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Rainshadow's Art

Started by Rainshadow, March 24, 2013, 03:09:42 AM

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Those are all really cool, especially the selfie. I really like Eren and Rayner. (Or at least what I know of them. (I mean characterwise.))
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Thanks!  :D  (Lol, funnily enough, Eren and Rayner are my two favourite club members, too.  Eren who pulls all-nighters with his friends to play video games (especially Amaya, who's a master at all fighter games), and who flirts with anyone and everyone, and Rayner who can be shy at times, but who can and will talk your ears off if you mention something he enjoys.)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

Wow cool! And yay for colour!!!!!
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  Thanks!  :D  I know, right?  I was jumping up and down on the inside because I got to use colour, and I was really happy that my brother figured out how to get the scanner to understand colour.  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Great job, Rain! I normally don't ask for requests, but since you're drawing other people's characters anyway (and I really like how they're coming out), why not? Can you do one of Fritz from the Crossover RP?

Edited out stuff because I'm paranoid :P If you need the info, I'll PM it to you :)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Sure!  I'd be happy to draw Fritz!  You'll probably be waiting awhile, though; I finally finished Artaforr (I skipped over Henri because I wasn't feeling up to drawing an animal at the time (don't worry, Ash-kun, I'm still doing Henri, I just did Artaforr first), so Artaforr was actually my first request that I finished), so the line is moving rather slowly.  I need to go on more long car trips so that I'm not distracted by the internet and by video games.  :P

  Oh, and I was wondering, what sort of clothes does Fritz wear?  I noticed you didn't include any in the description, so I thought I should check.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Thank you Rain, and I understand! I guess anything that looks like it would fit a fantasy warrior will do :) Also, I'm not sure about the pose; what were you thinking about doing?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: Skyblade on June 19, 2015, 01:48:46 AM
Thank you Rain, and I understand! I guess anything that looks like it would fit a fantasy warrior will do :) Also, I'm not sure about the pose; what were you thinking about doing?

  Usually the pose comes while I'm drawing it, so I haven't really formed much of an idea yet, but I'm thinking probably something having to do with fighting.  Ooh!  Brainstorm!  Does Fritz fight with his right hand or his left one?  Or is he ambidextrous?  'Cause I was thinking something like him clutching his leg whilst fighting or something along those lines.

  So, as far as clothing, something like plate armour would be fine?  Or is Fritz more of a lighter armour sort of guy?  (Lighter armour meaning something like leather that's easier to maneuver in.  ;))
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


He could use either hand - I imagine that the warriors have been trained with both. And your idea sounds good - do whatever comes to you as you draw :)

Probably lighter armor.

Thanks again! :)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Aaaaarrrrt stuuuuuffffffsssss!  And it's actually requests this time!  :D

  I haven't finished Henri yet (I haven't had the correct materials and reference pictures every time I go to draw him :P), but here's Artaforr!

  I drew him with really long hair because why not?  Artistic license.  ;D
  Ambreennnn!  He has really giant feet, for some reason, but he was still pretty fun to draw.  (And yes, he's rather thin; this is intentional.  My style is starting to shift from (kinda) realistic proportions to slightly thinner and longer than normal, so... yeah.)

  Only one thing here for miscellaneous stuffs, but it's a mini sketch dump for two post-apocalyptic characters that I doubt I'll actually write anything for, but had a fun time creating.  (Bigger image)

  The staff-wielding boy is Shen, a mute conjuration and destruction mage who is too kind for his own good (despite his creepy appearance), and the katana-wielding one is Nerual (Lauren backwards), a cross-dressing woman who hides her femininity (that's a fun word) because she's one of the last remaining women on the planet, and is constantly harassed for this.  They're a fun duo, but again, I don't think I'll ever actually write a story for them.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Yeah, not how I envisioned Artaforr at all. He was basically supposed to be a massive anthropomorphic cat with huge muscles. Very stocky, not thin. The kilt is unneccesary though. I haven't really and probably am not going to delve into demonic physiology in BR but they don't reproduce sexually. That would be basically impossible due to the sheer variety of forms an infernal being can take. Some even shift form whenever they please and some, such as The Innocent, appear differently to each individual observing them. Demons, or at least sentient ones, are children of the mind, not the body; they form from a connection between the consciouses of two demons and then basically fade into existence. The physical form of demons who keep the same appearance generally reflects the nature and personality of the demon. Artaforr for example is a cat, this represents not only his cunning and guile but also his self-serving and independent nature. By contrast, the Night Prince is kind as represented by his humanoid form and angelic wings. Horns generally designate that a demon is of the gentry or even royalty.

Ahem, apologies for the demonology.

Ambren is very cool, as are your PA duo.

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Woah, Rain: that stuff is awesome (A-w-e-s-o-m-e ;D).

I wish I could draw like that... also, did you draw your profile pic yourself? I can't help but staring at the thing for about an hour every time you post XD
~Please be sure to join us if ever you are passing~.

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Wow, these drawings are all so cool! I could never draw as good as you do, how long does it normally take you to finish one?

Oh, and, I was wondering if you could draw Jackie from Sky's Crossover RP? I can post a better description of her, if you want.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on June 26, 2015, 12:52:02 AM
Yeah, not how I envisioned Artaforr at all. He was basically supposed to be a massive anthropomorphic cat with huge muscles. Very stocky, not thin. The kilt is unneccesary though. I haven't really and probably am not going to delve into demonic physiology in BR but they don't reproduce sexually. That would be basically impossible due to the sheer variety of forms an infernal being can take. Some even shift form whenever they please and some, such as The Innocent, appear differently to each individual observing them. Demons, or at least sentient ones, are children of the mind, not the body; they form from a connection between the consciouses of two demons and then basically fade into existence. The physical form of demons who keep the same appearance generally reflects the nature and personality of the demon. Artaforr for example is a cat, this represents not only his cunning and guile but also his self-serving and independent nature. By contrast, the Night Prince is kind as represented by his humanoid form and angelic wings. Horns generally designate that a demon is of the gentry or even royalty.

Ahem, apologies for the demonology.

Ambren is very cool, as are your PA duo.

  Well, I guess ya can't get 'em all right.  :P

  Yay!  At least I didn't mess up on Ambren!  :P  And thanks; they're both very fun to draw (especially Shen).  ^-^

Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on June 26, 2015, 01:03:20 AM
Woah, Rain: that stuff is awesome (A-w-e-s-o-m-e ;D).

I wish I could draw like that... also, did you draw your profile pic yourself? I can't help but staring at the thing for about an hour every time you post XD

  Thanks!  :D

  As I've said before, if you wanna learn to draw, the best way to start is to start drawing.  (I know, right?  Who woulda thought that if you started drawing, you'd improve after awhile?  ;D)  And no, sadly, I was not the genius who drew the adorable Eridan that is my profile picture.  I don't know who did, but they did it fantastically; it's probably my favourite drawing of Eridan ever.  ^-^

Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on June 26, 2015, 01:28:16 AM
Wow, these drawings are all so cool! I could never draw as good as you do, how long does it normally take you to finish one?

Oh, and, I was wondering if you could draw Jackie from Sky's Crossover RP? I can post a better description of her, if you want.

  Thanks!  :D  Well, you technically could if you put in enough time and effort...  (*Is very bad at receiving compliments*)  How long?  Oh, gosh, um... well, it depends on how detailed the character is and how many there are.  For a plain drawing with a plain pose, it could take me anywhere from a half hour to an hour.  If it's, like, three characters who're all wearing beautifully detailed armour and are interacting with each other in complex poses, it could take me anywhere from two or three hours to a couple days.  Or there's the selfie drawing I drew a few weeks ago that took me about two weeks of off and on drawing.  But generally it takes me somewhere between one and two hours to do one request, if I'm hard at work the entire time.

  Draw Jackie?  Of course!  Although I'm already technically drawing her, but just a headshot.  If you wanna post a more descriptive description, that's cool with me; if not, I'm sure I'd be able to manage off the one you gave in the Crossover RP OOC thread.  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


 :o I was thinking about 20 minutes at the most. Not... hours. Wow, that's really cool!

I think the one I already posted is detailed enough, though I do have one thing to say about the nose ring. It's a silver hoop in her left nostril, I forgot to specify that in the character sheet  :P would you be able to draw her with her daggers out in a fighting position and her wings spread, or maybe just flying?
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.