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Character Development Exercises

Started by Something Horrifying, October 25, 2012, 09:47:27 AM

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Anyone actually interested in this?

15 (68.2%)
0 (0%)
Not sure yet, I might be, but I need to see the questions and prompts first.
3 (13.6%)
Not sure but GOOD GOD that was a wordy intro. o_o
4 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Something Horrifying

Hey guys! I thought this might be a fun and useful thing to have around, I hope you like it!

To me, one of the most interesting parts of RP, and writing in general (so this all applies to fanfics too!), is developing unique, complex characters. Even in casual, plot-focused RP, complex and well-developed characters add another layer to the story and interactions that can serve to make the whole thing more fun and more interesting, and even take the story in ways nobody expected! After all, one of the best parts of writing different characters, at least in my opinion, is having them surprise you sometimes! And if you can really get into your character's mind and see what makes them tick, it makes it easier to have more complex and realistic interaction with other characters and the world around them.

This thread is meant for everyone, from those just beginning to RP, to RPers with a decade or more of experience. No one is too new or too experienced to benefit from some good character development exercises--character development is useful at any level, and most important, just another way to have fun! After all, we made these characters to write about, right?

I'm going to start out with two types of exercises for now, and update them every so often to add more. Under each type I'll add a little more detail--I'll give these some suggestions on how to complete them, to add some structure, but remember this is of course all optional! The purpose of this thread isn't homework, it's to provide some helpful tools and ideas, that you can pick from based on what feels most useful and fun to you.

HOWEVER, I will say this: I encourage everyone to step a little outside their comfort zone, if they can. By this I don't mean push yourself until you don't enjoy it anymore--what I mean is, if there's a question or prompt you can't readily answer, try not to just dismiss it! Push yourself to think about it more deeply, or make up additional details to fill the gaps as long as they still work with what you already have. That's the whole point, after all--learning NEW things about your characters, be it details about their history, or details about their view of the world. Dig deeper into them until you see what exactly makes them tick! The pay-off is worth the effort.

ALSO, feel free to use these for as many characters as you'd like! You can either post your answers here to share, or just do them privately. If you post anything about your characters here, I and other members may have some additional questions!

NOTE: While I think asking questions about people's characters should be fine, please only provide critique if the member asks for it, and keep it constructive and polite. If you're posting answers, please specify whether or not you'd like critique!

And last, make sure you label any answers with your character's name (and maybe species), so we know who we're reading about! If you want you can also include whether they're being used in/planned for particular RPs or fanfics.

These are just some short questions about your character. Feel free to pick and choose, though the more the better. Make them as long or short as you'd like, one line to several paragraphs, though try to answer as thoroughly and with as much detail as possible.

You can answer these in one of two ways (or both!): OOC answers (you telling us the answer), or IC answers (your character telling us the answer as if they're being interviewed--this can be interesting, because sometimes the character might be wrong or withholding information, which is perfectly alright! Your character lying about or hiding something, or just seeing something differently, can tell you just as much about them as a straight answer, as long as you know why they're reacting that way).

Be sure to number your answers, so we know which ones you're answering!

1. Where were they born? Where did they grow up?
2. What were their parents/guardians like?
3. How did they get along with their family, growing up? How about now?
4. What did they do for fun, when they were young? How about now?
5. What has been the most important relationship in their life?
6. How do they feel about love?
7. How do they feel about friendship?
8. Have they ever been in love? With who? What happened?
9. How do they feel about themself?
10. What is their biggest dream/goal in life?
11. What is their worst fear?
12. If they had one wish, what would it be?
13. What do they consider their greatest achievement?
14. Where would their ideal place to live be?
15. How would (or do) they feel about living at Redwall?
16. Have they ever killed anyone? How did they feel the first time they took a life?
17. How do they feel about the idea that all vermin are evil and all woodlanders are good? How about more specific species stereotypes?

These prompts are for short scenes, meant to be responded to with a brief story, in either third- or first-person. Again, make them as long or short as you'd like, but try to be thorough.


Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall

Something Horrifying

(Going ahead and posting the full intro and info-dump about this, to gauge interest, before posting the content. If I started this, would anyone want to participate?)

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall


  I think this is a really good idea, and I'd really like to join!  But, I do have 1 question:  Did you mean by "intro and info-dump" as putting our character description?  Sorry if that's a dumb question, but it's really early where I live and I'm not thinking very well lol.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


This is GREAT! I feel it's exactly what the RP part of this forum need! Kudos for you on such an awesome plan! Count me in!  ;D

I've been trying to help with the same thing through my little tournaments and contests but this is a much more straight forward approach. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with this!

@Rainshadow: I don't think they are looking for our characters quite yet. Just getting everything out for people to see.


This is really interesting! Definitely trying this out.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Something Horrifying

Quote from: Rainshadow on October 25, 2012, 02:46:12 PM
  I think this is a really good idea, and I'd really like to join!  But, I do have 1 question:  Did you mean by "intro and info-dump" as putting our character description?  Sorry if that's a dumb question, but it's really early where I live and I'm not thinking very well lol.
Oh no, not dumb at all. Sorry I worded that strangely--I meant I was posting the thread intro and "info-dump" on what this thread is about. Kind of making fun of myself for rambling on so much in the opening post. lol

So glad some people like this idea! Thanks so much, guys.  ;D I'll be posting some questions soon, and maybe the first prompt!

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall

Something Horrifying

First questions are up! I'll add more over time, and post any time I do so you can see them if you want.

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Something Horrifying

Quote from: Tiria Wildlough on October 26, 2012, 06:27:43 AM
Can I post my answers here?
Feel free! ;D I was hoping some people would! Always interesting to read about other people's characters. I may even take my own advice and post some answers soon too! I have a few characters in the works that could really use some development. lol

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall

Tiria Wildlough

Okay, here I go. I'll do my Tournament character, Slassen.

Where were they born? Where did they grow up?
Slassen: I was born on the shore of the western sea. I grew up with just my mother, no one else. She joined a corsair crew, and took me with her.

2.What were their parents/guardians like?
My mother was pretty hard on me. She meant well, but she expected me to act like an adult. I saw this as a challenge.

3. How did they get along with their family, growing up? How about now?
I thought of my mother as more of a work partner, not a parent. She's dead now.

4. What did they do for fun, growing up? How about now?
My friends and I would play games and tell stories. We would also play tricks on otherbeasrs in our ship. Now...we do pretty much the same thing, except less often.

5. What has been the most important relationship in their life?
Probably my friends. I got a lot of important lessons from them.

6. How do they feel about love?
It's important, but I wouldn't put too much store by it.

7. How do they feel about friendship?
Friendship is one of the most valuable things you can have, as long as your friends are trustworthy.

8. Have they ever been in love? With who? What happened?
Yes, I have. That's what taught me not to put too much store by love and relationships. And no, I won't tell you who I was in love with. Why should I tell you?

9. How do they feel about themself?
Honestly? I'm not very proud of myself, but I learned not to congratulate myself too much, because that's just stupid.

10. What is their biggest dream/goal in life?
I don't have a big goal. I have lots of small ones, and they're always changing.

11. What is their worst fear?
I'm not in the habit of telling people my worst fear.

12. If they had one wish, what would it be?
To keep on living like I am now. Right now nothing is certain.

13.What do they consider their greatest achievement?
The fact that I survived life on six corsair ships.

14. What would their ideal place to live be?
Where I was born. I don't remember it very well, but it was nice.

14. How would they feel about living at Redwall?
Doesn't really sound like my kind of place. Corsairs and woodlanders are supposed to be enemies, right?

16. Have they ever killed anyone? How did they feel the first time they took a life?
Oh, I've killed quite a few creatures, but I'm not somebeast who kills for fun. It was a bit of a shock the first time I killed somebeast, but I got over it.

17. How do they feel about the idea that all vermin are bad and all woodlanders are good? How about some more specific stereotypes?
It's rubbish. I've known some "vermin" who couldn't kill a fly if it ate their lunch, and some woodlanders who're just as murderous as any pirate. So I don't think much of those stereotypes. It's mostly woodlander stories.


My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Received mostly negative reviews.


  This is going to be from the point of view of my RP character, Shadow Wildfire.

1. Where were they born? Where did they grow up?
 Shadow:  I was born in a castle far away from Redwall.

2. What were their parents/guardians like?
 Shadow:  I have no memory of a mother, but my father was very cruel.

3. How did they get along with their family, growing up? How about now?
 Shadow:  I argued with my father until my voice went hoarse.  We didn't have a good relationship.  Now?  He's dead.

4. What did they do for fun, when they were young? How about now?
 Shadow:  There were many slaves at the castle, and I played different games with them.  They told me stories of the outside world, including stories about Redwall.

5. What has been the most important relationship in their life?
 Shadow:  My husband and children.  They are my life!

6. How do they feel about love?
 Shadow:  Love is a very important thing in life.  Without love, life would be dull.

7. How do they feel about friendship?
 Shadow:  Friendship is another great thing in life.  Having a friend is an amazing thing, for someone like me.

8. Have they ever been in love? With who? What happened?
 Shadow:  Yes, I have been in love.  My first love was a mouse named Davidari.  I know, I'm a wildcat, he's a mouse.  I'm not really sure how it happened.  But, we grew apart, for I left for the sea and met Jag.  Jag and I have been married for several seasons now, and we have wonderful children.

9. How do they feel about themself?
 Shadow:  How do I feel about myself?  I often wish that I were a better beast.  I feel as though I stand out quite a lot because of the fact that I'm a vermin.

10. What is their biggest dream/goal in life?
 Shadow:  My biggest dream is to be a better parent.  I already love all of my children quite a lot, but I wish that I could do more for them.

11. What is their worst fear?
 Shadow:  My worst fear is that my family or friends will be injured or killed, and I won't be able to help them.

12. If they had one wish, what would it be?
 Shadow:  That everyone I love and care for will remain safe for the rest of their lives.  I would gladly give up my life for them.

13. What do they consider their greatest achievement?
 Shadow:  I'm not quite sure.  Probably my greatest achievement would be that I'm still alive after taking care of so many young kittens.  Either that or it's that I can still balance without a tail.

14. Where would their ideal place to live be?
 Shadow:  Redwall.  It's as simple as that.

15. How would (or do) they feel about living at Redwall?
 Shadow:  It's a wonderful place for beasts of all sizes.  It's beautiful and peaceful (most of the time), and everyone there is so kind.  And, of course, the food is incredible!

16. Have they ever killed anyone? How did they feel the first time they took a life?
 Shadow:  Yes, I have killed many beasts.  It hurts me every time I have to take a life.  I can't help but think that it's not my place to choose whether somebeast lives or dies.  I still kill, but I only kill to defend those I love.

17. How do they feel about the idea that all vermin are evil and all woodlanders are good? How about more specific species stereotypes?
 Shadow:  Being a wildcat, I hate that stereotype.  I'm not evil, like my kin, yet others still think I am.  Luckily, I do have a few woodlander friends who don't treat my like a horrible beast, but it still hurts when somebeast has to remind me that I'm one of the worst species of vermin there is.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


From the POV of Dari.

1. Where were they born? Where did they grow up?

I was born at the bat mountpit, I ran away and stowed away on a ship.

2. What were their parents/guardians like?

Mum was okay, dad was just terrible. I think the power of being a bat lord went to his head, he treated everyone like they were scum.

3. How did they get along with their family, growing up? How about now?

Terrible, except for my brother, and now that my brother's dead, terrible, except for Kalia and Vespar.

4. What did they do for fun, when they were young? How about now?

When I was young I would often watch the looks on creatures faces after I stole from them. Still do, but I also play with Vespar.

5. What has been the most important relationship in their life?

Even though I hated my father, my fighting with him really shaped who I am.

6. How do they feel about love?

It's a distraction, but the good kind.

7. How do they feel about friendship?

Never forget it, never forget who is your real friend, no matter what they do, forgive and let live.

8. Have they ever been in love? With who? What happened?

I never payed attention to other bats, until I met Kalia. Now I'm happily married and have a great daughter.

9. How do they feel about themself?

I'm a fine, strapping figure of a bat, though...ugh...I have doubts.

10. What is their biggest dream/goal in life?

To live a happy life, with no big adventures or lots of vermin fighting.

11. What is their worst fear?

Don't ask me to answer that.

12. If they had one wish, what would it be?

Wish for more wishes, then I could spend those wishes at my leisure.

13. What do they consider their greatest achievement?

Greatest achievement? Dear, that's hard, but I'd have to haven't done that many good things, lets go on to the next question.

14. Where would their ideal place to live be?

I'm a free spirit, I never stay anywhere, but if I had to choose, I would say my bat mountpit

15. How would (or do) they feel about living at Redwall?

I really only stay at Redwall for the food, or if Kalia insists.

16. Have they ever killed anyone? How did they feel the first time they took a life?

I've haven't really taken a life, except for a couple of vermin in the heat of a battle. Oh, I felt awful afterward, but you must know how it is.

17. How do they feel about the idea that all vermin are evil and all woodlanders good? How about more specific steryotypes?

Overall, vermin are bad and woodlanders are good, but there are exceptions.


  From the viewpoint of Adam the Barn Owl.

1. Where were they born? Where did they grow up?
  Adam:  I was hatched in a hollow somewhere in Mossflower Woods, and I grew up there with my family.

2. What were their parents/guardians like?
  Adam:  My parents were very kind.  I loved them.

3. How did they get along with their family, growing up? How about now?
  Adam:  Being an only child, I was bored much of the time.  I had my parents to play with, though, so it was okay.  Now, however, I don't see my parents at all.  I left the hollow soon after I could fly.

4. What did they do for fun, when they were young? How about now?
  Adam:  I liked playing with my dad, and listening to my mom tell stories.  Now I love making music.

5. What has been the most important relationship in their life?
  Adam:  My most important relationship... hmm... I'd have to say a little Northern Saw Whet Owl that I took care of.  She didn't have a family, so I sort of became her big brother.  She was the best little sister an owl could ask for.

6. How do they feel about love?
  Adam:  I haven't ever felt true love.  Sure, I love my friends, but, well, they're friends.  Not a mate.

7. How do they feel about friendship?
  Adam:  Friendship is a thing to cherish.  You never know what will happen tomorrow, so be kind to others today.  Make new friends!

8. Have they ever been in love? With who? What happened?
  Adam:  Sadly, no, I've never been in love.

9. How do they feel about themself?
  Adam:  I don't really know.  I guess I could be much better than I actually am.  The one thing I can say about myself that's good is the fact that I can sing really well.

10. What is their biggest dream/goal in life?
  Adam:  To make music.  Make music and find lots of friends.

11. What is their worst fear?
  Adam:  I'm not really sure.  I guess it would be to lose my voice or to die or something.

12. If they had one wish, what would it be?
  Adam:  To find the perfect owl lady for me.

13. What do they consider their greatest achievement?
  Adam:  Um, probably my greatest achievement is that I can grin.  I'm an owl, and I can grin.  *Laughs*

14. Where would their ideal place to live be?
  Adam:  In an old barn in Mossflower, with a mate and some kids.

15. How would (or do) they feel about living at Redwall?
  Adam:  I love Redwall, but I dunno.  I think I'd stay there for a short time every once in a while, but I really like being alone.

16. Have they ever killed anyone? How did they feel the first time they took a life?
  Adam:  I have killed before, and I hated doing it.

17. How do they feel about the idea that all vermin are evil and all woodlanders are good? How about more specific species stereotypes?
  Adam:  Y'know, some vermin are bad, some are good.  Some woodlanders are good, but some are bad.  It depends on the beast.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Something Horrifying

Wow, so happy to see people using these! There are some really great answers here, guys, and some character voices coming through quite well. Can't wait to see some of these characters answer the prompts too, when I put some up.

I notice everyone so far has used first person, too! That's interesting. I'm (slowly, since I'm so busy preparing for Halloween) filling in some answers for a character I plan to use in a fanfic and maybe RP soon, and I went with first person too. I might decide to also write OOC answers for the questions I don't think he answered honestly or completely, though. lol

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall