
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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What's Happening?

Started by Skyblade, June 05, 2016, 06:53:48 PM

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LT Sandpaw

"Hey, hey, now wait a second mouse." Sandpaw yelped backing away from Fatch. It was only then that he remember his sword, and he grabbed the hilt defensively. "I'll draw this blade if I have to, and I had nothing to do with the sky vanishing! I'm a little concerned myself you know." Sandpaw fidgeted nervously, he wasn't entirely convinced that the mouse was bluffing about wanting to ear him. One could never be too sure out here.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Aimless Gallivanter

Galli laughed, but it fizzled out as she realized they were serious.
"Whoa hey guys calm down. Fatch, you got here just before the rat did, theres no reason to think you werent behind Skyblades disappearance. But trust me, it's no big deal. Do you remember how we arent supposed to be here? Sky was having a hard time, I'm glad she got to go home. I don't know how, or why, but whatever. Maybe she'll come back. Our best bet, though, is getting to Loamhedge." Galli wasn't one to freak out over things. She couldn't do anything about it, anyway.
im gay!!!!!!

Fatch of Southsward

Fatch nodded slowly, allowing Galli to turn away.

"Right, right of course... That makes sense."

When her back was turned he made biting and gnawing motions, as though he was holding an invisible chunk of mutton, at Sandpaw, before turning to continue along the road.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~

Aimless Gallivanter

Galli had turned to Sandpaw. "So whatre you doing around here?" She had a sneaking suspsicion he was in the same boat as the rest of them.
im gay!!!!!!

Rosie Willowwater


The Skarzs

OOC: Sorry! I've been meaning to post for a while! I really want to finish this too.

BIC: Lord Keterus came right up to them, and Skarzs stood and bowed in respect, though after he found he was a full two heads taller than the badger, he wondered if it was more threatening than respectful.
  "I told you he was bally big, sah," said the officer out of the side of his mouth. Skarzs sighed inwardly at the attention his size was getting him.
  Keterus looked at the four for some time, seeming to ignore the hare at his side. It was as if he was remembering something as he saw them, and Skarzs began to feel somewhat uncomfortable at the thought, but at the same time, curious if he knew anything about them they didn't.  "Welcome to my mountain, friends," he said with a curt smile. "If you have eaten, I would like for you all to come with me."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dotti Dillworthy

Dotti curtsied in front of the approaching Badger Lord, ignoring the doubting thoughts that kept racing in her brain. Her plain but pretty face translated the budding confidence as she smiled at him. "Well, good day, sah! I'm pretty new here in this jolly ol' place..."
About a few meters away from the haremaid were her two companions Amadeus and Tirzah, the former being stood up in a smart salute, while the latter being up to her secret gossip business with her fellows. The haremaid had diverted her attention away from them to focus on the important guest.

Upon hearing the badger's words of welcome and his request to come with him, Dotti couldn't help but being overwhelmed at the thought of being welcomed at the mountain. The feeling of shock stunned her for a while, then replaced by unbridled joy.

"Oh, thank ye, jolly good sah!" she shouted as she quickly strode into his side. "Oh well, I just came like a leveret and ye welcomed me here? Top hole, sah, wot!"

LT Sandpaw

Standing shocked for a moment at Fatch's action, Sandpaw realized they were leaving him behind and hurried to catch up. The rat walked with Galli, making sure to keep the badger Ash, in-between him and Fatch. There was something definitely off with that mouse.
"I don't know," He said truthfully to Galli's question, keeping pace with her. "I kinda am, and always was if that makes any sense. I know this might sound crazy, but I feel I need to go somewhere, and preferably where there's no crazy foxes, or bloodthirsty mice. I've seen a few too many of those." He cast a meaningful glance towards Fatch.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Rosie Willowwater

Rosie pulled herself up from the floor and stood behind Dotti, too shy to introduce herself. She almost fell over onto Dotti again but balanced herself. She didn't know why she felt so out of it. She just felt exhausted even though she had had more than enough sleep. Maybe it was just stress or something.

Aimless Gallivanter

"We're on a quest of our own, heading to Loamhedge tonmaybe get some answers. I dunno what Fatch is doing though, to be honest. We just met him." Galli glanced back at the other mouse. "He's following us, so I guess he is coming too." She shrugged. "What a merry band we make."
im gay!!!!!!

Lady Ashenwyte

Ashenwyte had kept silent for the whole time. "Nice to meet you, Sandpaw. You seem to be a good beast, not like others of your kin."
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

"Loamhedge," Sandpaw said the word slowly, it rang slightly, as if it was some obscure term he had heard before. "That sounds like as good a place as any to go, that is if we don't find anywhere better to stop first. Perhaps you'll consider me a part of ya'lls merry band?" He faked laughed encouragingly, stopping immediately when Ashenwyte spoke.

"Ah yes sir, thanks, I guess." He said on instinct to the much larger badger. "I'd hope that my kin aren't all bad, but, but you know us rats eh, troublemakers at heart. Heh heh, so um." He ambled along glancing around at the surrounding trees. "Do ya'll know where this Loamhedge is? We seem to be heading more or less southwest as far as I can tell..."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lady Ashenwyte

"No need for any formality here. Call me Ash, Sandpaw." Ashenwyte said, continuing "We have a map of Loamhedge, but I fear it may have become inaccurate with time. I did speak to the Abbey Gatekeeper, a venerable and very wise mole, who mentioned that a group of creatures, led by two travellers known as Sarobando and Bragoon, travelled there many seasons ago, so the journey's not impossible."
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Faiyloe stood up but she didn't bow, she merely nodded in respect. As the badger lord analyzed them she looked him over, taking him all in, her fleeting glance scanning his face and then his cloaths, his large hands, and then back to his face. His large nose, striped face and dark eyes. Her eyes never staying in one place too long so as not to seem like she was staring. She evaluated him coming to a conclusion as to who he might be within the space of a few seconds but resolved to let him prove himself. She followed with a silence fueled by curiosity, not of where he was taking them or what he knew but of who he was.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

LT Sandpaw

"Not impossible," Sandpaw summarized with a slight sniff. "That's encouraging I suppose, I mean if these chumps Sarobando and Bragoon did it all that time ago, I see no reason why we couldn't." The rat walked in silence for a short time, kicking a pebble along the road. He looked up as a new thought came to him.
"Hey you don't suppose I could take a quick peek at that map maybe?" He suggested with a hopeful shrug. "I think I'm pretty good at path finding an' stuff. It wouldn't hurt nothin' even if I can't make heads nor tails of it." He gave his own tail a little swish, at the same time remembering it was there. He smiled contemplatively, it seemed almost useless, yet he couldn't imagine a world without it.


Should we meet up with the Salamandastron group at some point? Somewhere way down the line I suppose, we could get sidetracked from our journey by vermin or something.

Also, #ReferencetoPoMFanFiction #KeepWriting

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro