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sign up/OOC: castaway

Started by Griffen, May 21, 2012, 10:44:40 PM

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PROLOG: The crew of Intrepid are lost in fog, one crew member yells starboard while another is screeching port-side. The captain still unconscious from a previous encounter with vermin. All of the crew flew forward as the ship hits an reef, lanterns catch fire to the deck. The second mate yells abandon ship, all of the crew jump of the sinking ship. Out in the open water, getting weaker and weaker the crew drop all their gear to stay afloat longer. A day passes when land is spotted, the bunch that survived swim and make it to the island.

Ok so in this RP we need a second mate (navigation), third mate (safety of ship and crew), boatswain (in charge of people on ship that are not the crew), two cooks, a few crewmen and a couple of people not part of the crew. Also we need one spy and if you want to be the spy email me for the postion and I will decide then.

NOTE: when making you characters you may not have any weapons or utensils to start out with. And please no more than three characters each.


species otter
age 17 seasons
second mate
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



Name: Bardol Tharter
Species: Hedgehog
Gender: male
Age: 23 seasons
Role: one of the cooks


greetings... now go and cook me something

PS: accepted 


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Thank you

And here's your dish.  ;D ;) ::)

Dannflower Reguba

Hey! It's up! P.S. I'm still on vacation.

Name: Pleef Swiftstriker
Species: Cheetah
Age: 21 1/2 seasons/years
Gender: female
Size: A little smaller than your average wildcat
Affiliation: Good (maybe start out neutral or bad)
Occupation: Native of the island if possible, crew member other wise (lookout)
Appearance: Darker yellow shade, black jet spots, wears dark grey tunic with hood and very short poncho
Weapons: If you'll allow me onto the island to start with I have a long bow and dagger... Is EXTREMELY swift and agile (he's a cheetah for cryin' out loud!) If I can't start on the island as a native, nothing except my speed and agility.
Personality: Kindly, compassionate... Dangerous, a little suspicious of others he doesn't know...

Whew! Anything else you want to know, just tell me!
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


ya, no weapons, and no poncho however i will let you keep your tunic. make those changes and i will accept you.

PS: hows vacation?

Dannflower Reguba

Uh.... You never answered the question about if I could be a friendly native to the island (I think that could add something to the plot) that would explain why I have the weapons to start, and about the short poncho, it's PART of the tunic, it's a tunic style I was explaining it's not actually a poncho (yech!) it's just an explanation... P.S. Vacation is going okay.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


sorry no you have to be part of the island. later i will let be people native of the island, but not to start out. :)

and ok you can keep the pancho thing lol also say who you are on the ship.


May I be the other cook? I migth  e a bit young so a kinda intern

Name: Bera
Age: 17 seasons
Gender: Female
Species: Otter
Size: big burly pretty ottermaid
Description: can be easily frightened but loyal to her companions. o and willing to cook
Fun. is a fantastic band.


welcome to the kitchen mate


Fun. is a fantastic band.


Name: Ferien
Age: 12 seasons
Gender: Male
Species: Tasmanian devil
occupation: passenger (not part of the crew)
Size: small since he is just a child
Description: A mix of grey and white. He is a slow learner, slow to speak for a Tasmanian but quick to act. Oh and his father drowned in the sea*.

I would be most gratefully is someone would help save him because he can't swim that good :) just post if you will, thxs.