
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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The Arena

Started by Faiyloe, January 14, 2015, 02:18:52 AM

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Who do you think will be the winner?



You stand inside on the edge of a large circular stone dome, which is a good 50 feet in diameter. There is no visible exit and the dome is lit up from all angles. The Arena is filled with various obstacles. At 12 o'clock is a jungle gym with bars, pillars, ladders monkey pars etc... . At 2 o'clock a sand box with a little pond in the middle. At 4 o'clock a hall of mirrors. At 6 o'clock a metal platform where you stand now. At 8 o'clock a bouncy house (Without the walls). At 10 o'clock a ball pit (if you where to stand in it depending on how big you where is would only come somewhere between your knees and your waist, less than that if you are Skarzs). 

In the center is a round marble platform. On the platform are various things. 1) A satchel filled with individually wrapped pieces of bubble gum. 2) A high powered water gun. 3) A rubber band ball the size of a normal persons fist. 4) five cans of shaving cream attached to a cool belt (modified with the small nozzles so that it shoots really far). 5) leaf lawn blower. 6) frying pan. 7) a back pack containing a clothesline, a dictionary, a can of spam and a magic marble. 8) a can of worms, a box of crayons and three eggs of silly putty. 9) a magic wand. 10) a garden shovel.

There are also 10 ribbons of different colors, red, yellow, maroon, green, navy, purple, blue, beige, brown, and teal.

In the very middle of the platform is a thick marble pillar which reaches almost to the ceiling, On the top of the pillar is a glass dome and in the glass dome stands Faiyloe. "Welcome to the Arena I will be your host and referee. You will each be allowed one thing from the platform and one of the ribbons which you are to tie around your wrist. This is first come first serve. Once everyone has chosen then I will give the signal and the game will beguin, the last person left standing is the winner, Good luck,"


Alright so here is how this is going to work
- this is first come first serve only the first ten people to post may play (The rest may watch and post as observers)
- You may have only one item per person.
- I am the GM, my word goes, I can do anything I wish, deal out punishments or rewards, PP and GM as I see fit.
- No PPing or GMing, aside from me no one else is allowed to PP or GM (doing so will result in severe penalties).
- I control the environment for the most part
- I control all and any magic in the game. No one else is able to control the outcome of attempted use of magic.
- You must post in the color of your ribbon, failure to do so will result in a penalty.
- If you defeat someone then you will be allowed to take there items.
- Observers are not allowed to interfere or interact with the environment or the players in anyway. They may discuss and bet on who they think is going to win, and talk about decisions that players made but they are not allowed to give advice. They are also allowed to request challenges (things the players have to face that make the game a little more interesting) or send gifts (The gifts must go by me first and are sent to me threw PM before I give it to the player in the game)
- If I feel you have been properly defeated I will take you out of the game.
- You are not allowed to steal other peoples objects while they are still in the game. attempts to do so will result in a penalty.


Name: Jukka
Ribbon: yellow
Object: 7) a back pack containing a clothesline, a dictionary, a can of spam and a magic marble. a Stovepipe hat

Name: Delthion
Ribbon: brown
Object: 5) leaf lawn blower. Tiria's magic wand.

Name: Tiria
Ribbon: teal
Object: 9) a magic wand.

Name: Amber
Ribbon: purple
Object: 3) A rubber band ball the size of a normal persons fist.

Name: Soren
Ribbon: red
Object: 10) Sorens garden shovel, empty crushed can of Caffeine Monster energy drink and a 20 foot long scarf. Blues satchel filled with a bunch of empty gum rappers and a big ball of chewed up gum and her giant genetically engineered blue rose.

Name: Skyblade
Ribbon: blue
Object: 2) A high powered water gun.  a water vapor collector that automatically refills the high-powered water gun. Dell's leaf lawn blower. Tiria's magic wand. a plastic sword. Skarzses frying pan. Amber's somewhat depleted band ball. Sorens garden shovel, empty crushed can of Caffeine Monster energy drink and a 20 foot long scarf. Blues satchel filled with a bunch of empty gum rappers and a big ball of chewed up gum and her giant genetically engineered blue rose. Jukkas back pack containing a clothesline, a dictionary, a can of spam and a magic marble and Jukkas Stovepipe hat. Sams mostly empty five cans of shaving cream attached to a cool belt and his empty can of coke.

Name: Skarzs
Ribbon: maroon
Object: 6) frying pan.

Name: Sam
Ribbon: green
Object: 4) five cans of shaving cream attached to a cool belt. a well shaken coke.

Name: Russa
Ribbon: navy
Object: 8) a can of worms, a box of (Now paperless) crayons and three eggs of silly putty. a fishing line made of crayon paper, fish bones, and a reed blowpipe.  a transmogrifier gun

Name: Bluerose
Ribbon: beige
Object: 1) A satchel filled with individually wrapped pieces of bubble gum a bunch of empty gum rappers and a big ball of chewed up gum. a giant genetically engineered blue rose.



- Sky, Soren, Sam and Jukka.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Jukka the Sling

I'll take the backpack and the yellow ribbon.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Leaf blower and brown ribbon please!
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Teal ribbon and wand please (if I can join)

Lady Amber

I'll take the rubber band ball and the purple ribbon.


Red and the shovel.

I'm retired from the forum


Of course you can play Tiria just remember to post in your color form here on out (If you don't know how to do that just PM me and I'll give you a hand. That goes for you too Soren, don't forget to post in red.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


High-powered water gun, please.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


SHAVING CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!

Russa Nodrey

A can of worms, a box of crayons and three eggs of silly putty!!!!


So when can we start?

I'm retired from the forum


Beige and the satchel of gum, I guess.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

LT Sandpaw

Too slow to join, Guess I will watch from the sidelines. *Waves and cheers like a good audience*

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Cornflower MM

Dangit, I'm too late! *Pouts*