a pair of skis. There's nothing special about them; all I want are a pair of genuine pair of Swiss skis. To aid you in your quest, I am authorizing you five to enjoy as much swiss chocolates, swiss cheese, and anything else swiis that you want. All I care about are the skis. Bring them to me in one weeks time, and you will all be rewarded."

One Week Later -
"You have failed me again. I cannot explain how livid I am right now. Before I lose my temper, please explain to me how you five managed to blow up a hotel, cause an avalanche, and destroy the top of a mountain. That's not even mentioning the $1.26 million bill I received for a custom hotel room made entirely out of swiss chocolate, with not and cold running chocolate sinks. I know I gave you carte blanche in what you could buy, but why a hotel room made out of chocolate? Daniel, tell me what happened, before I lose my temper. Quickly now, speak up."

OOC: Sorry about that Tiria. :( Feel free to stick around. You never know what might happen. :)


OOC: I can't stop laughing at Tiria's punishment! Great work! XD

Daniel spoke without hesitation. "Well, sir, it is quite simple. Our flight when by uneventful, and we checked in to our hotel. This hotel was on top of a mountain. The night also went by uneventfully. The next morning, ToR, Plugg and Musician went to find your skis. We left Trigoma behind to do the cooking for when we got back, at his insistence. Well, we found a shop and purchased the best skis possible. They were beauties, let me tell you! Anyway, on our way back, Plugg boasted he could do the loudest yodel of us all. We were at the very top of another mountain, and the echo was amazing. So, of course, a yodeling contest started. I told the others they shouldn't as it could do damage, but ToR turned to me and said, "What harm could a yodeling contest do?"
So, off they went, Musician, ToR and Plugg, each one trying to outdo the other. Soon, Musician did one so loud it caused one of my ears to go temporarily deaf. It was also so loud it caused an avalanche. That explains that part.
We got back to discover Trigoma was driving a truck, at the back the hotel room made of chocolate. We looked at him, shocked, but he just smiled and waved at us. He placed the chocolate room in place and came over to us. As you can imagine, we gave him a stern lecture. That explains the chocolate room.
And finally, as it was getting later, Plugg started cooking dinner. Trigoma rushed off to his chocolate room, telling us he was going to have a bath with chocolate instead of water. What got in to him, I have no idea.
Well, Plugg came over and we ate his, surprisingly delicious, dinner. Afterwards, ToR placed a birthday cake on the table and started singing "Happy Birthday" to Musician. She was confused, as it wasn't her birthday, but he didn't listen, or at least didn't hear. Then the worst happened. He lit a candle, and the whole hotel exploded in a ball of flames. Plugg had left the gas on! The skis were inside, but I rushed to grab them. But, before I could get my hand on them, they too caught fire and burned.
So, we escaped the hotel just in time. The whole hotel burned to the ground and took down the top of the mountain with it."
Received mostly negative reviews.


OOC: I'm glad you liked it. I thought it was a highly-humorous as well. :D


"Overlord, Daniel told me it was Musician's birthday and gave me the cake to surprise her. I never left it out of my sight, so the bomb must have been planted prior to it coming to my hands that night. I'm not sure what Daniel was up to this entire trip, as it seems he had other agendas going most of the time. The rest of us tried to acquire a second pair of skis even, but he ran off and we had to go find him. I do not understand his actions, or why death-defying beavers eventually turned him over to us near your deadline. Trigoma led us to the pickup point as if he knew where Daniel was going to be, so I think he might have something up with the beavers."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Redwall Musician

"Oh, I won the yodel contest? Well, it wasn't really a yodel, per-say. I was screaming because Daniel stepped on my foot. My boots already hurt, but stepping on them caused extreme pain.
"And perhaps the reason they thought it was my birthday was because they were reading my journal, again. What did I tell you guys about doing that? Anyways, I was writing about my worst birthday, so they must have thought it was my birthday."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


well they left me behind to cook, cause i have always had the dream of rich chocolaty goodness. and i knew this "Swiss" place to be of the best. well i was cooking a chocolate turkey when there was a knock at the door. it was some random guy that asked if i would like to be part of a chocolate competition. i took it up and started. strange guy though...when he turned around he looked like he had a beaver tail...well anyways i quickly jumped in a truck that was parked in the parking lot and drove to the store, bought all the chocolate there and made it back. i quickly constructed the chocolate place and was driving the truck to put it in its original spot when here comes the rest of the group. they looked a little disturbed.

and then i led them to the pick up point of daniel. what they didnt know wus they were about to be rich with my chocolate hotel! i led them onto a stage the random guy/beaver tail guy told me so i could win my money. well we stood on the stage for quite sometime. everyone was growing restless. just then i saw it. it was there! it was real! it isnt a story like people make it up to be...the leaning tower of chocolate! we were standing on top of it!
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman

Plugg Firetail

M'lord, I left the gas on because Tor was trying to get me to celebrate Musician's birthday. I resisted, but he dragged me over to her.

Ooc:For clarification, what thing did I leave the gas on?


(OOC: You left the gas on in the room, which caused the explosion. That and a bomb, which is just extra.
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


"It's true I gave ToR the cake, but I did not plant a bomb in it. That must have been the bakery, which did seem very dodgy. Also, I did read Musician's diary, but that was a mistake. It was disguised as another book, "Twilight". She obviously thought nobody would want to touch that, but Trigoma had been annoying me the whole trip begging me to read that novel, he told me it was his favourite book, so I thought I'd read it so he wouldn't annoy me. When I saw it was in fact Musician's diary, I quickly shut it, but I caught a bit saying "my birthday is coming up" or something like that, so I wanted to surprise her.
The beavers, well, I tried to warn them about that. I was distracted throughout the trip by the beavers. I kept seeing them, and I tried to warn the others that they were following us. I ran off when they were buying the new pair of skis because I saw the shop owner was in fact a beaver. I had learnt my lesson to never buy something off beavers, so I tried telling them not to buy the skis, but they didn't listen. So, I ran off to find another shop. I purchased two beautiful skis, but then the beavers captured me.
They kept me in a prison type thing in the woods, and the others came to save me. The beavers handed me over to them without a fight, but ToR had to give them some chewing gum left over from the last mission to get me back. I actually have no idea how Trigoma knew where I was, you'll have to ask him. Anyway, we escaped, I managed to steal the skis, but Musician snatched them off me and snapped them in half for some reason."
Received mostly negative reviews.

Redwall Musician

"I snatched them because they were time bombs! The beaver were making explosive skis to sell at their store. I quickly saw this and broke them in half. I was going to go buy another pair from a near by hillbilly, but ToR said he couldn't be trusted. I tried to tell him the hillbilly was my next-door neighbor, but they didn't listen to me. So as I insisted on buying the skis, they had to carry me off."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."