
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Lainet, July 04, 2012, 02:13:06 AM

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Breerk skipped over to Lainet, "Lain! Lookit!" Breersk showed the axes to her.

OOC: I have to go soon, no iPad signal on the road, but I'll be going home!


OOC: ok cool

BIC: Tetra leaned against a barrel by the place her crew watched the boat and went deep into thought.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Leatho Shellhound

"Attack" said Hillack The Flying squirrel pirate captain flew from the mast top to the roof on the inn.
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They're here! Attack!" yelled Tetra waving her symatar in the air. Then her men attacked Hillack and his crew.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Leatho Shellhound

"Shoot, crew shoot at them!" said Hillack
    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

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Tetra's crew was not just any crew but the crew but the crew of the legendary ship, The Black Abbey. The crew of the ship was cursed not to die or age and serve the captain of the Abbey until he or she releases them of they get killed in battle. Some of them had even fought side by side with Mattimeo the Warrior and Barbossa Sparra against Devilrat and his horde. But that can be talked about in a different story. They charged the enemy with all their strength to destroy them. 
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Leatho Shellhound

But there were lots of the pirates. It was going to be a hard battle
    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

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Breersk saw the pirates pull up and ran out of the inn where he was talking with Lainet. He was itching to try his new weapons in battle.

OOC: I'm back, finally! I doubt my buttocks will ever be the same again...


OOC: We did some redecorating... I got an awesome computer desk and a huge monitor- DOUBLE SCREENS! It should help when I get my new tablet.  Maybe I could draw your characters for you or something.

BIC: Lainet heard the commotion and saw Breersk come running in.  She grabbed an old stave that had been unused leaning on the wall.  "What's happening?" she asked her friend.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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- Imaginative
Got a deviantART? Love to see new works~


OOC: You got a devaintart profile?
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: @Lainet: Awesome! Draw Breersk, he would be cool to draw, but I can't draw.

BIC: "Pirates are attacking! We gotta help Tetra!"


OOC: Yeah I have a dA, but there isn't anything on it at the moment lol.  I haven't had any way to put stuff up, but I will soon c: And sure I'll draw Breersk!  That'd be fun.

BIC: Lainet dashed out of the inn, wondering why she even bothered to help Tetra.  Maybe she didn't mind the mouse as much as she thought she did.  "Come on Breersk!" she called, whipping her stave around to knock a foe pirate senseless.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
- Artist
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- Imaginative
Got a deviantART? Love to see new works~


Breersk flung an axe, it lodged in the skull of a ferret. Breersk gasped at the body and knelt down sobbing, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Would you forgive me?"


Lainet knelt down by her friend and placed a paw on his back, muttering comfortingly, "It's okay.  Let him be- he would've done the same to you given the chance."

OOC: oh my gosh I just learned how to set up a duel display!  I can have fifty stuff going on one screen and another fifty on the other! Its so cool!
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
- Artist
- Author
- Imaginative
Got a deviantART? Love to see new works~


Breersk continued to sob.

OOC: I'll be going now