
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by Rainshadow, August 11, 2012, 09:27:43 PM

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  "Well, I don' got much food!  I already told you tha'!"  Shade was annoyed more than she was angry.  This creature had no right to demand or even guilt trip her into giving her food!
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Meline raised her dagger halfheartedly. She had never killed a beast, never harmed one, besides stealing from them on numerous occasions, "I have a weapon, I've killed many a beast with this, do you want to become one of them?"


  Shade laughed.  "You wouldn' be able to get within four feet o' me!"  She turned around and started walking away.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Meline stood dejected, then turned to go.

Longear dabbed his footpaws in the River Moss. He sang a little ditty to himself:

Oh, I sits here at the river oh,

Trees hanging down on all sides,

The river flows away oh,

I would have nothing besides.

He had a good singing voice, a fine baritone.


  OOC:  W0NWILL, if you want, you can be persistent with Meline that she join Shade with her traveling to Redwall.  Also, just letting everyone know, the disappearances will happen before the feast.  You won't get to have the feast in the beginning.

  BIC:  Shade felt sorry for the stoat.  She hadn't meant to sound so harsh or rude.  She was just sick of people demanding her to do things.  It reminded herself of her parents.  She hoped that they would be off traveling with her younger siblings when she went for the feast.  But Shade just shrugged and headed off in the general direction of the abbey.
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OOC: Nah, I have a little plan that won't affect the RP much, but Meline won't go with Shade now, she'll bump into her later.

BIC: "I'm going to go for a flight, to cool off my paws." Dari said, "Have an extra pair of oven mitts ready for me when I return."

Longear stood up and stretched, sometimes he just liked to sit and think and sing. He finished the ditty:

Though I have to say oh,

An apple pie would slow my demise,

And maybe a pudden too, oh,

I would dearly treasure that prize!


  Shade made it to the River Moss and heard a very fine singing voice.  "Who be there?  Come out!"  She drew a knife and held it at the ready in case she had to fight.  It was probably just a shrew, but the voice sounded more like vermin than shrew.
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"Oh, hello miz, did I bother you?" Longear waved at her. He was relaxed, and didn't at all seemed bothered by Shade's tough talk and dagger.


  Shade cocked her head slightly in confusion.  "Y-you aren't afraid o' me?  Usually everybeast runs away."  She still held her knife, but she wasn't nearly as tense as before.
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"Why would I be? There's no need for hostilities on a day as fine as this."

OOC: Has Shade seen bat-eared foxes before?


  OOC:  No, but she's seen strange things, so she's not surprised by the fox.

  BIC:  Shade put away her knife to appear less unfriendly.  She was still on her guard though.  "Who are you?  What are you doin' here?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Oh, forgive my bad manners, I'm Longear, for obvious reasons." He tugged his ears. "As for your second question, I made my home here. Want some food?"


  "Er, no.  I should probably ge' goin'.  I'm goin' to Redwall for the name day feast.  You goin'?"  Shade sat down next to the fox, curious.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"What's Redwall?" Longear asked.


  "Large abbey wi' red sandstone walls.  Very popular.  Lots o' goo' beasts.  They ten' to like to name the seasons, and they're goin' to name the autumn season soon."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!