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Escaping the Redwall Universe (All May Join)

Started by Lutra, June 09, 2012, 01:20:59 PM

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"Yer o'course welcome to join us downstairs, Silverstorm.  I think we best get the pore feller a seat and a meal now though; He can answer questions after that."

Brigg gestured for the otherbeasts to follow him and started off down the hall again.  Down a stone spiral staircase, down another hall, and through Great Hall he led them, finally ending up in Cavern Hole.  Though it was summer, the room was kept cool due to the stone walls and the fact that it was dug into the earth.  A small fire was lit in the hearth, as well as several lamps around the walls that all helped lend a warm glow to the large space.  A kitchen helper bustled through, bearing a tray of dirty dishes.  Somebeast must've taken lunch on the lawn or in the Gatehouse.

Brigg led the group to a table near the fire and pulled out a chair for their otter guest.

"I'll go see to lunch with the friar.  Be back shortly, friends."

He ambled off toward the kitchen, stomach growling.  He did so love to eat.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Silverstorm felt her mood rising at the thought of food. She glanced at Whitewater. "something's up with that otter," she thought, but she didn't interrogate him.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Tiria Wildlough

Shade caught up with them. 'Can I come too?'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Skipper strolled in the abbey sighing with pleasure as he sun cast it's rays on his back. He opened the main door which led him towads Great hall, he bowed his head in respect to the tapestry of Martin the warrior and glanced towards cavern hole as some movement caught his attention. He smiled longingly as the thought of food being served their, he slipped away and walked slowly down the stairs listening keenly to see if he could hear the scraping of spoon against pot. At the bottom of the stairs he peeked around the corner, he saw a otter being surrounded by the abbey creatures. It seemed this otter was a traveller, but if he had just arrived, how did he get in without Skipper noticing?

Dannflower Reguba

Ashe had realized that his questions had served only to make the poor otter even more off balance and defensive. He was feeling a little gloomy about it,"What is with this crazy otter!" he thought to himself. the black squirrel noticed Skippers' wonderment and was even more confused... And decided to take the matter to him. "Skipper, have you seen that otter before?" He asked while gesturing over his shoulder.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Skipper stared curiously at the new otter 'Well I know most creatures 'round here but the way you lot were treating him I figured he was a traveler.' Skippe took his gaze off the otter and made his way to the table, sitting himself near the otter waiting for the right time to question him.


Silverstorm backed up to join Ashe. "There's something up with that otter. I mean, he appears out of nowhere, cant explain anything, and cant even walk correctly. hardly a coincidence."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Whitewater somehow managed to walk without too much trouble, following his hosts' every step of the way.  He gazed in awe when coming to Cavern Hole.  It was like a huge gathering area in a church, the tapestries, the stone, the windows...he really felt as if he was in church--only he wasn't, and he was an otter!  Brigg gestured that he should sit at a table, as they came to the dining area near the fire.

"Ooh, thank you," sighed the otter, glad to sit at last.  It was uncomfortable at first, then Whitewater realized he had awkwardly squashed his tail in the chair, and grabbed it and weaved it out the back.  It was then that he noticed most of the beasts he had seen in the hall were there too for dinner.  They appeared to be whispering--probably about him.  Probably not every day you see an otter in these parts that cannot walk like an otter thought Whitewater miserably.  He would have to come up with some sort of story to explain why he didn't know where he was, and why he couldn't walk properly.  Whitewater sighed as he looked at the strong earthen table.  It was empty at the moment, but the many places to sit told him he was likely going to be eating with many dinner guests, so he better have some answers ready.

Wonder what I'm going to be served? he thought, while thinking up his story to the curious critters staring at him.  He put his muzzle onto one paw and acted as if he was tired and thinking about something.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Silverstorm sat at a distance from Whitewater. He seemed nervous and awkward. "I can't say I blame him," she thought. Still, she was wary of him. He had somehow gottin into the abbey without anyone noticing.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Tiria Wildlough

Shade sat at the table, staring at the otter. She knew it was bad manners to stare at strangers, but she felt that she had a right to stare this time. The otter looked like he didn't know how to use his paws, and he'd even sat on his tail by accident.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


When Brigg headed back from the kitchen, he was accompanied by a young squirrel named Ralf, who was clad in a food-spattered apron and sported a bright red bandana tied about his brow.  They each pushed a laden trolley ahead of them, covered in steaming platters of food and place settings for all. 

They made their was back to where the little group was seated, threading their way through the bustle of dinner time.  Brigg helped Ralf issue everybeast a carved wooden plate, bowl, beaker and spoon, then they both moved all the food from the trolleys and set them on the table.  When they were through, Ralf gave everyone a smile and short bow and was on his way again.  Brigg called thanks after him.

"Ah, sure, that young'un allus moves so quick, kin hardly keep up wid 'im."  He smiled and started to tell Whitewater what was being served.  "We've got hot brown bread wid hazelnuts 'round the crust, an' yellow cheese, and celery cream spread to go with.  Here's vegetable soup wid leek, celery, carrot an' tomato.  That there is blackberry 'n apple crumble, an' honey to go on it.  An' to drink is strawberry cordial in the one pitcher, an' cold milk in the other."

He picked up the milk and poured himself a beakerful, then offered to pour for those who wanted some.

"Help yerself to whatever you want, friend," he said to Whitewater.  "There's plenty."
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer



"thanks Brigg" The seer smiled warmly, he took a sip of the milk and relaxed.

OOC: did i enter at a good spot?


OOC: Sorry, guys. I'll just follow you all down to lunch.

After stammering some excuses to the badgermum and Shade, Lily had started pacing nervously around the neat rows of beds. It was becoming more and more clear to her that this was not a dream, and she had somehow woken up inside the body of an otter. It hurt her head to think too much about it, so she decided to think about her rumbling stomach instead. Poking her head out the door, she followed the sounds of life until she found a huge room containing creatures eating lunch. She slid on to a bench, trying to look inconspicuous.


Whitewater tilted his head as another otter took her place at the table, looking as perplexed and confused as he was.  Even so, she figured out how to walk quite well he thought as the food was brought to the table.  He hadn't heard of things like celery cream spread or strawberry cordial, but he was so famished it didn't particularly matter what he helped himself to.

He was about to ladle soup when he realized another whimsical problem--he had no opposable thumb, at least not one like a human, but rather a claw that was crafted to the side.  Holding anything like a spoon would be rather challenging.  Great, something else for them to criticize me over Whitewater thought miserably.  To save the trouble, he opted for no soup, and just stuck to the bread and cheese which were relatively easy to eat with otter paws.  Mugs could be held without much trouble if you didn't have a thumb, so Whitewater was very interested in strawberry cordial.  Upon trying it, he had never had anything so sweet in his life.  It was like drinking pulped strawberries used in jarred jams.

As he poured another mug of the strawberry cordial, he took a chance at speaking to the female otter.  Maybe he didn't seem so unusual to other otters.  "Might I ask your name miss?  Maybe get you something from this end of the table?" he began, rather informally, seeing if she was interested in speaking.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Lily was a careful person, er... otter by nature. Her actions were usually slow and deliberate, and with all that pacing around the dormitories she had managed to get used to walking in this strange new body. Eating, however, looked complicated. She was just deliberating over this fact when another otter spoke to her.  Her interactions with other beasts hadn't gone well so far, but maybe talking with another otter would be more sucessful. She might even manage a full sentence this time.
"Oh! Uh, thanks. Thank you. Yes. Could you please pass the..." She trailed off as she realised she had no idea what anything was other than "soup" and "bread" and "beverage".
"The bread." She blushed from ears to tailtip. So much for being inconspicuous.