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Wildcats or Badgers

Started by Taggerung The Otter, November 27, 2011, 08:40:38 PM

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What beast is stronger


Taggerung The Otter

For GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotton SON so that whoever belived in him would not parish but live eternal life.

Oh yeah...buitiful verse... :D


If you mean in Redwall, its pretty apparent the badger is stronger.  Even beyond Redwall, badgers and other mustelids are very strong and aggressive despite their small stature.  I could see them scaring the wildcat into submission and looking for easier targets.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


i would go for badger in both reallife and redwall, in redwall they nomally have bloodwrath=kinda unstopable, and in reallife its harder to decide but i would go with badger cause they are normally bigger and more aggressive while a wildcat would pick an easier target


I voted for badger. Then I looked at a picture of a wildcat and was even more sure of my choice (wildcats look just like regular cats to me. I must have originally thought they were cougars). Cats are good ferocious hunters, but I'm sure badgers got their name for a reason as I hear they're aggressive.

And regarding Redwall, no contest. Badgers are walking tanks, and if it's a badgermum, then motherly instinct just adds to their danger.


In real life there really is no contest, badgers are just way ahead in strength due to the fact that they have to dig out their prey while wild cats will use their forearms to subdue much smaller animals like mice or rabbits.

In the books I actually think the wild cats may be stronger on average, granted the badger lords are usually incredibly strong creatures but there absolute prime specimens and I do recall some badgers being very gracile such as the she badger that accompanied Gorath. All the wild cats on the other hand seem to be naturally powerful and I don't recall any off them being physically inept save for Green eyes but he was ill.

Taggerung The Otter

Quote from: Lutra on November 27, 2011, 08:54:34 PM
If you mean in Redwall, its pretty apparent the badger is stronger.  Even beyond Redwall, badgers and other mustelids are very strong and aggressive despite their small stature.  I could see them scaring the wildcat into submission and looking for easier targets.

That is true but...In Lord brocktree the wildcat an the badger got intae a pretty even foght...until Lord Brocktree whopped his tail :D
For GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotton SON so that whoever belived in him would not parish but live eternal life.

Oh yeah...buitiful verse... :D


definetely badgers. Has any badger been killed single handedly in a duel? No? didnt think so. If you are gonna say ferahgo, he had an army to batter whathisname until all the badger could do is grab his enemy and JUUUUUUUMMMMMPPPPPP!
Martin single handedly killed tsarmina though.
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


Quote from: Gears on November 28, 2011, 03:41:16 PM
definetely badgers. Has any badger been killed single handedly in a duel? No? didnt think so.

Just because a badger hasn't been killed in single combat doesn't mean that they are stronger than wild cats, remember when big strong Gruven the first got killed by the average size Sawney or when Cluny the scourge got killed by Mathias who was much weaker than him?

QuoteMartin single handedly killed tsarmina though.

This example is really cherry picking since Martin was one armed and two one of the best fighters in the redwall universe while Tsarmina had to rely on her natural defenses and was never stated as being exceptionally big  for her species while ninety percent of the badger lords are much bigger than the average specimen.

Tiria Wildlough

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I'm not a hipster.


I just think badgers would be more sturdy.


@Sheep-From-The-Red-Hill: I think your wrong, Gruven was dim-witted and sawney was cunning, again matthias was probably guided by MTW in that fight, plus matthias had the best tactics and the sword of martin the warrior


It's pretty obvious badgers are stronger. Also, most have bloodrath.
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


Quote@Sheep-From-The-Red-Hill: I think your wrong, Gruven was dim-witted and sawney was cunning,

I know that but still it shows that greater strength doesn't always win the day.

Quoteagain matthias was probably guided by MTW in that fight, plus matthias had the best tactics and the sword of martin the warrior

Don't remember if that was true, its been a while since I read the book but again Matthias didn't win with greater strength, he won because he decided to drop a giant bell on him.

I also don't think its fair to say that badgers are stronger than wildcats because of their blood wrath since all there really doing is overexerting themselves, I am pretty sure a wildcat and a large badger lord are on equal strength under normal circumstances.

Captain Tammo

Well I voted wildcats but then saw it said stronger and not better, so badgers! Urthstrype (I think it's him) lifted a BOULDER!!!!! In salamandastron
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Badger without a doubt. IMO a better match up would be badger vs. wolverine as they where the strongest species on their respective sides. A wolverine was the only creature who I think could go up against a badger tooth to tooth and claw to claw and win.