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RP: A Tale of Reedbind: Voyage of the Blue Star

Started by BrookSkimmer, February 01, 2012, 09:36:42 PM

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"Aye Capt. We will be back before you know it. Gailen! You herd the capt we have scouting to do and we better make it quick I have a bad feeling and you know what happens when I get one. Gailen You Head north and circle south I meet you as I am going south."

Saxon looks over to Searose.

"You seem to got into a scuffle with some one I do hope they got better then you got for there troubles." He steps back a bit before taking flight with a gust of wind. "Capt. Not telling you how to operate your ship but I keep and eye out just for the crews sake."

With that both birds took to there directions like a shot in the air.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Shelly had heard all of the conversation from where she was still hiding. Once Fingal and Aza were gone, Shelly had crept out of hiding place and rushed to the Cap'n.

"Cap'n sir!" she said respectfully and rushed, " I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Mad Maudie

OOC ratbane TroyT Please keep up! i am a sleep in my private cabin!
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Oakpaw turned to Shelly and said in a friendly voice 'Wot is it that you want?' he glanced at the Albatosses and smiled abit glad they were helping the crew out


"I was wondering if I could talk in private for a moment. I was down below the ship and I heard those two rascals Aza and Fingal were planning to do something to the crew. I don't want to be a tattletale but Aza was mainly planning to do it, Fingal was trying to stop it. I didn't catch all of the conversation but I thought you just might want to know." finishes Shelly in a rush.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Oakpaw nodded seriously 'i was aware they were up to something but that Aza seems to be wanting moe trouble' he patted Shelly on the back in a friendly way 'Have you seen Shuffer and Searose? i must speak to them'


"No Cap'n I haven't seen them recently. Would you like me to find them for you or would you like me to keep watch while our bird friends are gone?" Shelly says in an obedient way.
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Troy Troodon

Gailen circles around the South just as Saxon says, He could see him with his sea bird vision as well as every object on the waters below. He matains his status, waiting for any other orders from his commrads.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Oakpaw replied 'aye, that would be grand. Tell them to meet me at the tiller' Oakpaw strolled off scathcing his rudder while his face looked abit undecided


OOC: ok just to keep things moving I'm going to say the birds have spotted the skiff and are heading back to relay the news. Hope that works for everyone... Get ready for a fight!

BIC: "can't you move this thing any faster?" Vissaru snarled under his breath and they sailed towards the Blue Star. They had moved thier craft quickly enough to stay in front of the albatrosses and get in close to the ship. In a few moments the pirate crew would be aboard the Blue Star.

Shuffer had been told the captain wished to see him at the tiller as soon as possible. The otter brushed flour off of himself as he left the galley. He turned to speak to Fingal and Aza. "now you two keep right on with peeling the onions for these cheese and onion pasties. I'll be back soon to check on you. Both otters could only nod as tears rolled down their faces due to their onion cutting duties.

Shuffer made his way across the deck. As he walked he did a double take off the port railing. "could have sworn I just saw a small ship out there." he chucked. His eyes were playing tricks on him. "oh no! Troubles coming!" he spoke the words aloud and ran as fast as hd could to Oakpaw.

"change of plans I'm afraid sir!" Shuffer glanced over his should. "there's a crew of six vermin closing in on us!" after this the otter dashed back to the rail and loaded his sling. He yelled down to the skiff.

"be on your way vermin!"

"that's no way to treat sea faring beasts. Let's say hello shall we?" Vissaru glared up at Shuffer.

At the polecats command each of the five skiff crew dipped arrows into a small lantern flame. They aimed high up into the Blue Stars sails and rigging. "now, give us what we want or yer going no where seadogs!"

Shuffer was at a loss. He twirled his sling but did not fire. If the birds came back soon they could help put out flames and the skiff crew could be dealt with. They judt needed the albatrosses back...


Oakpaw lay down twiling his sling, otters were crouching down swinging thei slings, Oakpaw whispered 'are ye game for this Shuffer?'

Troy Troodon

Gailen can see the flames, so he dived down into water, slurped as much water he would fit in his beak. It was warm and salty but he managed to spread it on the ship. Then he picks up a bucket to fetch some more.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Mad Maudie

Coming up searose answered Skippers question "I know i am! If that is any help, i am a better healer than a warrior but I'll do my best." she said drawing her blade but keeping it behind her leg.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Seeing one of the birds take some water he swung his sling faster awaiting for the birds to set out the fire before he gave out punishings to the vermin crew


After making there circle as requested they found that the island was not as far off as thought as they made there way back to the ship they both see the smaller skiff approaching in an attack move upon the bigger ship.

"See we cant leave theses land people alone for more then a min can we. You got the fire I am going to do some sail damage to the skiff that should keep them busy."

Watches Gailen go to work on the fire slurping up water. I take a sharp dive to the main sail on the skiff and put my hidden blades to work cutting deep long cuts in it as I dive and cause issues with some of the crew trying to fire slings on Gailen as he works.

"OH no you don't!!" Spinning around and hitting one of the vermin that had his friend in his sight.

"Well to think I was not going to have an exciting day.. HA-HA!!!" Smacks another vermin in the back before he can turn and taking off before his friends can fire a shot on him.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.