
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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A New Life At Sea OOC/Signup

Started by Tiria Wildlough, October 11, 2012, 11:11:48 AM

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Tiria Wildlough

This RP is about a squirrel named Delkon who is captured by freebooters. They give him a choice: Join them, or die.
Delkon chooses to join them. The RP is about how he settles in on their ship, the Bloodblade, and how his friends try to get him back. Delkon is freeplay You can have two characters each. Here is the character form. Please copy and paste it.


These are my characters:

Name: Baltor Sharktail
Species: Ferret
Gender: Male
Occupation: Captain of the Bloodblade.
Strengths: Freakishly strong, and has the whole crew underhis thumb (or paw). They’ll do anything for him.
Weaknesses: Tends to choose the violent options more oftenthan not. He isn’t that good at thinking up strategies.
Personality: Violent, but can be fair when there’s somethingin it for him. 
History: He used to be a crew member on a ship belonging toa searat. When he got older, he got some of the crew on his side, killed the captain, and took over the ship himself. He renamed it Bloodblade, and it’s his ship in this RP.


Name: Slassen
Species: Ferret
Gender: Female
Occupation: Baltor’s second in command.
Strengths: Cleverer than most vermin, and is the best knifethrower on the ship.
Weaknesses: Very stubborn, and tends to go and sulk if shehas a bad day, which makes her look bad sometimes.
Personality: She’s so stubborn she’d cut off her nose tospite her face, though she’d prefer to cut off somebeast else’s nose. She canbe nice if she’s ordered to be nice.
History: Slassen was a crew member on the Bloodblade before Baltor took over. She was one of the first beasts to side with him.


Third in command (weasel) (taken by Rainshadow)

Name:  Hunt
Species:  Weasel
Gender:  Male
Age:  36
Occupation:  Third in command
Strengths:  He's one of the best archers around, and he nearly always hits his target.  He's also extremely good with the sling, and he's agile.  He can track very well.
Weaknesses:  He has a dagger, but he doesn't do melee combat very well.  He's better with ranged.  He tends to take action without thinking.
Personality:  Short tempered, quick in a fight, quick to start a fight
History:  He was born and raised on the Bloodblade, meaning that he knew what it was like before Baltor took over.  He was one of the beasts that sided with Baltor when Baltor took over the ship.

Crew member 1 (weasel) (taken by danflorreguba)
Name: Torgon Wissle
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Occupation: Crew Member
Strengths: He plays on all sides, never leaves any group out of his close contact, stays up on who's doing what. Relies on agility and grace tinged with speed when he fights... with a staff and a knife
Weaknesses: Tends to poke his nose to close to "Hot stuff" or what isn't his buiseness. Because of his friendlyness, he often ends up the scapegoat, or go to guy when somebeast else needs another to pin blame on, or thrust their unwanted jobs onto him.
Personality: Imagine Flinky
History:Not very vocal about his past, though he has some scars that wold suggest he had fought with other vermin..... I wonder when.....

Crew member 2 (stoat) (taken by Skipper)

Occupation:is part of Baltors crew
Strengths:Stealth, cunning, decite and persuasion
Weaknesses:Strength, courage and heavy weapons
Personality:You shall see
History:Grew up in Mossflower but was recruited by Baltor
Weapons:Some throwing knives, Dirk and axe

Crewmember 3 (ferret) (taken by Wonwill)
Name: Dankfur
Species: Ferret
Gender: Male
Occupation: Crew member
Strengths: Has a knack for thieving and burning
Weaknesses: Quite weak physically and can't smell
Personality: To be RPed
History: Was born on land, burned down his house, joined the crew. Fairly boring life.

Crewmember 4 (rat) (taken by redwallgurl)
Name: Wutle
Species: rat
Gender: female
Occupation: crew member, do you mind if I can be the cook?
Strengths: cooking, and climbing
Weaknesses: eye sight and tender care
Personality: Vicious vermin and ready to report to the Captain in case of mutiny, anything to get a reward
History: was on a cook on another ship but that was captured from the help and spying skills of Wurtle. Wurtle is always ready to deceive and obtain anything no matter what it is.

Name: Azrak (Skarlathrox)
Species: Half Ferret, Half Weasel
Gender: Male
Occupation: Crew member aboard the Bloodblade
Strengths: Azrak is sneaky and small, making him very good at slinking around and spying, also fitting into small gaps. His eyesight is also very good.
Weaknesses: Azrak is nervous.... this can sometimes come in handy for spying, as he is alert for every sing of movement, but it can get tiring, jumping every time the sail flaps in the wind and a wave slaps the side of the boat.
Personality: Other than being nervous and careful, Azrak is young and new to the vermin life.... he's a bit of a Veil character.... nasty enough to be a baddie, but he isn't as evil as some. Probably the main reason he is a vermin is because he is aboard a vermin ship with other evil characters - probably if he was to be brought up at Redwall or another place, his character  would be different. Never-the-less, he is as nasty as the next guy.   
History: Azrak's history is pretty much the same as any old corsair.... born in poverty, he was kicked out from home by his mother as soon as he was able to crawl, and fended for himself until he came across the Bloodblade   anchored in a bay one day. Unlike many, however, who lived by plundering innocent creatures, killing and looting, Azrak lived in a rural land which no one much inhabited. There were not many other creatures to be found around the area, and so Azrak learned to live by foraging for food, fishing,  farming fruits and following streams for water. Perhaps this is the reason Azrak did not grow up as evil as those others aboard the Bloodblade
Description: Azrak is small and skinny with a lean face.
Weapon/s: The only weapon Azrak carries is a small scimitar, which he sneaked from one of his crew mates.

Name: Ghost (Taggerung the Otter)
Race: Ferret
Age: Unkown
Occupation: Crew Member
Strength: stealth, smarts, swinmming, light weapons, fast
Weakness: has no voice,  small, blind in one eye, anger managment, anti-social
Weapon: dagger and a small saber
History: Grew up in mossflower and was taken prosoner by Baltor, but soon earned freedom and a spot in his army.
Personality: quiet and shy and skittish

Name: Vad (Fenris)
Species: Ferret
Gender: Male
Occupation: Carpender/Cooper
Strengths: Can make just about anything out of wood (translates as handy with a knife), able to learn by watching and observing (with certain physical limits/skills, e.g. If he watches someone practice swordwork, he cannot master it unless he emulates it himself many many times, and talks himself through it, even then he can still make mistakes because he is not a trained swordsman)

Weaknesses: Afraid of large bodies of water, poor swimmer, getting on in age (if we put into human years he's probably about 47-53, which is pretty old for someone who has to do oar work and other physically demanding things). Also, suffers from a limp which acts up during cold weather or before a storm.

Personality: Quiet, he keeps his mouth shut about all things. Keeps his solitude but doesn't mind company as long as they're civil enough. If you get him to care enough about you, he will come to your aid in a fight. Be careful to choose where you talk, odds are he's somewhere in the shadows. He is sometimes mocked by some members of the crew because of his age.

History: As a young ferret he was press ganged onto a ship and hasn't been able to leave since. Although he's been alive for a good many years since then and is getting on in years (for a sailor), he had not mastered the art of swiming, although he does know how to float. He's kept his head down, and has picked up a few tricks here and there from observing other crewmates. He has served under many a captain, and has very little loyalty to those in charge  because those in charge always tend to fall but will do as ordered, even if he finds it distasteful and it does not counter common sense. And although he fears the sea, it is the only way he knows to make a living. No one good creature wants to hire a ferret carpender or barrel maker no matter how good he is, so he stays aboard the ships. If prodded or ordered by a crewmember enough he will spin tales and tell stories (does this count as a strength?) .

Physical characteristics:

Fur: Black with some grey; ragged

Eye colour: Piercing grey-blue

Distinguishing marks: He has a scar on/near his left eye (think scar from Lion King). A long jagged scar down his right leg which sometimes gives him trouble. And several ugly looking whipping scars on his back from when he was young and trying to escape.

Other: He carries along various lengths of knives which double as carpender knives and weapons, each has its own holster and he takes great care of them.

When the RP has progressed a bit, you can play one of Delkon's friends who tries to rescue him.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Name:  Hunt
Species:  Weasel
Gender:  Male
Age:  36
Occupation:  Third in command
Strengths:  He's one of the best archers around, and he nearly always hits his target.  He's also extremely good with the sling, and he's agile.  He can track very well.
Weaknesses:  He has a dagger, but he doesn't do melee combat very well.  He's better with ranged.  He tends to take action without thinking.
Personality:  Short tempered, quick in a fight, quick to start a fight
History:  He was born and raised on the Bloodblade, meaning that he knew what it was like before Baltor took over.  He was one of the beasts that sided with Baltor when Baltor took over the ship.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

Name: Torgon Wissle
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Occupation: Crew Member
Strengths: He plays on all sides, never leaves any group out of his close contact, stays up on who's doing what. Relies on agility and grace tinged with speed when he fights... with a staff and a knife
Weaknesses: Tends to poke his nose to close to "Hot stuff" or what isn't his buiseness. Because of his friendlyness, he often ends up the scapegoat, or go to guy when somebeast else needs another to pin blame on, or thrust their unwanted jobs onto him.
Personality: Imagine Flinky
History:Not very vocal about his past, though he has some scars that wold suggest he had fought with other vermin..... I wonder when.....
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Name: Dankfur
Species: Ferret
Gender: Male
Occupation: Crew member
Strengths: Has a knack for thieving and burning
Weaknesses: Quite weak physically and can't smell
Personality: To be RPed
History: Was born on land, burned down his house, joined the crew. Fairly boring life.


Occupation:is part of Baltors crew
Strengths:Stealth, cunning, decite and persuasion
Weaknesses:Strength, courage and heavy weapons
Personality:You shall see
History:Grew up in Mossflower but was recruited by Baltor
Weapons:Some throwing knives, Dirk and axe


Name: Wutle
Species: rat
Gender: female
Occupation: crew member, do you mind if I can be the cook?
Strengths: cooking, and climbing
Weaknesses: eye sight and tender care
Personality: Vicious vermin and ready to report to the Captain in case of mutiny, anything to get a reward
History: was on a cook on another ship but that was captured from the help and spying skills of Wurtle. Wurtle is always ready to deceive and obtain anything no matter what it is
Fun. is a fantastic band.

Tiria Wildlough

All accepted! And sure, Wurtle can be the cook. I didn't expect this many people so soon. We might be able to start sometime today.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Fun. is a fantastic band.


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

'Sokay. We can probably start soon.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


species Otter
Weapon Bow and Arrows
Gender Female
Was taken as a crew member as a Babe and was called a weasel for a long time until the Squirrel say's he is an Otter he helps Delkon escape and try's to kill all the vermin he dies in the end of this rp anybody with a spear stabs him
Tis Death when villains first meet me
They think they will find me key
To the treasure of the treasure down in the deeps
I keep my key in my keeps



Name Jover
Species Squirrel
Gender Female
friend of PloKoon (Got Permission)
She finds the Squirrel and makes plans with PloKoon to help him escape
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Hey there, is it alright if I join? I think all the characters you put up have been taken, so until Derkon's friends appear, do you think it's OK for me to create a new vermin baddie? Perhaps he is new and finds his way to the ship in the story, as to explain why he hasn't shown up so far.
~*This Signature is the Best!*~


Actually, this was just started, so a new baddie could still be introduced. Tiria?

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.