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Rainshadow's Art

Started by Rainshadow, March 24, 2013, 03:09:42 AM

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"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on November 29, 2014, 01:56:36 AM
I don't mind how long it takes to do them


All of the children are trolls
The first is Darade Vantas-Strider. His horns are longer than Karkat's and shaped like mini katana blades (which annoys his father a lot) and his hair is shaped like Dave's but black. He's very rebellious and often does things that make his parents mad. He cloned Dave's shades because he wanted them and was pretty sure that Dave would never give his up, ever. His weapon would be a katana with a scythe slung over his back (and if you don't mind the extra detail, he would have two sai daggers (if you don't know what those are, think Raphael from the ninja turtles) strapped to his hips). He would be wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt, the sleeves are red so I guess try and make them look like a different colour. He has a red symbol like Dave's on his shirt but simplified and only the outlines of the shapes. That's probably explained badly. He also wears dark grey jeans and trainers like these

The next would be his brother Darvat who is relatively easy to draw. He is basically Karkat but he wears a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans. He would have two plain sickles and a katana slung over his back. He wears black trainers like these

Then there's Aerrop Egbert-Serket. He basically looks like this but without the vision eightfold. He wears a green jacket, a black Scorpio shirt and blue jeans. He wears black trainers like these His weapons would be his five set of five-sided green dice, the Peridot Quintet and the Hammer of the Winds, a black handled hammer with a sapphire for a head which was made by combining a sapphire chunk, a hammer and his father's Heir of Breath costume which is just cheating.

After that is Orclas Megido-Captor. He does not have an allocated strife specibus because he has inherited his parents' psionics. He did not inherit his father's lisp but did inherit his horns and laser eyes though he wears ordinary sunglasses to cover them up rather than 3D glasses. He has messy black hair which is shorter than Karkat's and less weird than Sollux's. He wears one of these kinds of t-shirts, the main body of it is a black Gemini shirt and the sleeves are yellow. He also wears grey trousers and black trainers like everyone else's.

Then we have Kastis Maryam-Lalonde. He is perhaps the most complicated design out of all of them. His head would look like this and his outfit would look like this (never thought I'd use Hitmanstuck as a point of reference) but the coat and tie would be jade green, there would be no rose, his trousers would be a darker grey and his shoes would be a jade green. His weapons are two wands which are kind of like Lucius Malfoy's except that the head would be a close-mouthed dragon rather than a snake and the entire wand would be jade green. Or if you would prefer to do them in casual poses, a dragon-headed cane made of jade.

Then would be Agatha, his sister. She would have long, straight horns and Rose's hair but black. She would be wearing basically Rose's Squiddleknit Dress but with a purple Virgo symbol in the middle rather than a squiddle. Her weapons are a pair of wands called the Teeth of Jormungand which have black handles shaped like snake's heads and then the white wand part coming out of the snake's mouths.

Next we would be venturing into Kismesis territory with Kiarez Serket-Pyrope. Kiarez wears a long-sleeved black Libra t-shirt and a teal blindfold as well as darker black jeans and teal trainers in the same style as everyone else's. He wields a cane exactly like Terezi's which splits into two swords like her's.

Lastly there's Arikka Serket-Pyrope. She shares Vriska's hair and has two of her "claw" horns. She wears a plain dark red t-shirt and blue jeans as well as a grey jacket like Vriska's and black trainers like everyone else's. She does not use either of her parents strife specibi, instead opting to use a black-hilted sword with a symbol in the shape of a spider in the centre of the crossguard.

I'll request the rest at a later date because I'm not particularly bothered about them
If you could do them in pairs that'd be great
Either in casual poses or ready stances.
The pairs are listed in order of importance but you don't have to do them in that order if you don't want to.
Orclas and Aerrop both have siblings but they will be included in the next list as the people they are paired with are there

  *Slightly afraid whimper*  Ah, those might take me awhile.  I WILL get them all done, though!  ...Eventually.  (I must admit, as it's rather late currently, I haven't actually read the descriptions yet.  I'll probably have some questions tomorrow, but I'm not up to reading all that at eleven o'clock at night.  :P)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


As I said, I don't mind if it takes a while

I forgot to mention Kiarez's hair and horns
That image is freaky, but they look like that

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Lol, I'd say less freaky and more weird.  Alrighty, I read through 'em, and if I take them down one at a time, it shouldn't be such a daunting task.  ;)

 Oh, and I had no requests as of Thanksgiving, so on the trip down I drew this:


 Yay for fun piercings that can barely be seen!  (Actually, no, the nose piercing was a pain to make look like a piercing and not like some sort of weird mole or skin tag or something.  And those eyes were so stinkin' hard!  Took me four or five times to get them to look sorta okay.  And then there's his left leg, which looks like it's twisted in a funky way, but I don't even care.  It took me over an hour, so I just decided to leave it as is once I finished it.  :P)

 And yes, he has a quote from Finding Nemo.  This is his signature quote, as he's a borderline fish rights activist.  (If I ever get around to writing the story, I'll explain why he's such a fan of fish, but I'd rather not spoil the surprise.)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


He's cool and cute. I think it's a good drawing but of course, I'm not an artist and I'd trust your own judgement over mine. Then again, we are our own greatest critics

And when I said I wanted them in pairs, I meant that I wanted two in one drawing standing next to each other, in case that wasn't obvious.

Also I'd rather they were all casual or all in a ready stance but it doesn't really matter, I just like it when things match
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on November 29, 2014, 11:24:23 PM
He's cool and cute. I think it's a good drawing but of course, I'm not an artist and I'd trust your own judgement over mine. Then again, we are our own greatest critics

 Thanks!  (And thanks again; I was aiming for sort of a mix of rebel and cute.  ("Rebel?" you ask.  Yes, rebel.  That's why the piercings are there, and although it doesn't show because of my lack of colouring skills, he's got sea blue hair.  I'm still pondering whether or not he should have tattoos somewhere.  If he did, they would probably be on his back or his chest, though.)  His type is very siren-esque, as in he's extremely flirtatious and tends to woo the hearts of everyone around him.  :P)

 And yeah, I'm very harsh on myself when it comes to critiquing my drawings.  Probably because I spend so much time editing it to take out all the nasty splotches, so I see every painful detail.  Lol, my process is to draw it, take pride in my drawing, scan it, edit it, post it, and then glare at the picture and go: "Ugh, so many mistakes!"  :P

  EDIT ('cause I'm stupid and I forget stuff all the time):  Okey-dokey.  I'll probably be drawing them casual, as I've been meaning to try some more casual poses.  I have all these manga instruction books that have awesome poses, and there are so many cool casual ones, so I wanna see what they look like on paper.  (Yes, yes, I'm such a cheater.  I use references because I'm trying to learn the manga art style.  ::))
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


  Apologies for the double post, but I'ma puttin' more o' me art up!

  *Nitori voice*  Please forgive me, Jet-senpai!  I had plenty of opportunities to do your requests, but I kept putting it off until yesterday!  And please forgive me if I got the details in this drawing wrong!

  I found this really nice pose in one of my art books, but I didn't wanna draw it as a guy, 'cause I wanted to draw a girl, so... yeah, I drew myself.  So narcissistic, right?  ::)

  And then I drew Shadow 'cause I hadn't drawn her in a really long time.

  Ooh!  And I found these awesome art prompt thingies that I wanted to try out.  (Yes, some of the suggestions are edited a bit, 'cause some of the words and/or situations weren't quite forum appropriate.)

  Some of the situations were sort of hard to portray, but all in all, it was really fun to do!  If anyone wants to try these out, I saved the blank edited version, or you can find the original version here (warning for kinda mature content and minor swearing, though.).

  (Wow, I just realized how small all the drawings are in that pic.  Sorry!  If it's too hard to see, you can just right click it and view it in another tab.  That'll make the image larger.  :)  The same can be said for all of my drawings, actually.  Hard to see?  Just right click it and view it in another tab.)

Art prompt sheets

If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


That is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, so is Shadow  and all of them really

I didn't really picture Kiarez as that tall but since I didn't mention their heights I can't fault you for that, and now I do anyway, tall Kiarez is best Kiarez

For future reference though
Aerrop and Kastis are about the same height, Aerrop may be slightly taller
Agatha is about a head shorter than Arikka (including horns)
Darvat is shorter than Orclas, about the same proportion as Darade is to Kiarez in this one
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  I knew Kiarez was gonna be too tall.  ::)  Lol, my reasoning behind the drastic height difference is that my headcanon is that Karkat is really short compared to the rest of the trolls (as I'm very far behind, I don't know whether or not that can be proved/disproved), so obviously Darade was gonna be shorter.  His horns kind of made up for it, but not really.  ;D

  Thanks, by the way!  For some reason, this week's art was pretty fun to draw.  Drawing myself in that pose was a bit of a pain, but still preferable to sitting in silence for about an hour.  But yeah, the art this week was fun to draw.  Especially drawing Kiarez.  He was really fun, for some reason.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Not narcissistic at all.  ::)

(Actually, it really isn't.)

Who's Eren Hartwell?


  Eren's a character I created a few weeks ago from a story I'll probably just leave sitting there for five billion years before actually writing.  He's not even the main character, but I like drawing him more than the main protagonist or her "friend" (who's not technically a friend, but is basically the co-star of the book), 'cause he's more expressive than they are.  :P  (He's very extroverted, whereas Amaya, the protagonist, is sorta introverted, and Ghost, the co-star (is there another word for that?  I don't think co-star fits very well.), is also pretty introverted, as well as he hides his emotions extremely well.)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

The Skarzs

I liked the miscellaneous ones immensely.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


  Thanks, Skarzsy-chan!  Glad to see people liking the random stuff I do in my free time.  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: Rainshadow on December 06, 2014, 01:01:26 AM
  I knew Kiarez was gonna be too tall.  ::)  Lol, my reasoning behind the drastic height difference is that my headcanon is that Karkat is really short compared to the rest of the trolls (as I'm very far behind, I don't know whether or not that can be proved/disproved), so obviously Darade was gonna be shorter.  His horns kind of made up for it, but not really.  ;D

  Thanks, by the way!  For some reason, this week's art was pretty fun to draw.  Drawing myself in that pose was a bit of a pain, but still preferable to sitting in silence for about an hour.  But yeah, the art this week was fun to draw.  Especially drawing Kiarez.  He was really fun, for some reason.  :P

Yeah, I think everyone pictures Karkat as either the shortest or the second shortest (with Nepeta being the shortest) but I picture Dave as pretty tall so if Darade had their combined genes he would be about average height

You're welcome

And yeah, I can definitely see why you had to censor that expressions meme  :D
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Hey, Rain, you mentioned you had a lot of art books, I think. I couldn't find the quote. I was just wondering, do you have Mastering Manga by Mark Crilley? That's one I've been looking in to getting and I guess I just thought I'd ask you if you had it. :P :D
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3