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The seed has awakened.

Started by The Shadow of Korriban, February 14, 2020, 12:36:10 AM

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lass of something much

𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

shisteer of nothing much

*slips band off XanderSomething and gives him a smile, returning Lass' hug with one paw while signing his certificate of freedom*
Nice name, by the way. Go get something to eat.

Thank you. I must apologize in advance for when I kill you. I promised Ladyleaf that I'd see you destroyed and then dance on your grave for what you did. You seem to have changed since then but I cannot break my oath, so sorry. I don't have anything personal against you, other than what you deserve.

Thanks for telling me. I'd quite like to talk to you after all this is done, so hang around, please. This Ladyleaf sounds like quite the character. I think it's going to be her turn now.

I did hope I wouldn't have to remind you of this fact but you killed her fairly early on. I will never forgive you for that.

Fair enough. I wouldn't forgive myself for that either, if I had done it.

Are you denying what I witnessed? What everybeast here witnessed?

No, I'm not denying it at all. I'm sorry for the blood shed by my own paws and I want you to know such, even if it doesn't change your opinion of me.

Of course it won't ch-

Peace, Xander. She can't change deeds past. Go get some food and let the lady free as many of our comrades as possible before she changes her mind and becomes herself again. Lady Puawai, I thank you for the delicious food. I have not had such nourishment for a long while.

That's alright, dearie. I'm glad you enjoyed it, so I am. Do you want some more?

I'm fine, thank you. My stomach is not used to such a large amount of food as it is and I'm completely satisfied.

*finishes removing band from Yoofus Lightpaw and on the wall, exhausted* That's fifteen beasts freed. I don't think I can do anymore without a good sleep. You're all dismissed for the moment. I think Puawai had some other things she wants to take care of, probably the first of which is a good wash and some clean clothes. If you need anything, ask Puawai or any of her team. Cedric, where would I find a bed? Don't leave this building.

Down the corridor, fourth right.

Thanks. Goodnight, everybeast.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!


When I see Cedric I keep thinking of Cedric Diggory (no relation to Digory from The Magician's Nephew, besides one's a first name and one's a surname).
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

Kade Rivok

Well, I guess I'll just wait for Teer to be through.  Not much else I can do at the moment  *Kade thought to himself as he sat down.*
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!

lass of something much

*Hoiho is eating everything!*
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

One-Eye the wildcat

I just sat on the trigger switch for my nukes. We will die in five seconds.
"What will become of us? Where will we go, we who wander this vast wasteland in search of our better selves?"

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."
Long live the RRR!!

Sebias of Redwall

"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques <br /><br />"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly." <br /><br />"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."<br /><br />~JRR Tolkien<br /><br />Long live the RRR!

One-Eye the wildcat

"What will become of us? Where will we go, we who wander this vast wasteland in search of our better selves?"

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."
Long live the RRR!!

Sebias of Redwall

*Floats about, vaporized*
"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques <br /><br />"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly." <br /><br />"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."<br /><br />~JRR Tolkien<br /><br />Long live the RRR!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

lass of something much

Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on March 09, 2020, 02:23:53 AM
I just sat on the trigger switch for my nukes. We will die in five seconds.
*grabs axe*
harm my Bird, and you Die!
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

Ebantu the Kararehe

Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on March 09, 2020, 02:23:53 AM
I just sat on the trigger switch for my nukes. We will die in five seconds.
Silly child. Oh well, we all make mistakes.
Infant Ebby is a smol, out-of-control firebending terror. It's a good thing she's also quite cute.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

shisteer of nothing much

That was inconvenient. *flicks fingers and everything returns to normal* Now I need to start all over again. *begins freeing slaves*
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Kade Rivok

*Falls asleep in Teer's head.*
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!

lass of something much

well, that's just weird...
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱