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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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Shuffer could hear the commotion coming from the captain's cabin. He excused himself from the group sitting around the fire and went below decks. He arrived just as Aza launched herself at Searose.

Moving forward quickly the otter cook stepped between Searose and Aza. He avoided the punch and gripped Aza's arm tightly in his paw. She tried to pull backwards but Shuffer held on tightly.

"I'm not letting go miss. Not until you calm yourself."

Aza glared defiantly at Shuffer. "Why should I calm down? She attacked me first!"

"That doesn't matter. This needs to end, now!" He turned to Oakpaw. "Captain I recommend we put this young otter in the brig for a while to cool down.

The Blue Star had a small cell called the brig in the lower section of the ship. It was not large but had plenty of room for at last two to be held if need be.

Aza sneered. "Ha! You wouldn't put one of your own holt in there would you? You don't have the guts!"

Mad Maudie

Gasping with pain Searose punches Aza in the mouth sendin her to the ground then she placed a foot on her shoulder.
"Leave me alone or next time i will not be so easy!" She said her nose making her voice a little funny she walked off to her cabin.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Tiria Wildlough

'What's going on?' inquired Shenna, coming in.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Troy Troodon

Gailen replied; "There was a fight on deck." Everyone just looked at him then he just back down again, sipping his wine.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


OOC:as i've already said were in my cabin, not out on deck so you couldn't see whats happening

BIC:Oakpaw smiled slightly 'oh and where were you when that happened eh, cowering under your bed prehaps' Oakpaw sat down on his chair and stared at the ywo otters

Troy Troodon

"Well..." Gailen stood up again; "I'm going to streach out my wings so if you need me I'll be up in the crow's nest." So he flew up and roosted where he said he'd be, up in the crow's nest, While up there he could see some dolphins swimming across from the boat.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Muse held his forepaw in the water, gritting his teeth. "C'mere, little fishies, come to papa, ya tiny shark babes, get ove- Aha!"
He whipped his hand out, clutching a wriggling perch. He banged it against a rock just enough so that it moved more slowly, then dangled it over the sea. He looked out into the horizon, waving the fish. A stir in the water warned him that a Blubberfolk was coming. He backed away, still holding the fish...
A massive beluga whale leapt out of the water, grasping the perch with its teeth. As it slid back into the water, Muse put aside hs mandolin and leapt onto its back. The beluga twisted and leapt, but Muse held on, laughing wildly.
Soon, the huge white whale stopped its throes and calmly swam on the surface of the sea. Muse grinned.
"That's right, me beauty."
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


Shuffer was not quick enough to stop Searose from hitting Aza. The otter fell backwards, out of Shuffer's grasp and hit the deck. The cook wondered if he should step in as Searose delivered her ultimatum to Aza.

"Well, perhaps we don't need to use the brig for this one. Doesn't look like she will be causing any more trouble." He helped Aza up. The female was bleeding from her muzzle. Shuffer passed her a kerchief and helped her press it to her muzzle. "Let that be a warnin' not to mess with our first mate miss."

Aza held the kerchief to her nose. Tears coursed down her cheeks. She did not reply, just snuffled some.

"Well Captain, we've just faced a bit of mutiny and come out alright." Shuffer nodded respectfully to Oakpaw. "I think we should let this one heal and then have her and Fingal report to my galley firs tthing in the morning for some onion peeling duties. How does that sound?"

Writings from Shuffer's sea journal:

The Blue Star sailed away from Holt Reedbind for two more days without incident.  I have employed Aza and Fingal in the galley. They seemed to have calmed down quite a bit but I still keep my eye on them.

The crew seem to be taking to their jobs well. The ship is running smoothly and is on course for Tonnet Island. No sight of the Tide Dance yet but we remain hopeful.

The birds have been spending much time on the ship with the crew. I will ask Oakpaw today to send them out on a scouting trip. It is time for them to earn their keep aboard ship. They have already consumed two casks of wine and a large quantity of food. Thankfully most of the food has been fish which we can always replenish form the sea!


Dawn of the fourth day at sea found Shuffer meeting on deck with some members of the crew. The otter posed a question to the captain.

"Captain Oakpaw, I think we should send out the albatross' on a scouting trip. Perhaps they can tell us how far away the island is or they might sight the Tide Dance."


Oakpaw shook his head and replied 'aye, looks like we wont be troubled by them anymore though if they do i have a good mind to send them back to the holt' Oakpaw took Fingal and Aza and tookthem to their beds.

Turning Oakpaw saw Shuffer speak to him of the Albatrosses 'aye mate, i was thinking of that two' Oakpaw scannd the deck for the birds and walked over to them as he saw them. Standing over them Oakpaw said cooly 'time for you too fill your part of the bargin, you ready?'

Mad Maudie

Still holding her paw to her nose searose came up "Skipper, Remember how i could not Tell who the other conspirator was? well i think it is not over i mean i think he is still a threat i have been listening on board and i can not tell who he was but he may have disguised his voice so no one could tell, do you think there is still A threat?" she said catching her breath as he turned towards her
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



He sees Oakpaw standing over him as he lays on the deck looking up. "Well I see you are right sir it is time for us to earn our keep. My friend is in your crows nest been there for a while keeping watch. It is a good place for him. What would you have me do?"

He stands at some what of attention and listens as if he has been in a military or has taken orders before showing respect to the capt.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Oakpaw turned as Searose put her paw on his arm, his face slightly toubled 'I will keep watch but speak no more of it unless you hear anything, we should enjoy this journey as much as we can' with that Oakpaw marched the two otters too their beds like two naughty dibbuns.

Oakpaw smiled glad there was no trouble 'tell your friend to head north and circle south while you head south and circle north, you should meet up wih your friend as you circle round, then head back here and make your report' Oakpaw walked off beliving the two could acomplish their task with ease.

Troy Troodon

Gailen streached his wings from the crow's nest to soke up the warmth of the sun, then flew back down on board.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


OOC: So I've added some pirates into the thread. Feel free to play one of them but not Vissaru. I'll play him. My plan is that they will attack but will be defeated by the otter crew. I would like one of the ferrets to be taken prisoner and held in the brig. The rest will die in the encounter. Let the albatrosses report to the crew before anyone writes about fighting and such please.  ;)


As they were marched towards their bunks Fingal spoke quietly to Aza.

"You know, maybe these otters are not as bad as we thought. Perhaps we could join the crew and help out. After all, it could be a great adventure for us."

Aza scowled at her friend. "Leave it to you to side with them... there's no way I'm going to sail along with these beasts like there's nothing wrong. I'll get Searose back for what she did to me." The words were so quiet she barely spoke them out loud. Fingal heard her but even Oakpaw would not have been able to.

"Please don't Aza. We could be helpful, it could be fun for us."

"Go boil yer snout coward!"

Fingal sighed and allowed Oakpaw to march him on. He would watch Aza closely. If she tried to betray the crew again, he would stop her.

About two leagues to the south ran the "Reef Blade", a small skiff crewed by six beasts. Two stoats, a rat, two ferrets, and a polecat. The polecat named Vissaru acted as captain while the others served him with somewhat of an allegiance. However, each was out for their own gain and if it came to it they would turn on their captain.

"Where away Galyer?" The polecat growled to the rat who was acting as lookout.

"Tonnet Island should be no more than six leagues off at this point Cap'n. We should reach it by tomorrow eve."

"Good. Make yerselves ready my beasties. There will be blood for all who inhabit Tonnet when I arrive. It's the perfect place fer us to set up rule and live the good life!"

Galyer hesitated and squinted his eyes before calling to the captain. "Sails Cap'n! I can see sails. They appear light blue. We'll be crossin' paths with them before long!

The polecat smiled darkly. "Well then, let's pay them a visit. Perhaps we can sail a new, larger ship to Tonnet if we play our cards right!"

A ferret swung the tiller to bring them on course with the "Blue Star". As the steersbeast work his eyes caught two large birds not far away. They looked like albatrosses...

Mad Maudie

Searose retracted her paw quickly wondering why she even put it there she walked away. Going to her cabin she read a letter from her sister Riverrose then fell asleep.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
