The Quest for Romance Discussion/Sign Up

Started by Rainshadow, October 22, 2012, 08:48:59 PM

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Will you help come up with a theme for the sequel?

13 (86.7%)
2 (13.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15


  This is just an RP for those who love romance.  In this RP, you make 1 or 2 characters (if you only make 1, you can certainly ask someone else if they want to be your "lover."  If you make 2, you play 2 lovers) and pretty much have a love story.  A group of people who hate each other, love each other, whatever you want your story to be, go on a quest that brings them closer together.  (Any suggestions on what the quest should be would be greatly appreciated)
 If you want your characters to love each other, that's fine.  If you want your characters to hate each other and then fall in love, that's great!
 If you happen to have another player be your lover, don't take it seriously please.  This is just meant to be a fun RP to get all of that romance you adore out into a game.

 Another idea I have (if you guys don't want to make 2, but you don't want to choose another player to play with) is to have me randomly pick 2 characters and have them be lovers.  That way you won't have to choose and creep the other person out (example:  1 person says:  "Hey, do you want to be my lover?"  2 says:  "Um, that's kinda creepy.  Why?").

 Characters you may play:

 (Any of these may be lovers or non-lovers.  You don't have to be a lover if you don't want to.  And yes, vermin may be lovers!)

 Character sheet (please copy and paste):

Occupation (one type of character listed in this post):

 My characters:

Name:  Tempest
Species:  Sea Otter
Gender:  Female
Age:  21
Weapons:  Several knives, sling, healer
Appearance:  Dark grey fur, blue eyes, sea blue dress, brown belt that doubles as sling
Personality:  Sweet, kind, has a short temper at times, dreamer
Occupation:  Redwaller
Lover:  Avalanche
Other:  She's lived at Redwall for as long as she can remember.  When she met Avalanche, she didn't think much of him.  She's a pretty good singer, too.  She can play the lute.

Name:  Avalanche
Species:  Sea Otter
Gender:  Male
Age:  23
Weapons:  Spear, javelins, dagger
Appearance:  Light grey with white spots, brown eyes, dark grey tunic, black belt, black cloak with hood
Personality:  A little quiet, kind, humorous, polite, very shy
Occupation:  Traveler
Lover:  Tempest
Other:  He decided to stop at Redwall and met Tempest.  He was wonderstruck and immediately knew she was the one for him.  He was too shy to say it at first, but he fell in love with her.  Avalanche can play a large variety of instruments, and he can sing very well.  He carries a lute around with him.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Gingivere Greeneyes

Name: Milo
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Weapons: Sling, Knife,
Appearance: Red fur, wears green clothes like these blue eyes.
Personality: Over-confident, cocky, rather flirty around female squirrels.
Occupation: Redwall bell ringer.
Lover: to be determined, though hopefully a female squirrel of around his age.
Other: for his love plot I'd like him to be flirting with the same squirrelmaid over and over again when something happens that makes her like him, I don't know let's just play it out and see how it go's.

I have a question, could I play a character that plays a similar role to that of Sebastian in the 'kiss the girl' scene from the little mermaid? Like a sort of, wingman or something like that, that gives the more unwilling couples a bit of a helping hand? If not its fine!
Sela: The leaf is Redwall, Chickemhound is the boot.
Chickenhound: I don't wanna be the boot!
Sela: Shut up your the boot. You, Cluny are the rock, and I'm the sports car.
Cluny: I wanna be the sports car!
Sela: No. I'm always the sports car. D:<


  Sure, you can play a wingman.  Well, a wing-beast.  ;)  And Milo is accepted!  Hopefully there will be a squirrelmaid made for him!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Gingivere Greeneyes

Name: Cobble
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Age: 36ish
Weapons: Uh...his banjo?
Appearance: Tall, brown furred, wears a bards outfit similar to TVshow Ballaw's, on the right of his tunic is a badge of the long patrol.
Personality: Witty, musical,  rather obnoxious at times, but is a nice beast to be around generally.
Occupation: Ex-Salamandastron bard, got temporarily banned for being a nuisance to the other hares and the badger lord.
Lover: None.
Other: He will serve as a sort of 'Cupid' in this role-play. Pushing together the not so willing couples and stuff.

Oh and, I choose the first option!
Sela: The leaf is Redwall, Chickemhound is the boot.
Chickenhound: I don't wanna be the boot!
Sela: Shut up your the boot. You, Cluny are the rock, and I'm the sports car.
Cluny: I wanna be the sports car!
Sela: No. I'm always the sports car. D:<


  Haha, Cobble will be a nice addition to the RP!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I think this RP has potential. As long as we keep things PG  ;D  Like the Little Mermaid movie. Perhaps this could start at a feast at Redwall or something like that? From there it could turn into a quest of sorts. There is always the possibility of sub-plot threads as well if people wanted to work on character personality development and that sort of thing.

Count me in and I'll have my character up soon!


  Yes, I don't want it to be too romantic.  Just a love story that makes you feel all good inside lol.  And it could start at a feast.  Ooh!  Since it is a romantic RP, it could start off with somebeast's wedding ceremony!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



  This could even turn into a slightly comical idea.  I just read your post again, Brookskimmer.  The one about The Little Mermaid.  The only thing I can think of is the part where the prince and Ariel are on the boat and are about to kiss, when the bad guys (I forgot what they are) tip the boat.  It could be very funny, I mean, having some beasts nearly having a romantic scene, when all of a sudden it gets ruined!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

Can I be a sort of side character like Cobble?
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


  Sure.  Maybe I should say that.  I think I forgot to in my first post.  Yes, you may be a character that isn't a lover.  Though, keep in mind that we do need lovers in order to start this RP.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough


Name: Leisa
Species: Mouse
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: She's an albino mouse.
Personality: A bit of a gigglebox. She's very extroverted, and likes to talk.
Weapons: None
Occupation: Redwaller
Lover: None
Other: She plays a little harp thingy which she carries around with her most of the time.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Name: Elay

Species: Rabbit

Gender: Female

Occupation: Average woodlander

Age: 3 1/4 years

Personality: Like all rabbits, jumpy and nervous, but less-so than others due to years living above ground, she deals with things logically, though she may sometimes jump to conclusions. She doesn't think she's right, she knows she's right and not afraid to show it. She always has a sharp remark or witty comeback ready. She's a little vain and very proud of herself, she won't accept help even if she really needs it, but that doesn't stop her from crying help in a tight situation, if one answers that plea, that rabbit would get their head bitten off.

Strengths: Smart and fast

Weaknesses: Not the strongest, proud

Appearance: Overall, her fur is the grey of clouds just starting to fill with precipitation, she has darker fur, the colour of a proper storm cloud around the tips of her lop-ears and her toes. She has not-quite-white fur on her chest that stops just under her chin. She carries herself with a dignified and bold posture.

Weapons: None, though she can kick butt when needed.

Lover: None currently.

Excuse me for the inconvinice, I copied/pasted it from another site, even though that site isn't Redwall I wanted to develop her even more. Don't worry, I got rid of the Lapine.


  Lapine?  And sorry, but could you fit the info to this please?

Occupation (one type of character listed in this post):
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!