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To Paradise (planning/discussion topic)

Started by Galedeep, May 22, 2012, 07:23:40 AM

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Sometime ago a member (James GryphonI believe ) came up with an idea of what the world of Redwall would look like in a 18th century/Wild West setting. Since I read those thoughts, the idea has infatuated  me ever since. So I thought it would be a grand Idea to make an RP about it.

Technology has increased by this time, with steampowered trains, better ships, and gunpowder weapons (think muskets, blunderbusses, one/two shot pistols, and the rarer six-shooter) However, it should be noted weapons like swords, bows, ect are still commonplace.
The beginning of the RP will take place to the far east of Redwall in a North American style desert. This of course allows for a plethora  of new creatures like Racoons, Chipmunks, Geckos and so on.

Story Starter:
Brookwater is a wild and thriving mining town in the middle of the Wide plains. So it comes as nothing new when a strange mouse with little else but his clothes, a wide brimmed hat, and a ancient sword shows up trying to hire adventurous beasts for an expedition. But some are attracted to his wild claims of a  paradise to the east, an Abbey called Redwall...

Character sheet:
Brief bio


Name: Martin VI
Species: Mouse
Age: 18 seasons
Appearance: Brown fur, dark brown coat, grey pants, dark brown wide brimmed hat, ancient sword srapped to his back
Weapons/tools: Ancient, but surpisingly sturdy sword
Brief bio: Descended  from a long line of warriors, Martin desperatly seeks the home of his ancestors, but he'll need help on the long arduous  journey ahead of him.


Name: Jack The Miner
Species: Racoon
Age: 5 years(In animal years it's a lot)
Gender: male
Appearance: Wears a brown Jerkin and a brown cowboy hat
Weapons/Tools: pickax, and pistol. 
Brief bio: He was born in Brookwater in 1750. He as been a miner ever since, and now he is sick of mining.


right, the thread that inspired this is here.
i have quite a few questions before i can make a character.  Are more modern names okay?


Quote from: psybox on May 22, 2012, 03:11:30 PM
right, the thread that inspired this is here.
i have quite a few questions before i can make a character.  Are more modern names okay?
Oh, you found it! Good. However it's not going to be exactly like that, for instance i'd rather stick to the traditional Redwall size scaling of animals

Yes, modern names are most welccome


Name: Martin VI
Species: Mouse
Age: 18 seasons
Appearance: Brown fur, dark brown coat, grey pants, dark brown wide brimmed hat, ancient sword srapped to his back
Weapons/tools: Ancient, but surpisingly sturdy sword
Brief bio: Descended  from a long line of warriors, Martin desperatly seeks the home of his ancestors, but he'll need help on the long arduous  journey ahead of him.

I can be him
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Name:  Mota Liede
Species:  Coyote
Age:  22
Description:  He has a mottled reddish-brown and grey coat.  He wears a newer looking hat, almost a fedora.  When he travels, he wears a long coat, gloves, and boots.
Tools/weapons:  He has two doubled barreled pistols which he conceals on his person at all times, a rapier which he reserves for traveling and two daggers, one of which is always with him, the other for traveling.  He is a well known performer, singing, stage magic, and acting.  He always has some money. He is also frequently suspected, though never (yet) caught, as a thief.
Bio:  Mota is a traveling performer.  He makes his living with his talents.  He has been suspected to be a thief before.  This is true, though he avoids stealing unless he has to.  Or something is simply irresistible.  In his travels and in the songs and stories he has heard and learned, he came across the mention of a magnificent place known by the color of it's walls.  Redwall Abbey.  The songs and stories would lead him there, if he could just find people to join him.  Perhaps this newest town, Brookwater, would lead him to it.  Perhaps that legendary mouse mentioned in some of the songs and tales would be there.  After all, every story has to start somehow.


Quote from: Dannflor on May 22, 2012, 04:16:11 PM
Name: Martin VI
Species: Mouse
Age: 18 seasons
Appearance: Brown fur, dark brown coat, grey pants, dark brown wide brimmed hat, ancient sword srapped to his back
Weapons/tools: Ancient, but surpisingly sturdy sword
Brief bio: Descended  from a long line of warriors, Martin desperatly seeks the home of his ancestors, but he'll need help on the long arduous  journey ahead of him.

I can be him

Sorry buddy, that's my character. ;)


 OH sorry

    Name Jolhert
age 14 seasons
coler Black
species Otter
weapons/tools Sling
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


how about the black/white system?  will it be the redwall one, or the new formula.  really like the new formula system.


Name: Diana
Age: 12
Gender: female
Species: chipmunk
Weapon: sword form her father and habit from her mother
Other: She is an orphan on the streets after her mothe rdied in birth and her dad died in a mining accident.  She heard aobut the story form the mouse and hopes to come for a better  life. The habi form her mother was from Redwall, her anscenstors were from their.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Quote from: psybox on May 22, 2012, 05:12:20 PM
how about the black/white system?  will it be the redwall one, or the new formula.  really like the new formula system.
I was thinking a sort of blend between the two, not all mice will be good and not all rats will be bad. however i'm a big fan of BJ's distinctions between good and evil so i'd rather not have a "grey" villain(s)


 So am I on ?

Quote from: Dannflor on May 22, 2012, 04:41:35 PM
OH sorry

    Name Jolhert
age 14 seasons
coler Black
species Otter
weapons/tools Sling

Oh and descendent of warblood warrior of the northlands whose village geta attacked by vermin and he and Jolhert are the only ones left alive until the father died a season back
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Sounds like a grand adventure indeed. Mind if I tag along?

Name: Jester
Species: Racoon
Age: 17
Appearance: Normal racoon.
Weapons/tools: Nothing
Brief bio: A famous out-law. Steals but never kills. Has never killed any beast. But this adventure may call him to kill someone...
Not on any particular side. Just joins the team in search of riches and glory.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman