
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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former student (around Seth)

the axe dove deep into the badger chest killing him instantly. the blood stained the white snow.

Former student (around Rofnard)

"ahhh!!" she yelled as the two clashed together.


Razer reached the bottom of the mountain. She immediately dove behind some shrubs when she saw some creautures standing outside. "What do they think they're doing?" she thought. The creatures, she noticed, seemed hostile and tired.

Razer strode coolly right in front of them. "So, how's life treating you?" she asked casually.

OOC:Exactly how many creatures are there, what species, and can I kill them?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: WHOOPPEE! It's finally up...... By the way, Liesal is guy. BIC:

The swift fox opened his eyes diliberately slow and stared at the flower on his chest. Turning a mischevious grin on his dorm companion he replied, "Gone back to picking flowers have we?" the fox was known for being a very humoring kind of beast.

The sinewy weasel had confronted the strange building some time ago... It was foreboding, quiet. He was no fool, he always knew what he was getting into before he got into it... This "acadamy" was one of the few structures he had ever seen. Which in turn made him nervous.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Rofnard threw himself on the ground, pulling out his sword and stabbing at the creature.



@andrew: oops lol

@Skyblade: the academy is at the top of the mountain (not the top but really close to it.) the three people that stand in your way are blocking one of the paths up to it. its up to you to kill them or go around them, dont get into anything you cant handle.



"all year long for ten years i have lived in the Academy, surrounded by white snow and dark clouds... i have learned, and you will learn as well, that a little bit of life is good..... somtimes."

Former student (around Rofnard)

The badger twisted while Rofnard dropped and stabbed. Her tail was cut apart from her and landed on the ground. If she was in pain, she didn't show it. Pulling out two dirk she raced at him slicing and dicing, hoping for a hit.

Fash (i still have to make a profile for him, NPC) Faddel (also need to make one, NPC) Former student (their all around Razer.)

"nicely, yourself?" the hare responded while the other two pulled out a sword and a spear. "slow your roll men." he told the two, they put thier weapons away.


Razer glared at them. "Let me pass or I'll kill you." She pulled out her sword menacingly, and her intimidating gray eyes stared the hare striaght in the face. Her bllodwrath was firing up.

OOC:This is probably the best RP i've been in(no lie) are you gonna make a sequel?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: two pages in and its the best, either your trying to win the "suck up award" or you havn't been im many RPs  :D lol

and to answer your question, it depends on how i make this go.

Fash Faddel Former

"darling.." Fash said while taking out his dirk and throwing on the ground. "why would you kill to go prison? because thats all that is up there." the other two nodded in agreement.


OOC:Lol, no. I just like the idea of playing a chracter that's evil. It's different.

BIC: "Prison?" Razer asked, lowering her sword but still keeping a tense grip on it. "Who are you?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Fash, Faddel and Former student

"i am Fash, leader of the Fire Ring." he said proudly. "this is my second in command Faddel, and a fighter of the Fire Ring. And what shall i call you?"


"Razer," the otter replied unemotionly. "and what's the Fire Ring?" She seemed to relax her grip on her sword, but actually it was still tense and battle-ready.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Fash, Faddle and Former student

"The Fire Ring is an order passed down by generation and generation that is against the Academy. we will one day over throw the Academy and take it for ourselves. (they are evil, but they still against the Academy.)." replied Faddle.


Rofnard jumped sideways, his leg getting slightly cut. He took his axe and threw it at the badger.


Former student (around Rofnard)

Bloodwrath was controlling her now. she reached out and tried to grab the axe, it sliced threw the former students hand. this Badger was out of control, she didn't even care. with only one dirk (she couldn't hold the other with her injury) she threw it at him.


It zipped by, cutting the edge of his ear. Rofnard jumped on the badger's back and plunged his sword through his heart.


OOC: the badger is a she


Former student (around Rofnard)

In the few last few seconds of the badgers life she went of out bloodwrath. she noticed all her injuries, she shed a tear right before the sword ended her life.