
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Ashleg, February 19, 2016, 02:21:48 AM

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What IS this place?

A true treasure trove.
The ocean.
I like running.


Join me, shall you?!????
Groddil is my deputy!
We have hot cocoa, jigsaw puzzles, and a whale named Rob, and we're gonna take over Loamhedge!!

Also, I'm a cannibal pine marten...Fear me.

[Today at 02:11:32 am]  * Ashleg cries
[Today at 02:11:35 am]  * Groddil eats a Ghost-Ashleg-Cookie
[Today at 02:11:45 am] Ashleg: Pine Marten doesn't taste good anyway!
[Today at 02:11:55 am] Groddil: tastes like a mixture between ectoplasm and nothing
[Today at 02:12:14 am]  * Ashleg sobs
[Today at 02:12:15 am] Groddil: . . .
[Today at 02:12:15 am] Mhera: Really? When I first joined I PM'd Soren first thing, because I couldn't find the post button for forever :P
[Today at 02:12:17 am] Groddil: Ashleg...
[Today at 02:12:26 am] Groddil: What pine marten tastes like...
[Today at 02:12:26 am] Groddil: how do you know...
[Today at 02:12:35 am] Groddil: Oh dear..
[Today at 02:12:35 am] Russa Nodrey:  *Flies around on a magic carpet*
[Today at 02:12:42 am]  * Groddil shoots down MAGIC CARPET
[Today at 02:12:42 am] Ashleg: I... I might've...
[Today at 02:12:45 am] Lady Amber: ...
[Today at 02:12:54 am] James Gryphon: And then all you should have to do is type in a verification code.
[Today at 02:12:59 am]  * Groddil looks at Ashleg, horrified
[Today at 02:13:00 am] James Gryphon: It shouldn't lock you out completely.
[Today at 02:13:12 am] Russa Nodrey: *Groddil misses*
[Today at 02:13:24 am] Ashleg: There was a...a reason I was the only pine marten for a while...
[Today at 02:13:25 am] Groddil: . . .
[Today at 02:13:32 am]  * Perifæn tries to jump onto flying carpet.*
[Today at 02:13:35 am]  * Groddil locks Ashleg in a cage
[Today at 02:13:47 am]  * Groddil bludgeons Ashleg with a cucumber
[Today at 02:13:48 am] Ashleg: NOOOO!!!1
[Today at 02:13:50 am] Perifæn: Isn't he dead?
[Today at 02:13:54 am]  * Groddil draws sunflowers on Ashleg
[Today at 02:13:56 am]  * Lady Amber runs after the flying carpet.
[Today at 02:14:03 am]  * Lady Amber jumps on.
[Today at 02:14:07 am]  * Groddil feeds Ashleg's corpse to his geraniums
[Today at 02:14:14 am] Ashleg: I'm alive again--AAAARGH! NOT SUNFLOWERS!!
[Today at 02:14:14 am]  * Lady Amber pushes Russa off.
[Today at 02:14:18 am] James Gryphon: How violent.
[Today at 02:14:20 am] Groddil: Ashleg makes amazing fertilizer
[Today at 02:14:32 am] James Gryphon: Well, I'm off. Don't wreck the place while I'm gone.
[Today at 02:14:36 am]  * Lady Amber rides off into the sunset.
[Today at 02:14:42 am]  * Lady Amber is happy.
[Today at 02:14:45 am] Groddil: behold, the giant geraniums
[Today at 02:14:55 am] Ashleg: I WILL EAT ALL THE PINE MARTENS!!
[Today at 02:14:59 am] Groddil:
* A fifty-foot geranium steps on Lady Amber
[Today at 02:15:08 am]  * Ashleg rattles the bars of the cage
[Today at 02:15:16 am] Ashleg: Let me out!
[Today at 02:15:17 am] Groddil:
* A fifty-foot geranium eats the cage whole
[Today at 02:15:22 am] Mhera: Bye James!
[Today at 02:15:30 am] Groddil: bye James
[Today at 02:15:31 am] Ashleg: !!!
[Today at 02:15:39 am] Mhera: Thanks for the help!
[Today at 02:15:40 am] Perifæn: Bye James.
[Today at 02:15:52 am] Groddil: Enjoy your vacation inside the fifty-foot geranium
[Today at 02:15:59 am] Russa Nodrey:  *Eats*
[Today at 02:16:12 am] Russa Nodrey: Bye, James.
[Today at 02:16:19 am] Perifæn: @Ash aren't you a pine martin?
[Today at 02:16:50 am] Ashleg: I am.
[Today at 02:16:53 am]  * Groddil grows more fifty-foot geraniums
[Today at 02:16:58 am] Ashleg: ...
[Today at 02:17:06 am]  * Groddil crosses geraniums with crocodiles. Somehow. Don't ask.
[Today at 02:17:06 am] Lady Amber: Wait, I got eaten by a huge flower?
[Today at 02:17:11 am] Ashleg: *does a crooked smirk*

Here's our flag, made by the wonderful LT Sandpaw!


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Time for the initiation! *knocks DELTHION into a flaming pool of hot cocoa*


Don't forget the Giant Crocogeranium the size of Alaska currently in the Mariana Trench.


I think that we should kick Del out and Ashleg's horde will be Ashleg, Groddil, Sand, and me.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


I thought you were an enemy though, Sage. You attempted to destroy the horde at Redwall.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


You attacked us with a star destroyer. YOU DESTROYED MY SHOP!!!!!


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


I do not care. YOU DESTROYED MY SHOP!!!

* Groddil is enraged.

* Groddil attacks Sagetip with a squeaky hammer


What can I do to prove that I'm on your side?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Rebuilt Groddil's Ye Olde Magicks Shoppe. Bigger and better than ever. Install a special thingy so that if the Shoppe is destroyed, either directly or indirectly, by you, you die as well.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


My shop! It's perfect!!!

* Groddil appears behind counter.

"Welcome to Groddil's Ye Olde Magicks Shoppe! We sell just about anything you can think of, and also offer a special deal to feed your enemies to the giant crocogeranium!"


Yay!! The shop is back!
I'd like a Princess Kurda plushie and some lemonade..