
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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RP: To Paradise

Started by Galedeep, May 23, 2012, 07:02:00 AM

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Frowning in thought, the coyote shrugged. "To be completely honest, I haven't really thought much about that," he replied, "But I would guess that if the building still stands then it is inhabited.  It is too central to so many stories, even those outside of the 'Mossflower' region.  Redwallers, particularly mice, could go anywhere and almost never be threatened in some eras if they had a Redwall habit.  As such, you find travelling Redwallers as prominent figures in stories away from the Abbey.  So long as it remains, I think it must be populated."

By this point, any other beast who had been listening to Mota had stopped.  He was far too long winded when it came to his history and researches.  The coyote noticed this, and smiled slightly to himself.  He wished he could have planned it that way.  He nodded to the other beasts, standing in such a way that he could see most of the bar. He didn't bother to watch where the mouse had a field of vision, nor Jester.  They would be warning signs in and of themselves.  Addressing the small crowd, he asked "How may I be of service?"


OOC: When is the mouse going to talk about Redwall?


Jester eye'd the coyote coldly. It was then that he noticed a good looking coin bag hanging a bit out of his pocket. "Ill have some fun with this guy..." Thought Jester. In a flash, Jester had vanished. In another flash, he was sitting in his normal spot with the coin bag. "Didnt see that coming, did you mouse?" Said Jester scornfully. It was then that Jester noticed the coin bag was empty.
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


"So, what do you want, mouse?"


The mouse flipped a silver coin and slapped it onto the bar, he grinned sheepishly at Jester, "Sorry, this is my last one, but..."

His face took on a more intense look, "What if I told you of a place sustained by the riches of dozens of dozens of warlords who failed to assail it's walls..."

His gaze shifted to the entertainer

" glorious battles of old. A place where legends were born, not just warriors, but famed chefs, physicians, and craftsbeasts."

He turned to the young chipmunk

"A place that offered a home to anyone, from anywhere. With not a penny expected in return"

He glanced at the gruff miner

"A beast seeking this place would be able to break away from the monotony of life..."

His eyes finally rested on the more refined looking coyote

"... and perhaps find what his heart longs for."

He finally hopped off the barstool and began walking out of the bar,

"Such beasts would join me at the east end of town at the break of dawn, ready for a little adventure." He glanced back at them, a half smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Okay, actually, a really big adventure."

With that, he tipped his hat, and strode out the door.


"What are we waiting for?" Jack said excitedly. "Let's go!" Jack went out of the bar.


Diana was filled with hope and gathered her few belongings and went to the east side of town to await dawn.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Without knowing, the mouse had been the catalyst for a truly rare occurrence.  Mota was rendered temporarily speechless.  He could only recall four other times when that had occurred.  He found his voice quickly.  "Wait waitwait!" He made to follow the mouse, not quite making it halfway. "Aw shoot," he thought to himself.  He turned to Jester and Steve.  "And he still won' give his name.  I'm taking the bait though.  It has enough of a story to hold my interest.  If you're coming, I'm willing to help you buy some supplies," offered the coyote.  " I'm headed out to gather my travelling equipment and whatever else I need.  If you've no place to stay this evening, you're welcome to spend the night at my humble abode." 

Mota told them how to find his place and set off into the market, visiting various caches of money that he had hidden around the town in his months living there.  Most had survived undiscovered and full of money.  He bought supplies for himself and a little extra for the others.  He had a feeling he wouldn't be returning to the town, so whatever money he deemed would be too much weight to carry on their journey he gave to the needy.  By midnight, he had returned to his home, everything ready for the morrow.  He would be at the eastern outskirts of town at dawn.


Picking up the silver coin the mouse had left, the words of the mouse were still ringing in his ears. "What if I told you of a place sustained by the riches of dozens of dozens of warlords who failed to assail it's walls..." Somehow, just maybe, this mouse was correct? Jester had always longed to search for unimaginable riches. And the drudgery of his thief life was starting to catch up with him. "Maybe I will tag along..." He thought. "I aint never had any belongings, so I have nothing to take." Jester quickly caught up with the coyote. "Say there bud...I know iv been rather brash with you, but I have to take you up on that offer. If you could spare some change so I can buy a few necessities?"
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


"Where are they?" Jack told himself. "I've been waiting for hours now!"


OOC: seeing as half of the characters are bankrupt, and jack decided to visit the meeting place early, why don't we "time travel" to the morning.

BIC: Steve woke up and thanked Mota for letting him stay at his place.


Mota shrugged. "We all do some things we regret.  Come on, Jester." The coyote smirked a little at the raccoon's distinct displeasure at having been identified.  The two struck up a conversation as they walked.

"How'd you know my name?". Jester had guessed all ready that the coyote was a fellow thief.  After all, the raccoon was the best around, possibly the best ever.  And he knew the answer to his own question.  But he loved to hear it, despite the annoyances it brought with it.

"Well, for one, you're a living legend.  The smallest hauls you make make my largest look pitiful.  There's a wanted poster of you in almost every town I've travelled to.  And you framed me once.  Heh, it took me a lot of money to bribe the officials, and even then I was still drummed out of town.  Never did figure how you planted it on me," said the coyote with a grin.

Jester hadn't been able to recall why Mota looked so familiar until just then.  He remembered now.  "I guess I should apologize fer that," he muttered.

"Oh, no need.  I found a way out and learned some new tricks." Mota slowed his pace and held up a paw. "Would you mind kicking over that water barrel and then waiting for me at the end of the street?". Mystified, Jester did.  Mota slipped into an alley as beasts came to inspect the noise.  The crowd became thicker and louder.  Apparently, that barrel had been a point of contention between two families in town, and everyone was out to watch the show.  Mota appeared beside Jester after a couple minutes, bearing several coin sacks. "Feuding families make excellent guards for gold.  Especially when they don't know about it." He handed Jester two sacks, saying: "One for buying, one for travelling."

At dawn, on the outskirts of town, Mota had enough coin for each beast in the party to carry enough to buy more supplies.  Not enough to get anything fancy, but enough to meet some of the practicalities of their journey.  He saw Steve, Jack, and Jester.  "Morning.  Where's Fr- er, the mouse and Diana?" As he asked, he handed out money to those who had not yet received their small sum.


Diana was already there and had slept late. Coming out form behind some crates she made her way to where the small party was. SHe waited at thte outside of the group hoping to be noticed.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


The mouse suddenly shoved his way in the midst of the group. With a mumured "We're leaving" we began walking out of town at a hurried pace, his gaze shifted all around him at the early morning crowd, his shoulders were tense, and he kept on clenching and unclenching his paws.


"At last!" Jack sighed. Then seeing the mouse's state, he whispered to Steve. "Look at the mouse, he's acting strange!"