RP || A Traitor Amongst Us

Started by MajorRagsdale, May 10, 2012, 09:30:47 PM

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Bragatogg barely had time to escape, recollecting himself he did a low hit slightly cutting Ardor's footpaw.


 Gluttven decided to eat lunch on top of a dune '' You can't walk on an empty stomach wot''
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Wisteria Wild Cat

OOC: Sorry everyone, I'll try to come on everyday!

Parema gasped as she hurtled into Doletea. "Oh my, I'm terribly sorry, Doletea. I can't find Ardor! Oh, that young rip! I've looked everywhere I can think of... D ye think he ran off? Was he unhappy? Oh!" The poor haremaid broke down weeping bitterly, for she thought she had been a bad parent, and missed what had caused Ardor to leave.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


OOC: Next time, when fighting a character not controlled by yourself, it is up to them wether or not the attack lands, and hopefully they will play fair and allow the attacks which were well planned out hit.

BIC: Ardor winced as the blade sliced through the upper layer of skin. He could feel the warm trickle of blood seep out of the wound. Firmly clenching his teeth together, he brought the heel of his healthy footpaw down towards the back of the weasel's unprotected head.


Gluttcen got up and started to walk toward the mountain that got bigger every second .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


OOC: Okay, sorry

BIC: Bragatogg went rolling on the ground, getting up he charged, slicing sideways at Ardor


OOC: Its totally fine, just as long as someone doesnt do something like "Soandso ran at thatotherguy and stabbed him in the stomach and he died the end I win lolumad?" but what you did was fine :P

BIC: Ardor sidestepped the attack. Pulling a knife from his belt, he aimed, and threw it straight at true at the exposed knees of his skirmisher.


Bragatogg jumped only to by hit in the footpaw, falling to the ground, he got up and did a doublesided move at is stomach.


Comforting the nurse she said compassionatly,"Don't worry Parema you always took great care for that ferret and I ever wonder why. That you rip probably left for an adventure. He'll probably come back when hes low on food, most young rips do. If it makes you feel better I and maybe a search party could go and look for him. I'll have to ask the badger Lord though."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Quote from: MajorRagsdale on May 12, 2012, 02:59:17 AM
OOC: Not to be rude Dannflor, but its a little hard to read your statements. If you could use quotation marks when youre character speaks, as well as commas to add emphasis, that would be wonderful.

BIC: Ardor turned to answer Bragatogg.
"Thank you, I was taught by the Long Pa-" he stopped himself in mid scentence. He could not let the weasel know that he was aligned with the valiant hares. His mind churned for a suitable response.
"Long what?" asked a nearby pine marten, who smirked menacingly at the ferret.
"Long Paw Warriors" said Ardor as he wiped a bead of sweat that was trickling down the back of his neck.
"Never heard of 'em" replied the pine marten as he shrugged and walked away.
Ardor breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the fire. As night began to fall, the army packed their tents and prepared to move out. Only fate new what the next day would bring...

OOC: I ended my paragraph this way because I wont be able to post until 2:00 PM EST tomorrow. Have fun everyone ;D
OOC I am not so good at punctuation but I will try

BIC Gluttven was not going to make it to Salamandastron before the track's he was following so he lay down on the dunes and sang a quite ballad

                  '' Ohh my pudding and salad
  that is why I sing this ballad
   so meee oh my
   you make me cry

              OOOOMPH  he rolled down the dune
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Ardor was hit hard in the chest and the pair went sprawling backwards into the sand. As Ardor rolled onto his back, a shadow spread over his face. Krandor stood there, looking down at the pair, looking like a giant predator waiting for the kill. He spoke.
"What are you two doing..."
"We were just practicing sir!"
Ardor said as he leaped up and brushed himself off.
"We were going to stop before anyone was hurt."
Krandor looked dissaprovingly at the pair. Then he turned his attention to Bragatogg.
"You!" he snapped, "My tent, now!"


 Gluttven was never in his whole life so hungry he sighed '' Let's hope we makes it to the mountain before supper wot '' he said as he patted is empty stomach he stood up and walked toward Salamandastron that was like a full grown Dragon already .
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


"Yes sir!" He said running to get his master's tent.


The warlord and the weasel walked across the camp to the large tent in the center. Krandor pulled back a flap and the pair entered.
"Sit down, please." Krandor said, beckoning to a comfortable looking armchair.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Hmmmmm.... Seeing as how only a few hours worth of progress have been made, Ploota isn't much closer to the Mountain. BIC:

Ploota was a little worried, the way he was going was infested with disgusting taods from the marsh lands here abouts. He'd have to press forward doggedly and hope for the best...

OOC: Sorry for not being around much.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This