
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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The Stress-Relieving RP (For Those in the Tournament Only, Please)

Started by Rainshadow, March 30, 2013, 07:41:07 PM

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  This is only for the members who are in the Crossed Swords tournament.  Please do not post here if you aren't in the tournament.  Thank you.

  In this stress-relieving RP, you use your tournament characters (whether they are a Sword or a crewbeast of the BloodSpine), except they are the exact opposite of the actual character.  Example:  If they are rather sad in the tournament, here they would be overly happy!  If they are cruel and selfish in the tournament, they would be kind and selfless.


  The stars dazzled in the night sky as the mansion, nestled in the billowy white clouds, floated along on a soft breeze.  The full harvest moon shone down on the mansion, which was filled with beasts of all species as they celebrated the coming of autumn.
  The long tables were filled with foods of all sorts, and each table had the kind of delicacies that the creatures of different customs would enjoy.  For the crewbeasts of the BloodSpine, there were many different types of grog, freshly cooked fish, and all sorts of foods they would enjoy.  For the Swords of Freedom, the table had strawberry fizz, October Ale, hot apple cider and many different varieties drinks, pasties, pastries, salads, and the like.
  A live band of goodbeasts and vermin played in the background, and a fox fiddled a lively tune, tapping his foot to the music.  A small crowd had gathered around them in the large room, and the beasts danced along.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Nevfae stood stiffly near a table of food, taking small bites of a scone between sips of her tea. She finished, dabbing her mouth daintily with a napkin and putting down her cup. Her clothes were in near-perfect condition. She walked to the edge of the dancing beasts and stood awkwardly to the side, hoping some handsome hedgehog would ask her to dance.


Liv strode around the crowd to where her parents were standing glaring at her.
"Where are your weapons? I thoight I told you to be prepared at all times!"
Liv chuckled and replied, "Oh, please! Why on earth would anyone attack us? And why would they choose to do so in the middle of a feast? Come now, Mother! Join the celebrations! Dance the niht away and forget your fears!"
Her Father frowned deeper, "I thought you were going to wear a dress tonight! Why are you wearing my clothes again?"
Liv looked down at her clothes. She had borrowed a pair of her father's pants and a shirt. Sure they didn't look very nice on her, but they were way more comfortable than the dresses her parents insisted were more becoming to a young lady.
"But my dresses are so hard to move in!" Liv whined, "Trousers are so much better!"
Her mother shook her head, "What are we going to do with you? You'll never be a proper warrior!"
"Fine by me! What use is a warrior during a feast?"
Liv laughed as she ran off to join the celebrations. She grinned as she sang along at the top of her lungs (much to everyone's dismay!)
She couldn't understand how anyone could be so dismal at such a great party!
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Sora Shirosaki watched her surroundings with narrowed pink eyes. Everybody is so happy, it makes me sick just looking at them.
*Sora came from a long line of princesses farther to the north. She was used to others serving her will and putting up with her ill temper. Parties and feasts were almost certainly at the top of her 'least favorite thing to do' list.
A youngster came scuttling by, stepping on Sora's white-furred footpaw. She bared her teeth and snapped, "Watch it!" The Dibbun scurried away with tears in its eyes, and Sora smiled to herself in cruel satisfaction

*-opposite backstory here, guys. Just clarifying.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  Spera stood in the shadows, glaring at the rest of the party members.  She hated parties.  She hated being in public, pretty much.
  Her mother walked up to her, spinning in circles to the beat of the song.  "Come on, Spera, join the party!  It's so fun!"
  Spera grumbled, saying something along the lines of, "Go away, I wanna be left alone."
  Her mother stopped dancing, folded her arms and glared back at Spera.  "You need to eat more, y'know.  You don't look good."
  Spera unsheathed her knife, walking over to the tables of food.  She picked up an apple, walking back to her mother.  She held up the apple, saying, "This is you."  She took the knife, skinning the apple.  Once the apple was no longer red, but the inside flesh was showing all around, she stabbed it repeatedly with her knife.  "Apples are rubbish."

  OOC:  Ouch, lol.  I didn't know it was possible to make Spera mean!  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: I won't make a long post for now

BIC: Gasher was in the middle of the feast, enjoying himself and laughing heartily.

OOC: Sorry but I don't have time.


  Spera's mother gasped in horror at what she had just done.  "Why would you do such a thing to a perfectly good apple?"  With that, Spera succeeded in getting rid of her mother.  The older squirrel strode away, disgusted as she looked for her husband.
  Spera smirked as she leaned against the wall, staring at the guests.  She was looking for somebeast who hated this party as much as her.  Maybe they could get together and mock the other guests!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: I haven't even started posting and this is hard!  :D :D :D HOW DO I DO THIS!? :D BIC:

Xbalantie was having the time of her life!... But what was wrong with Spera, the light hearted squirrel maid skipped over to her grumpy compatriot, and asked, "What'swrongwithyou?It'ssuchanicepartyhowcouldanybeastbeunhappy?" *gasp*
*gasp gasp*

OOC:Better hurry up and talk or she'll blow your socks off. :D
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  OOC:  Lol, that was hard to read.  :P

  BIC:  Spera glared at Xbalantie.  She didn't know why she was friends at all with this annoying squirrel.  Well, she knew her.  Spera didn't have friends.
  "Go 'way, Xbalantie," the sour squirrelmaid spat.  "Stop buggin' me!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Liv raced over to Xbalantie and just about yelled, "XBALANTIE!!!!! I've been looking all over for you! Isn't this party FANTASTIC!?!?!"
She turned to Spera. She had never liked the nasty squirrel. Why was she ruining the party for everyone else?
"Come one, Grumpy Pants! Loosen up! It's a party not a funeral!"
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Farril came from a very poor family who could not afford to send him to school. So, he pretended to be stupid all the time. He ran over to the table and picked up the punch bowl. He threw it against the wall with a crash of shattering glass. He got a tap on the shoulder from and elderly squirrel with glasses on her head. "Farril, stop breaking things!" She scolded. "And have you seen my glasses?" Farril replied, "I think I saw them over there" and pointed behind her. When she turned, he took her glasses and threw them out the entrance of the cave. He heard them being smashed on their way down to the beach*. "Oops! I guess they weren't there!" Farril said, walking away. He saw an angry squirrel being yelled at by an excited mouse. He walked over. "What is really, really, angry and has a red mark on their face?" He asked Spera. "You!" he said, and slapped her hard. SMACK! Farril walked away, chuckling dumbly.

OOC: This is kind of fun! ;D Great idea, Rainy.
*I always imagined the caves to be above the beaches a little bit, preventing the tide from coming in.


as the band of goodbeasts played and the fox fiddled, Golfar was swept away with the joy of good company, good food, and good music. She was so happy, she danced in a weaving pattern in and around the other beasts all by herself, without a care in the world, holding some wildflowers se saw growing by the entrance to the dance and every once in a while, bestowing one as a gift to a random beast she encountered while dancing. "Tra la la la la, and a merry feast to ya, sir! (or ma'am as needed)" and off she would go in her spin. Oh, what joy, not since her days as a younger beast in her parents village had she had such friends.

The course of her dance brought her towards some beasts gathered off to one side and slowing to catch her breath she exclaimed, "isn't it just great to have such good music, food and company!?"
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!


  Spera hissed at Liv, something that proper squirrelmaids never did.  But then again, she wasn't a very proper squirrelmaid, was she?  She was currently wearing a black dress with black trousers underneath, and had a necklace with fangs on it.  Definitely not something a squirrelmaid usually wore.
  When Farril slapped her, Spera immediately returned the favour with a swing at the annoying beast's jaw.  Even though she missed, she was sure that she'd gotten the message through his obviously thick skull.  "Stay outta my fur, ya hear me?"

  OOC:  Lol, this is very fun!  :D  Oh, and Plugg, thank you, but it wasn't all my idea.  Just a big idea we all had (though, yes, the swapped personalities was me and Ice ;)).
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Liv hissed back at Spera and stuck out her tongue before saying to Xbalantie, "We don't need Miss Grumpy Pants ruining our night! Let's go join the dance!"
With that she ran off to the center of the fancy ballroom where the dancers were twirling around to the fun music. She rarely missed a dance, even though she was probably the clumsiest creature in the room!

OOC: I'm having waaay too much fun with this.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


Farril looked  at Spera funny. "Does she think she's a snake? 'Cause she just hissed at me" he asked Xbalantie. "Be a nice snake, and slither away, or I'll have to hurt you!" Farril said, wagging a finger in Spera's face. He walked away and was plowed into by dancing Liv. "Oof!" He said, wiping out on the floor.

OOC: This is really fun and really odd at the same time! ;D