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Lucid Dreams

Started by W0NWILL, July 30, 2012, 08:59:23 PM

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  Lol, that's much better than the ones I've had.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I have lucid dreams a lot, but I can't control them. Most of them end up with me getting mortally wounded, being aware that I'm dreaming and mortally wounded, and not waking up or dying in the dream. It's frustrating.
For once, could I have a good lucid dream in Redwall or something?
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


Quote from: Rainshadow on December 10, 2012, 06:12:57 PM
  Sorry for the double post, but I just gotta say, I had another lucid dream last night!!!  I was in a hotel room or something with my brother, and I immediately realized I was dreaming.  How?  When I fell asleep, my fan and some music were on.  I couldn't hear them in the dream, so I knew I was dreaming.  Anyway, I once again decided to have some fun in my dream.  I tried to turn myself into a dragon.  It worked, but my brother also transformed into a dragon and somehow we got stuck together.  Sorta like a dragon with two heads.
  So, after that, we broke through a window and flew out into the open sky.  There were strange, giant fish floating through the sky, and they were trying to eat us.  We barely managed to dodge them, but somehow we stayed in the air, unharmed (other than my pounding heart, which probably missed a few beats).  We crashed into someone's house, which turned out to be our archenemy's house.  She had children, who luckily didn't see us.  We tried to hide, but got killed.
  Next, we woke up in the hotel room again, still the two-headed dragon.  We flew out the window and found a white beacon of light, where the house was.  We went to the house again, going inside the hole we had made the first time.  As we flew inside, we found all of our nonexistent belongings that we had dropped (like in Minecraft, when you die and drop your belongings), and then I woke up.  :(
  Hopefully, I'll be able to have another tonight!

Does that happen a lot in lucid dreams, the wait-I'm-dreaming-wake-up-something-kills-you-or-scares-you-so-much-that-you-"wake-up"-it-happens-again? And you keep thinking you're awake over and over but you're not? Than I have had one lucid dream in my life, and IT. WAS. HELL. Six months later, I get so scared I feel chilled all over and get tears in my eyes and can't move for a few seconds whenever it even crosses my mind.


  I honestly don't know, 'cause I've only ever had two.  But from what I can tell, you realize that you're dreaming and you can control your own dream.  The two I had were a bit weird, 'cause I could half control myself.  I knew I was dreaming and I knew I could move around, but my body seemed to have a mind of its own.  It was strange.

  Do you mind telling about your dream?  If not, totally fine, I've had terrible dreams like that before.  I actually had a nightmare when I was five that I can still remember, it scared me so much.  Still gives me chills.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


So I was sitting in a restaurant. All was fine. Then it felt like everything started over somehow, but there was creepy music (which didn't actually sound creepy at all there was just something creepy about it) and I felt like there was... something behind me but either I couldn't turn around and see it or it was invisible but its presence could be felt. Then, I "woke up", or got out of bed for the day but it was super dark outside my room. And my mom was grilling something in our bonus room, and then I was like "I'm dreaming" so I "woke up", but then I was running up the stairs at a weird speed that seemed both fast and slow, even though there was something at the top. And I remember I was praying out loud but nothing changed. And then... whatever it was at the top of the stairs... leaped at me and I "woke up". I went down the hall and my dad was there, except there were several of him and he was about twenty feet tall and super skinny. Then I "woke up" again, and this time I thought it was real because the light and the time was right. But my hands felt super weak and fumbled on the doorknob. I was scared that I was dreaming again. But eventually I got the door open. I tried to run down the hall, but I slowed down and the hall stretched out. I yelled "For Clan Buchanan*!" even though my mouth also barely worked and I still didn't go anywhere. Then I finally really woke up with a jolt. My throat was dry from praying almost throughout my entire horrendous dream. I was so happy I was alive I felt like Mr. Scrooge at the end of The Christmas Carol. Now was that a lucid dream? Oh, and afterwards I realized I had been sleeping with my eyes open.

*The Scottish clan I'm distantly related to


Quote from: Romsca on June 04, 2014, 03:16:41 AM
So I was sitting in a restaurant. All was fine. Then it felt like everything started over somehow, but there was creepy music (which didn't actually sound creepy at all there was just something creepy about it) and I felt like there was... something behind me but either I couldn't turn around and see it or it was invisible but its presence could be felt. Then, I "woke up", or got out of bed for the day but it was super dark outside my room. And my mom was grilling something in our bonus room, and then I was like "I'm dreaming" so I "woke up", but then I was running up the stairs at a weird speed that seemed both fast and slow, even though there was something at the top. And I remember I was praying out loud but nothing changed. And then... whatever it was at the top of the stairs... leaped at me and I "woke up". I went down the hall and my dad was there, except there were several of him and he was about twenty feet tall and super skinny. Then I "woke up" again, and this time I thought it was real because the light and the time was right. But my hands felt super weak and fumbled on the doorknob. I was scared that I was dreaming again. But eventually I got the door open. I tried to run down the hall, but I slowed down and the hall stretched out. I yelled "For Clan Buchanan*!" even though my mouth also barely worked and I still didn't go anywhere. Then I finally really woke up with a jolt. My throat was dry from praying almost throughout my entire horrendous dream. I was so happy I was alive I felt like Mr. Scrooge at the end of The Christmas Carol. Now was that a lucid dream? Oh, and afterwards I realized I had been sleeping with my eyes open.

*The Scottish clan I'm distantly related to

  I'm not sure if that would be considered lucid or not, 'cause if I'm correct, you have control over your dream, so you could make your dads disappear or something like that.  But I'm no expert on the subject, so your best bet would be to ask someone else.  ::)  But yeah, that's freaky!  Probably freakier than my 5 year old dream (although mine was rather gory for being 5).
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Sorry to tell you that late at night :P


That's rather eerie.

I repeatedly have dreams of climbing tall ladders and falling, bears and syringes and floating lights, as well as the one with the alligators, the floating docks in the middle of lakes and boats with no engines that go fast and you control by leaning and also have no bottom.

My dreams are weird sometimes. Generally not horrifying, though there have been exceptions.


I've had dreams about alligators, but they are just scary when I'm actually dreaming. Not after I wake up


Yeah. Moreso panic when in-dream, rather than continued horror.


Yeah, only dreams that happened in real places continue to scare me.

I forgot about this when I woke up! I actually had a lucid dream (sort of) in the middle of the night.

So... I saw things that said one of the strange things in dreams is you can look at your hand and see how many fingers you have and it's not always the same in dreams. So I looked down at my hand and saw that I had more fingers and my hand was blurry so I realized I was dreaming. Then the scenery changed, and I went over to a table and tried to make stuff appear and disappear, which didn't work. Then I was like, I'm having a lucid dream! And I woke up, and the clock said 4 am, so I fell back asleep. Was I having a lucid dream or was I  just dreaming I was lucid dreaming? Because I didn't feel like I had a ton of control over the situation, and I'm not sure exactly how much I really realized I was dreaming. Maybe I was just dreaming that I knew I was dreaming, without really being aware of it, and I just had that dream since I had read so much about lucid dreams the day before

OOC: So... I noticed that people can intentionally lucid dream inappropriate things...  :-X. I would never do that :-X :-X :-X

Are lucid dreams stereotyped as being dirty? Or do most people just think of flying?


  I dunno...  I mean, one of my biggest fantasies is being able to fly, so both of my lucid dreams were me trying to fly.  I didn't ever think of any sort of nasty, inappropriate thing.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I've dreamt about flying before. Really cool dream. Ooh, maybe I could combine the dream about falling and the dream about flying, so I could not die! That'd be great!

@Romsca- Yeah, I mean honestly, that really doesn't surprise me all that much. Some people are just... Yeah.

...Though I don't think lucid dreaming has that kind of connotation. But then, I very well might not know if it did.


Ok, I hope it doesn't. I just thought it might since a lot of the nicer/better/more conservative people haven't posted on this topic; maybe they just aren't interested. Anyway, does what I described sound like a lucid dream? I'm trying to decide if it was

Leatho Shellhound

I always go into a deep sleep instantly, so, yeah, no lucid dreams for me.
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