The Stress-Relieving RP (For Those in the Tournament Only, Please)

Started by Rainshadow, March 30, 2013, 07:41:07 PM

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  OOC:  Hehe, this is so much fun!  ;D  And Warrior, I think you're doing just fine.  :)

  BIC:  Spera giggled with cruel delight, her white fangs gleaming in the bright moonlight that shone from a nearby window.  She caught the trifle platter with ease, due to months of practicing the art of fighting.  She had learned an excellent way of stretching to warm up each morning, which included climbing trees and hanging from her hindpaws, catching apples that were being thrown at her head.  Let's just say that she was a pretty good catch.
  Spera balanced the trifle in her left paw, once again giggling as she stepped closer to the weasel who'd previously been trying to eat said trifle.  Placing her dagger back in her belt, she moved the trifle to her right paw before reaching the paw backwards, then swinging it forwards, aiming for the hideous weasel's head.
  "Watch out, Mr. Weasel!" she shouted, grinning as she watched the trifle fly at the vermin.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tam and Martin

OOC: I'll try this RP out!

BIC: Sculrig sat peacefully at a table, his feet on it in a free manner. He sipped at his tankard of Blackcurrent wine while watching many other creatures enoying the feast. He sat back and suddenly downed the whole tankard in one go passing it to a hedgehog and saying,
"More please!"

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Golfar finally got herself up off of the floor after much slipping and slopping around and decided that when she got her feet back under her that she would have another round of cartwheeling as it was so much fun. However, something caught the corner of her eye, another tray of food! Oh boy!, and this one was not deposited all over the floor yet!  She decided to change directions in mid-stride and head over to it.  Halfway through her second step, though, off to one side she heard some beast say ""Watch out, Mr. Weasel!", turning to look just in time to see a trifle flying at her hitting her square in the face, smearing warm, sticky, yummy trifle everywhere.  She had to quickly wipe her nose and eyes in order to breathe and see so she could gobble up the rest of the pastry.

A brilliant idea occurred to her.  She ran over to the tray she saw earlier being carried into the room, snatching it away, "sorry mister, emergency and all that, you know", then taking up a defensive position behind the musicians which gave her a wide view of the crowd, shouted "FOOD FIGHT!" and started lobbing all sorts of dainty delicate morsels as missiles, each and every direction.
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!


Sora ducked as a scone zipped past her ear, glaring loathfully at it as if it had been a sharp projectile. Scowling, she kicked it up into the air and caught it skillfully, her eyes roaming the area for the culprit. It seemed to have come from the direction of musicians. A petite mouse struggling with a large cello was smacked squarely between the ears with the scone.
The albino princess chuckled darkly. "Well, you may not have hit the intended target, but the one you did hit seems to have sparked a war," she told Spera offhandedly. "This could be interesting."
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  Spera grinned, showing her gleaming teeth that had just been freshly filed down to sharp points.  This was going to be a fun fight.  Just like Spera to go and start up a fight at a party.  She'd been doing that for how many seasons?
  Walking over to the table, the blonde squirrelmaid picked up a bottle of seaweed grog and walked over to a mousemaid wearing trousers.  She knew that this was one of her most hated 'friends' named Liv, her sort of roommate.  The mouse was one of the most annoying creatures that Spera knew, so this would feel very good.
  With a strong swing, Spera brought the bottle down on Liv's head, applying enough force that it would shatter upon impact with the mousemaid's skull, causing great pain as well as disgusting grog to come down upon her head.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Farril walked over to Liv. "Don't be mean!" He said to Spera. He started to lick the grog off of Liv's head.

OOC: That was really weird... but my character is stupid, so...  ;D


Liv screamed as the bottle came down on her head. She sat there stunned for a moment trying to figure out what just happened. When her vision cleared she saw Spera standing over her with an evil grin. How she hated her roommate! She had been forced to share her room when Spera and her family had arrived on the cloud. They spent most of their time either ignoring each other or tearing each other's fur out!
Liv stood quickly and threw a platter full of scones at her face - not because she was really aware of the food fight, but because a platter seemed a painful thing to be hit with.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


  Spera gave her roommate a horrified look at the platter smashed into her face, knocking her off her footpaws.  How dare the mouse do that to one so pretty?!
  Quickly getting back up and steadying herself, Spera wiped the scone crumbs off her face, looking for something to use as a weapon of sort.  She spied a pot full of hotroot soup, an otter's favorite meal.  Grinning wickedly, she snatched the pot and brought it down upon Liv's head, the fiery soup pouring out.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Seeing that the food fight had gotten many beasts nice and sticky, especially because of those who decided on a more liquid weapon like soup and such, and because the food was running out, Golfar had another brilliant idea. Giggling to herself, [OOC:] really, this is odd! [BIC:] she raced around to all the couches and sitting areas where there might be any stuffed pillows.  Gathering them into a pile on one side, she would take one, rip open its side, and run through the crowd, sprinkling the feathers or whatever they were stuffed with all over the wet and sticky beasts like she was sowing seeds in a field, laughing madly all the while.  When her weapon ran out of material, she would circle around and reload by grabbing the next. In short order, one could hardly tell one beast from the next for all the fuzz, feathers and sticky goo.  "Now this is what I call a party!"
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!


Liv screamed as the hot liquid coursed down her face. She glared at Spera and opened her mouth to yell at the squirrel only to have it stuffed full of feathers. She stared at Golfar in shock for a few minutes...then considered joining her....until the soup got in her eyes! She screamed again at the burning sensation. In her fury, she threw caution to the winds and tackled Spera, screaming at the top of her lungs all the while.

OOC: It's kind of ridiculous how much fun I'm having with this.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


  Spera screamed in fury as the mouse tackled her, knocking her to the ground.  Hot, spicy soup was dripping from Liv, and it was burning the squirrelmaid's eyes.  She pinched them shut and started whacking the hot, soupy mess of an animal with the recently acquired pot, hoping to get the stupid creature off of her.

  OOC:  No, it's ridiculous how much I'M enjoying battering you with a pot.  ;D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!