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sign up/OOC: castaway

Started by Griffen, May 21, 2012, 10:44:40 PM

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thanks bud,

to every one readying this RP and that are in it, i am waiting till one of my friends who is in this RP to get back before we start, it will be just a couple more days i believe :) so join now before its to late


 This is going to be great
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



:) so guys im going on a camping trip and will be back by monday, so we will start either that monday or Tuesday 

Dannflower Reguba

I said lookout, and I'm back! Already to go! whoo!
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


kk guys im back, we will start tomorrow so if you want make another character or two (you can only have up to three) 

and if you want to be a spy for the bad guys please email me. we already have one spy now we just need another :)


Name: Treeflyer
Specie: squirrel
Gender: male
Age: 27 seasons
Description: passenger


Name: kindle
Age: 24 seasons  <MODIFIED< (had to fix her age by adding three years.)
Gender: female
Species: mouse
occupation: part of the crew, fighter
Size: smaller than the average mouse
Description: fast and very caring, was with the captain when the ship sank, tried but failed to get him out.
a good fighter for the ship and fought side to side with the captain.

and for my third character...

Name: keen
Age: 31 <MODIFIED< (had to fix his age by adding three years.)
Gender: male
Species: rat
occupation: boatswain
Size: large
Description: large and in charge, keen keeps all of the passengers in check. although he is a rat he is natural for both sides. 


so here are the characters.....

Second mate : Becoldsteel :  Dannflor
Third mate: Pleef Swiftstriker  : Danflorreguba
Boatswain: Keen : Griffen
Head cook: Bardole Tharter  : Redwaller
Second cook: Bera : Redwallgurl
Spy one: **** : ****
Spy two: **** : ****
Passenger: Ferein : Griffen
Passenger: Treeflyer : Redwaller
Part of the crew: Kindle : Griffen

I will allow people to join latter as natives of the island but for now, we will just have the people off of the intrepid.

*go ahead and post you native profiles now, thxs :)

lets get this thing started shall we!!


What sort of animals live there?


almost anything, nothing big...

heres a link to the RP:



Name: Lodrab
Specie: wildcat
Age: 26 seasons
Gender: male
Weapons: axe
Description: Native, bad guy


Name: Maximus
Weapon: sword
Armor: green habit
Role: stowaway
Gender: male
Position: Redwall outcast
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


sorry, no new characters that were on the ship... if you would like you can make a character native to the island and when the time comes I will let you join in.