Escaping the Redwall Universe (All May Join)

Started by Lutra, June 09, 2012, 01:20:59 PM

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He looked at the otter. "what she be drinkin'?" he asked himself "she don't even know what vittles lay in front of her." Trace reached over and grabbed a loaf of freshly baked bread, breaking it in half giving one to the otter the other to his stomach. He noticed her blushing and didn't want to make a scene, so he just saved his question for later.

Tiria Wildlough

Shade grinned and passed Lily a slice of deeper'n'ever pie. 'Here, have some of this. You'll like it!'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC: Matthias gave me permission to use his character.

BIC: Daniel shook the other creature's paw, but didn't reveal much. "We're just a couple of travellers passing through," he answered vaguely. He then added. "And we're in a bit of a hurry, so I hope you don't mind us leaving now!" he wandered off, with the other mouse named Matthias following.

The trip had not taken as long as they had expected. They went as quickly as was possible with Matthias still getting used to his mouse body. Daniel, not even knowing what a human was, assumed the mouse was recovering from something and thought no more of his stumbling and general inability to walk properly.

The woods seemed particularly pretty at the time. The great trees swayed gently with the breeze and here and there a few flowers poked out from the undergrowth. Daniel occasionally stopped, bent over and picked up something to eat from the floor, which he would share with his partner. The food he picked mostly consisted of roots, grasses or edible mushrooms, but they were quite tasty and helped nourish them on their trip. As they went along, he tried starting a bit of a conversation. "So whereabouts are you from?" he asked once. "I'm a traveller myself, I don't belong anywhere in particular."

They eventually reached the abbey in half the time Daniel had expected. He approached the gates slowly while staring in awe at the sheer grandeur of the place. It was such a beautiful place. Suddenly overcome with a feeling of nervousness, he stammered to Matthias, "Well, h-here we are. G-guess I better knock." He then tapped at the gates and called out tentatively, "Hello? Is there anybeast home?"
Received mostly negative reviews.


As he approached Redwall, Matthias gazed in awe at the size of the walls. "These walls are twice the size of the ones on the Minecraft server version," he said to himself. Daniel knocked on the gate, calling to the gatekeeper. The gates swung open, admitting the two mice onto the vast lawns of the abbey. Matthias had to restrain himself and resist the urge to run around and look at everything. A kindly old mouse in a habit directed them to Cavern Hole where, they were informed, there was a feast. "A real Redwall feast! This must be my lucky day, Daniel!" Matthias was overjoyed.

Pausing only briefly in Great Hall to gaze at the great tapestry, Matthias made his way down the seven steps into Cavern Hole. The sights and smells  that greeted him were overwhelming! The feast looked tantalizing. Matthias made his way to an open seat, sitting next to and across from a pair of otters who were engaged in, for lack of better term, awkward conversation. He spoke as casually as possible to the pair. "What's good today, mates?" He quickly started to load his plate, as he spoke.


Whitewater passed the bread to the other otter, who seemed as muddled as he was, perhaps new to the place as well.  "You'll want to try this stuff they call strawberry cordial," he said joyfully.  "Its very sweet, and honestly better than I expected it to be when I heard the name."  He gave her the beaker of cordial so she could pour some in her mug. 

Whitewater took a few more bites of food before trying to talk with her more.  "Are you new here too?" he asked curiously.  "Only reason I ask is because I really would like to know more about this place, and well, otters can trust otters right?"  He stopped after he said that, wishing he could take it back.  Nobody had been outright rude or impolite, no matter what their species.  "I'll take that back," he blushed sheepishly.  "I meant to say that otters have their own rituals and ways and you and me could more likely help each other out in that manner."

Whitewater peered at the mice that had taken seats next to the female otter, clearly overjoyed to be here.  "Take the strawberry cordial to start.  Its good on them warm days!" he called down to them.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Pouring himself a tankard of strawberry cordial, Matthias winked at the otter. "Thanks, mate. It's a wee bit too hot out for me today. This ought to cool me right down." And with that, Matthias dug into his plate of food with gusto. He sampled everything, even if it was only a taste. It was all quite good, but he felt the blackberry apple crumble was particularly good, which was demonstrated by the two extra helpings he had.

As he ate, Matthias looked over at the otter across from him and inquired, "So mate, where are you from? Here the Abbey, or somewhere else entirely?"

Redwall Musician

The sunlight filtered in through Dia's window. She could have sworn she closed her curtains before she fell asleep. Sitting up, and yawning, the girl rubbed her eyes sleepily. As she became more awake, she suddenly became aware she was outside, not in her cozy bedroom. "What the-?" A burst of stars and darkness stopped her sentence and she fell back onto the ground, out cold.

When she finally came 'round, a small, young looking, mouse was standing on her stomach, armed with a wooden board. "Who are you and what do you want?" she said in an obvious female voice.
"My name's Dia." Dia roughly shoved the mouse off her stomach and stood up. "I must have fallen into Wonderland."
"I don't know what this Wonderland place is you speak of, but you better get explaining why you're in my garden, hare."
Hare? This mouse couldn't be addressing her. Timidly, Dia looked at her hands, or paws! "Ahh!" she let out a scream. She then touched the thing weighing down her head. It wasn't her usual short locks of hair. It was two huge ears. "I'm a, a, a..."
"A hare, you stupid rabbit," the mousemaid finished rudely.
"Where am I?"
"Mossflower Woods, or more exactly, sleeping on my prize cabbages. The nerve. What possessed you to fall asleep in my garden?"
But Dia was too busy trying to cop with the fact that somehow, someway, she had ended up in the middle of a book. All about her were woods, trees, flowers, and bushes. She noticed a fallen log with a door in it. That must be this mousemaid's home.
"I'm afraid I didn't get your name." Dia turned to the mouse.
"I'm Nora the Healer. If you've from around here, you now I'm the best physician in all of Mossflower country."
"I'm sure you are. I am sorry about the cabbages, but I'm a little confused right now. You see, I have somehow left the U.S. and ended up here."
"Where's that?" Nora casted aside her board which made Dia feel a little more at ease.
"It's where I'm from. I really need to get back there, my parents will be worrying about me. You probably don't know, but they make a huge fuss when kids go missing and I know that the police will be looking for me." Dia turned to Nora, who looked absolutely confused. "Never mind. I just need to get going."
Dia started to walk away, finding the first steps strange but becoming used to it. The mouse followed behind her.
"I may not no much about geography and you-ess," she attemped to say "U.S." like Dia. "But I was on my way to Redwall Abbey to deliver some herbs and someone there might be able to help with your dilemma. Want to come?"
As she had nothing else to do, Dia agreed. The hare and the mouse began to march through the woods to the famed abbey.

..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


Barbossa was trying to follow the two creatures to see where they were hurrying to and saw the abbey. He jumped down to see them go through the big doors.
"Blast!" he said sneaking around the back of the abbey.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Brigg served a few of the others, then set about getting food for himself.  He took a big helping of everything, and with his plate piled high looked about for a place to sit.  He saw Whitewater seated with a few more new faces nearby.  So many visitors! There was another otter, and two mice he did not know.  Always glad to meet new friends, he made his way over to them, careful not to spill. 

Halfway there, he felt something latch to his tail and stop him short.  He set his food down and looked behind him, with a fake look of anger on his face.

A tiny mousebabe, Hildi, had caught his tail and didn't look keen on letting go.  The little one grinned shyly.  Brigg couldn't hide a small smile.  The Dibbuns were his pride and joy, and Hildi often tried to "steal his tail."  He went and scooped her up and removed his tail from her tiny paws, setting her on his broad shoulders. 

"A right little terror ye are, lass.  Come have some supper an' I'll see if I can't find an extra helpin' o crumble for ye."

He went and had a seat at the table by the visitors and plunked Hildi down on his lap,  giving her a chunk of bread and touselling her headfur.  He then tucked happily into his food, listening to the visitors talk.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Silverstorm covered her ears and growled softly. She hated loud noises. Now that she had already eaten, she decided to go outside. No one noticed as she crept out cavern hole and sneaked through great hall to come into te fresh morning air.
Silverstorm sighed. That was alot better! then she saw Barbossa sneaking around to the back of the abbey. She ran in front of him. "there you are, Barbossa." she said. "You weren't here all morning and you didn't eat breakfast. Where were you?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


AH!" said Barbossa jumping back. "Is that a joke?! I haven't been to Redwall Abbey in three years!" he exclaimed very shocked. "Is that... It is you Silverstorm! Long time no see!" said Barbossa patting her shoulders.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Silverstorm shook her head. "I must be getting old," she murmured. "Anyway, what are you doing sneaking around here?" she motioned to the back gates.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Eh you know me. I tend to follow creatures. I'm following a mouse named Matthias." said Barbossa. "Have ye seen him?"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


"Matthias?" silverstorm asked. "well, a mouse came in not a while ago. he's eating breakfast with the others in cavern hole right now"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Hm.. That's probably him.. Can you get me in and not tell the others?" asked Barbossa. "Because if they know I'm here they will ask me endless questions.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.