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The Blade of Noonvale. A tale from Redwall

Started by AbbotAlf0805, May 28, 2012, 03:31:25 PM

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Ch. Seven

        From the great mountain Slamandastron, Home of the badger lords, the Long Patrol regiment was mobilizing at the foot of the mountain while in side the great fortress Lord Boar II was planning with his generals.
"Well so were has Devilrat gone now?" asked Boar.
"We think he has taken over our settlement/bazaar in Mossflower," said a hare general.
Then the badger lord banged his paw on the table and said, "what are we doing to take it back?!"
"Nothing right now milord but-"
"But nothing!!! We will gather the troops and head for Mossflower imeadiatly!" yelled the badger in anger.
"Yes Lord Boar..." said the hare leaving the room.
"Hmmm..." said Boar to himself in his private room looking at a map, "I've heard reports of creatures fighting the vermin already... Now who could that be?" As he looked at his map he saw a little red fort that said, Redwall Abbey, under the picture. "Ahhhh so now I know who has been fighting Devilrat... The Redwallers!"
Then the Great Badger Lord of Salamadastron went out on a balcony to speak to his army,
"Great soldiers of Salamandastron! We march to Redwall Abbey to free the land of Devilrat and his horde! We will fight for the Redwallers, the woodlanders, and ourselves!!" A large yell went throughout the whole mountain, "EULALLIA!!!!!!!!"

        As the Long Patrol and Lord Boar II travelled closer to the abbey, Mattimeo made his way through the woods to find his wife. As he walked through The woods he heard voices. He got down on the ground and crawled over towards them. He peeked out from behind a bush and saw three rats standing in front of a wooden building with a sign that said, "Rusty Mace Tavern"
"Well I'll be an adders uncle. I've never heard of a tavern in Mossflower." said Mattimeo a he got up and walked over. The rats rats gave him a strange look and walked away. He walked in and saw a strange view. It was a rustic tavern with mostly shrews with some rats here and there. They were drinking ale and brawling. Mattimeo walked up and dodged a bottle that flew by his head then said to the bartender, "Some October Ale please." the dirty shrew turned around and handed him a mug, " 'ere ye go mate." then went back to his work. Mattimeo then drank it and left the Tavern as a shrew was flung right by his face by another shrew. He walked out and the three rats he saw were back and said,
"Well well well if it isn't Mattimeo, son of the Redwall warrior.... Get 'em boys," as they attacked him. Mattimeo pulled out his sword and slashed the first one across the chest. Then the next one swung at him with his mace. Mattimeo blocked it with his sword and then stabbed him in the stomach. Then the leader tried to jab him with his pike and Mattimeo dodged it and cut it in half. The rat was shocked by this and Mattimeo swung his sword at him and cut off his head.
"Well that was.. Unexpected..." said Mattimeo putting away his sword and was beginning to leave when he heard somebody say, "Hoi!"
"Who said that," said Mattimeo as he pulled out his sword again. Then a shrew with a small sword said, "Oi know you! Your Matthias's boy Mattimeo! My father served with your father in the wars with Cluny the Scourge and fought Slagar the Slaver."
"Are you the son of Log-a-log of the Guosim?" said Mattimeo anxiously. "Yes I am." said the shrew.
"So your name must be.."
"Yup Log-a-log"
"Nice to meet you Log-log but I'm in a real hurry and I must leave." said Mattimeo walking away. "Wait for me!" said Log-a-log running up to him, "I'm coming with you if you like it or not. For the Guosim issued a new law that if any shrew met a relative of Matthias that was in need of help he or she must help them."
"Well I'm welcome of your company Log-a-log," said Mattimeo as the two new found friends were off.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


rakkety tam

alright cool also like the others but i would have said the two NEW FOUND friends were off just a suggestion
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

rakkety tam

rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace




Ch. Eight

     At Redwall Matthias never left Warrior's Cottage and no one dared disturb him for fear that he might go into anthor bloodwrath. All the archers were on the walls ready to fight while the rest of the men braced the gate. Abbot Alf was trying to ignore the thought of battle and Sister May was getting the dibbons into the dormitories. of Then one guard fell over with an arrow in his chest.
"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!!" yelled the guards as more arrows wizzed by.
Then they saw the huge vermin army. Jess squirell thought that it was bigger than Cluny's army and the army of Malkariss combined. They had all sorts of weapons of war, battering rams, seige towers, catapults, and balistas.
"Well i'll be an adder's uncle..."
"Oi loik ot all thoit!"
"Well shiver me timbers matey..."
The catapults and balistas got to work the moment the army emerged demolishing redwallers by the tons. The battering rams went up to the gates and began banging on the doors. They had so many as soon as the redwallers would destroy one another one took it's place. The seige towers carried about one hundred vermin each and they would go right up to the walls, drop down a bridge and the vermin would pour out. They would drop of their troops and go back for more as another one took it's place. The cycle of seige towers seemed almost endless and by noon the vermin already took most of the walls. Then the great gate gave way and they spilled in killing the redwallers at will. They pushed the redwallers back to the keep were they had a very bloody battle. The redwallers were wondering, "were is Matthias? Shouldn't the great Redwall Warrior be helping?" Then the vermin were going to brake into the Warrior's Cottage when the doors opened and Matthias came out in full battle armor and was fighting the vermin of in a bloodwrath. Then Ragals the Assassin came up behind him while he was fighting the vermin. He heard Martin's voice in his mind, "Matthias... I am that is...."

          Then Matthias turned around to see Ragals swing a sword at him and knock his helment off. Matthias swung his sword at him only to be blocked by Ragals's shield. Ragals then swung his  sword at Matthias's legs but the warrior jumped up and suwng at Ragals across the face. But Ragals swung his head back to dodge it and then his hood flew off. Matthias then knew it all. "Slagar!?! I thought you were dead!!!" said Matthais dodging a strike from the assassin. "I am dead MATTHIAS!!!" said Ragals blocking a swing from Matthias with his shield. Matthias was shocked, "How is he dead?!" thought to himself. Then the  redwallers saw their warrior fighting the enemy and they did a counter-attack. They pushed the vermin back to the gates. Ragals looked at his men and said, "fall back men retreat!" Then the vermin ran from Redwall back to there base.

      The Redwallers cheered for their hero as he saved Redwall Abbey. "That should teach 'em!" yelled Orlando as they cheered for their warrior. "They will be back," said Matthias to the redwallers, "We must prepare for the next attack." Then the redwallers went to work on repairs. Then Matthias got on the wall and looked over the war torn Mossflower, "How is he dead?"                  
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.


I have to take time to read it!  :-\ Seems really good!



Ch. Nine

         In Mossflower Woods Log-a-log and Mattimeo made their way through the forest headed for the bazaar to find the others. They reached the outskirts of the bazaar and began watching the activity there. They were surprised that the city Devilrat wanted for his capital.
"We will need some sort of distraction so we can look for Tess and any other Redwallers that are here." said Mattimeo to Log-a-log. Then Log-a-log cupped his hands around his mouth and let out a very loud,
"What are you doing?" said Mattimeo, "Do you want to give away our position!" But then to his surprise as soon as he said that tons of shrews came out of the woods and attacked the vermin. They caught the vermin by surprise and the beginning of the fight went well for them.
"Well that would work," said Mattimeo to Log-a-log. Then they ran to the area that looked like the slave compound. They snuck by the battle and crept right up to the compound. They looked for a cell that held the Redwallers. They finally found a cell that had a Redwaller in it. There was a rat holding a canteen trying to get water down Tess's throat. Mattimeo snuck up behind the rat to kill him. Tess didn't see him come up behind him and was trying to avoid the water.
"Come on you stupid mouse! Hold sti-!" said the rat just as Mattimeo stabbed him through the chest.
"Mattimeo !" said Tess as he helped her up. "Oh Mattimeo! I missed you!" she said as she hugged him and he hugged back. Then Log-a log came in and said to Mattimeo, "Uh Matty we might want to get out of here! The shrews are suffering heavy losses!"
"But Mattimeo both our mothers are here as well!"
"I'm sorry Tess but we must leave now." said Mattimeo as he ran out of the cell with them. When they got outside Log-a-log yelled, "Guosim brothers! Retreat!" Then all the shrews along with the two Redwallers escaped into the woods.
"You idiots!" yelled Devilrat storming out of his tent, "You let them escape! Fools! I'm surrounded by fools!"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

rakkety tam

i realy liek it cant wait till the next one
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace



Ch. Ten

       In Redwall the defenders fought off many of Devilrat's attacks but were getting weaker and weaker. The Dibbuns were usually in the cellar instead of the dormitories and they had guards around Martin's Tapastry for fear that the enemy might try to steal it. Tim Churchmouse was in the kitchen gearing up for a journey.
"Tim you really shouldn't go alone. You might be caught by Devilrat's press gangs." said Abbot Alf handing him a bag of food.
"I'll be fine father abbot. When I get to the otter tribes down south I will ask for help to fight off the invaders." said Tim putting the pack on his backpack.
"Be safe sir." said Rollo Bankvole Tim's apprentice. "Dont worry Rollo I'll come back." said Tim putting his hand on his shoulder. Tim went to the back abbey doors and Tim looked at Abbot Alf and said,
"Please father abbot keep the abbey safe."
"That I will Tim. Goodbye."
"Goodbye father abbot"
Then Tim was off. He was making good progress and made it to St. Ninians at sunset. "Well old girl I didn't think I would fing you still intact." looking at his old church home.
"Well this seems like a good spot to stay for the night." Tim set up his little tent and got a fire going. He had his dinner and went to bed. He woke up in the middle of the night and heard voices. He picked up his sword and said, "come out whoever you are!" Then the voices stopped. He slowly walked over to where the voices had been and looked around and saw no one around.
"Huh... Must have been my imagination." he said turning around. He saw a paw reach out and grab him and alot more grab him and tie him up. He was blind folded so he could not see where they were taking him. The next thing he saw was a great tree and one of the creatures that tied him up knock on the tree. Then a great figure opened a door and looked at the creatures and then at him. It then pointed into the tree and they drug him in. He then found himself in a great castlelike building and he could clearly see now that the creatures that tied him up were shrews. The great beast he saw was a badger. They dragged him to a prison cell and untied him. Then they through him in. He was in the cell for a few hours when the door opened and he saw Mattimeo and Tess. He jumped up and went to embrace them. They had a jolly time then Tim asked,
"What is this place?"
"Why you my friend are in Brockhall." said Mattimeo drinking some strawberry cordial.
"Brockhall? You mean THE Brockhall? Home of the badgers?" asked Tim very excited.
"Yup this is the place." said Mattimeo taking another swig of cordial.
"This is amazing! Ive always wanted to come here!" said Tim jumping up. "Well while the Redwallers have been fighting Devilrat we here at Brockhall have created, M.A.W., The Mossflower Alliance of Warriors. We have been fighting Devilrat as well as you have." said Mattimeo putting his mug on a table while a shrew refiled it for him.
"Well I dont know what to say... Redwall has nearly fallen several times and here you sit drinking around on the floor like corsairs!!" exclaimed Tim.
"Oh ya? Let's see who's drinking!" said Mattimeo jumping up out of his chair pulling out his sword. "You wouldn't dare!" said Tim getting up and pullig out his sword. "Stop it both of you!! Look at you!! Now you both are like corsairs!" said Tess jumping up, "I'm going to bed and I hope both of you can begin to act normal on your own!" as she left the room. Then they both sat down and talked.
"Well sorry about that Tim."
"I'm sorry too Matty"
"Well how much do you know about Noonvale?" asked Mattimeo. "Um a decent amount. Why?" replied Tim. "Well can you look through some of the old books here and tell me anything special about this sword?" said Mattimeo pulling out the sword.
"Well if you let me barrow the sword I might be able to find some thing."
"Thanks Tim I knew i could rely on you" said Mattimeo handing him the sword. "I'm going to bed now so when you want to go to bed just ask one of the shrews. They will show you to your room."  
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Ch. Eleven

        In Brockhall the GUOSIM had joined the MAW for defeating Devilrat. Mattimeo and Log-a-log were training the troops while Tim was doing research on the sword.
"Hm... So it was forged by Martin.... In memory of the maiden he loved, Rose of Noonvale.... Well i'll be an adder's uncle!" said Tim reading a book outloud to himself.
"The sword is said to hold the very spirit of Rose within the blade." as he put the book back he saw a very small and very old book that read, Hero's of Noonvale. He took it down and opened it to a chapter that said, The Sword He read it to himself outloud,
"The Blade of Noovale is a Sword crafted by a mouse named Martin of Redwall in memory of his loved one Laterose of Noonvale daughter of Uhrah Voh Chieftan of Noonvale. When he crafted it he built the Shrine of Noonvale here in Mossflower. He would go to it alone and think about her. He said it was the closest he got to being with her. He put the sword in a pedastal with the words, Rose ingraved into it. Over time the shrine was lost and the sword was still in the pedastal. Then the sword was found by a mouse corsair by the name of Felldoh Sparra and given to the Badger Lord Urthwhite who lost it one day to thieves who delivered it to Castle Marl. The world currently does not know of it's whereabouts." Then Tim closed the book and put it back but when he did a page fell out. He picked up the page and looked at it. It had writing that read,

He who is choosen to wield my blade must learn the sacred melody of Noonvale to bring Martin back in time of need.

"I must tell the others!" said Tim running outside to get Mattimeo. "Mattimeo! Come quickly!" running outside. Mattimeo ran up to him and said,
"What is it Tim? Did you find somthing important?"
"Yes it is Matty! Look at this!" showing him the piece of paper. Mattimeo read it and said, "Well knock me down.. We find this shrine and find out more. Log-a-log can you deal with Devilrat while I run a little errond?"
"That I can general!"
"All right then i'll get packed adn we can set out soon." said Mattimeo going inside. "I'm going with you Matty. I found out about the shrine and I want to see it myself." said Tim.
"I would love your company Tim." said Mattimeo putting his hand on his shoulder.
"No way am I letting you go again Mattimeo!" said Tess who was evsdropping.
"But Tess!"
"But nothing! i'm going with you!"
"All right dear you can come." said Mattimeo. They all got packed up and they set out the next day.


          "C'mon me harties! Get a move on!" yelled Cap'n Barbossa Sparra to his crew.
"We will never make it to the River Moss at this rate!" as he veiwed his crew from the bridge of his giant ship, The Black Abbey, headed for the River Moss. The Sparra family were the most feared cosairs on the seas. For generations they had captained the ship, The Black Abbey, and now Barbossa Sparra was headed for Mossflower Wood. He had just came back from pilaging the coast of the island Jima and had his eye set on Mossflower.
"Get those sails up! We need to reach Mossflower by nightfall!" he yelled going to his cabin. His crew worked as hard as they could through the storm. That night Barbossa woke up to somebeast yellng.
"land ho!"
Barbossa got up to the deck and looked at Mossflower and said, "I've arrived Mossflower!" laughing he got to the bridge and stared at the woods.  
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Ch. Twelve

             "So Tim do you have any clues on were this shrine might be?" said Mattimeo as they trekked through the woods. "Um... Well not really but I did read one book that said it was on the other side of the the River Moss." replied Tim looking at a map. "Can we take a break please!" begged Tess taking a drink from her canteen. "I guess we can stop for lunch." said Mattimeo taking off his pack and sitting down on the ground.
"We need to find a way to cross the river." said Mattimeo taking a bite of food.
"We could try Log-a-log bridge." suggested Tim. Mattimeo spit out his food and said, "That's right!" as he got his pack back on, "Come on let's go." Then they set back out for the bridge. Mattimeo and the others got to the bridge and saw a rat guarding the entrance. Mattimeo looked at Tim and said, "ok keep down and-" then the rat fell into the water screaming. They looked at Tess who had just thrown a rock with a sling.
"Good job Tess!" said Tim walking up to the bridge with Mattimeo and Tess. They crossed the bridge and heard a noise like somebeast yelling orders. They got to the other side of the bridge and hid in the bushes.

    Then four longboats came up the river filled with corsairs. Then they all jumped out of their boats and on to the shore. Their leader was a mouse dressed in black leather robe like garments and had a cutlass on his belt.
"Alright men spread out and bring anything of worth." then the men spread out in groups of ten. The cap'n then told the rest of the men.
"Wait here for the other longboats. Greath come with me." pointing at an otter he went off into the woods.
"Well we should try to avoid those brigands." said Mattimeo walking off with the others.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



Ch. Thirteen

        Barbossa made his way through Mossflower Woods with his otter first mate, Greath.
"Quick get down." wispered Barbossa as a M.A.W. patrol came by.
"There are to 'any shrews cap'n," said Greath as the shrews walked by.
"Aye Greath. that's the third one so far!" said Barbossa getting up and walking to their destenation. They snuck by the bazaar patrols and the guards at Brockhall. They arrvied at the road that led to Redwall Abbey.
"Almost there mate!" he said to Greath. "Blow the horn." Then Greath pulled out an ivory horn and blew it.


         Then in a few minetes all the men that were sent on shore with Barbossa showed up. They were mice, otters, squirrels, voles, shrews, even some moles and a big badger.
"Alright men we arn't sacking Redwall. we don't have bearly enough men to take Redwall. Even if we brought the rest of the men from the ship we couldn't do it. So get that out of ye heads. We are just going to walk up and i'm gonna do the talking." said Barbossa to his men. Then they left for Redwall. They arvied at Redwall just in time to see the Redwallers beat off one of Devilrat's attacks. They went right up to the gates and the badger (whose name was Bulk) banged on the abbey doors. Then arrows flew all over the place but all missed his men.
"What in the name of Vilu Daskar are ye doing!" yelled Barbossa, "we come in peace!" Then Matthias and Constance looked over the walls.
"Drop your weapons and you may enter!" yelled Matthias to them.
"Agreed!" yelled back Barbossa as they put down their weapons.
"Also only one may enter" said Matthias as the crew yelled back him,
"Not on my 'oul!"
"Aye not while we are 'till alive!"
"No men it's fine i'll go" said Barbossa. Then they opened the gates and let Barbossa in. He walked in and was amazed at the wonders of the abbey. They took him to the abbot's private chamber under the guard of Matthias.
"How can I help you young mouse?" said Abbot Mordalfus leaning back in his chair.
"I've come to offer my help. My crew and I have had a bad past with Devilrat." said Barbossa.
"so you just showed up to help? For no reason but that you hate him?" said Matthias.
"No, we do have another reason. We want to be paid." said Barbossa stroking his wiskers.
"How much and what?" said Matthias.
"Enough supplies to last us six months and 300 gold coins."
"Then so be it Mr.....?"
"Cap'n Barbossa Sparra."
"Alright Mr. Sparra"
"Cap'n Sparra"
"Ok Captain Sparra you will get your payment and you may bring in your crew into the abbey." said Abbot Mordalfus getting up from his chair. "Matthias please get his crew and Sister Elizabeth." said Abbot Alf as a young mouse maid about twenty seasons old came in and said,
"Yes father abbot?"
"Please show Captain Sparra to his room." said the abbot. "Come with me sir. I'll show you to your room" said Elizabeth gesturing Barbossa to follow. She led him by the tapestry of Martin the Warrior and he said, "Who is that?"
"That's Martin. He founded our order here at the abbey." said Elizabeth, "Now this is your room sir." pointing at a guest dormitory.
"Thank you maiden." said Barbossa as he steped into the doorway he turned around and said,
"So what was your name?"
"Elizabeth" she said smiling, "I have to work in the kitchens now." as she left he watched her go and said to himself, "Now she's a pretty one."
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.