OOC/Sign Up: Quest to Castle Floret

Started by DanielofRedwall, November 30, 2011, 09:32:44 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

Here's my vixen:

Name: Slashbrush
Age: 24-ish
Species: Fox
Gender: Female
Occupation: The warlord's second-in-command.
Description: She has reddish-gold fur, and wears a brown tunic and a red cape. She tends to put on airs sometimes.
My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.


 name  Fleetrunt
occupation A Warrior in training
species squirrel
Age 13 human years
  A warrior in training a bit rough sometimes but goes with the Long Patrol hares He is an expert with a sword and would slay a vermin with a wink of an eye but He needs training
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


That's fine, just next time please wait for me to accept before posting. Also read through the RP to see what is happening and make sure you post something wich relates to the topic. And please try use punctuation marks and try your best to spell correctly and use proper grammar.
Received mostly negative reviews.


 I know I really did not understand but now I do
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Request to join.

Name:                 Rannel Calaron
Age:                    25
Species:               Wolf
Occupation:          Presently none, traveling to see the sights. (a quester, if you'll allow)
Description/other: Rannel, or as he is frequently called, Cal, is a white wolf with dark streaks mixed softly into his fur which makes him look like a walking snowdrift with his winter coat and a lightly colored rock with his spring coat.  For a wolf, he is not very large; several unastute observers have called him a large fox.  To most observers he appears to be a run-of-the-mill type of creature, a simple traveler with no outstanding features to distinguish him from the crowd.  However, a sharp-eyed creature would notice that his traveling cloak is double sided, one side covered in shades of green, the other in light shades that would blend easily into rocks, snow, or very light sand.  His boots are travel worn, but in excellent condition. He has had some experiences of his own.  He carries a bag full of traveling supplies, a polished staff slightly taller than he is which is made of oak and rounded at both ends from use.  On his belt hangs a fencer's rapier and the companion main-gauche, though the sword and dagger are well covered by his cloak.  He has a ready smile and a fine tenor voice which he will out into use with only a little prodding.


I hope you get accepted though a wolf is too big in my opinion


Sorry, mate. I'm not really wanting a wolf in this RP. I'm too much of a "traditionalist" (I prefer species in Redwall). If you were to make him another species, then I'd accept you, because he sounds like a really interesting and well thought-out character. Nothing personal.
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Name:  Rugg Gurtclaw
Age:     24
Occupation:  Stonemason for Castle Floret
Description et al.:  Rugg Gurtclaw is the resident mole in charge of maintaining the walls and general structure of Castle Floret.  His fur is totally black when not covered in dirt from digging to stone dust from his masonry.  He is a sturdy beast, strong and dependable, rarely given to wild actions.  He is a champion wrestler, though he is very modest about it.  He always carries a staff made of an unknown wood. His staff has served him very well for years as a seemingly unbreakable lever and general tool for whatever he sees fit.  He carries a small hammer and chisel with him normally.
With things getting worse in Southsward, the mole has decided to try and find help for the poor creatures suffering under the ferret's oppressive and crushing rule.


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can i join?

Name: colonel McBean
Occupation: Salamandastron fighter
Species: hare
Age: young adult
Other: his weapons are: (modified) pike, bow and arrows


Sure! I assume you're a Long Patrol quester?
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Alright guys, let's get this RP moving along! Can you all move your characters to the front gate? The infirmary keeper will then come and tell us if Ashe's awakening.
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Alright guys and girls, sorry for the delay. Here's the order we'll go with on the quest:

1. Short march towards the river on the south path, where we'll meet the Guosim.*
2. Meet Calaron's character after about a day or two's march.
3. Enter the wood of the Painted Ones.**
4. Cross the Great South Stream and get side tracked by accident, meaning we enter the Toad Lands.***
5. Escape Toad lands and enter Southsward. Go to the caves of the resistance group Calaron mentioned and hear what has been happening. Form some sort of plan.
7. March home to Redwall with little trouble and end with feast.

*According to the Redwall Map, the quickest route to Castle Floret is straight down the South Path, crossing the two separate rivers, until you hit Southsward. The Gousim Log-a-Log will be an open player to control, as long as you don't kill him.
**According to the map in The Long Patrol the Painted Ones' wood is quite far away fro
Where we're going. However, in Doomwyte they're quite close to the Abbey, which leads me to believe they change spots. We'll just make it they now live there. We'll make the PO like the ones in Mattimeo, with no real language, just screechs, because IMO that was when they were scariest.
***You all know the Toad Lands from The Bellmaker, right? They're the same ones.

That's just a guide. If you have any other ideas or don't want to do something, just put a post here and we can decide what to do. Also, looking at my first post, I noticed I made a character called Foremole Dirtclaw. Because I completely forgot about him, I'll make him an open character.
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Tiria Wildlough

Quick question: What's the ferret's name?
My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.