
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Planet Wisilgr Planning

Started by W0NWILL, December 11, 2012, 07:14:23 PM

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Should we start an RP?

6 (60%)
1 (10%)
I dunno
3 (30%)

Total Members Voted: 10


  Oh, sorry, didn't see that.  Thanks!

Working on an RP character
Name:  Starwatcher (nickname:  The Watcher)
Age:  26
Gender:  Female
Species:  Lukunixil
Appearance:  Black feathers with white speckles, black hooked beak (like a hawk), amber eyes, dark grey tunic, black leggings, light grey scarf, wears spectacles when reading
Weapons:  Twin daggers, natural defense
Personality:  The Watcher is a quiet creature, tending to watch others instead of talking.  She loves to read and expresses herself with art, but she is very shy.  If you get to know her and earn her trust, she'll open up more, showing that she's very fun to be around.  Not many creatures know that.
History:  The Watcher lives on a small sky island with very few inhabitants.  It's off of a larger island, but not many Lukunixil know about it.  The Watcher lives in her own house, a mansion she inherited from her late parents.  She has few friends, preferring to spend time in her huge library.
Other:  The Watcher enjoys stargazing, and often will be found sitting on the roof late at night.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

I sketched a character I plan to use. (And when I say 'sketch', I really mean SKETCH.) Is it okay for Aquurins to have hair?

Character SKETCH
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Yes, of course. I do that with clay myself.

EDIT: I finally got around to making the Daruark.


A Paug is a tamable omnivore that is a common pet. It lives in the forests of the normal islands. Paugs lay eggs that can be sold or made into omelets, and its large horn is often used as a helmet.

A Casabir is a herbivore that lives on the flying islands. It is not tamable and will run if someone approaches it. It's feathers are used for cloaks and it's meat is quite good and will fetch a fair price.



I think I'll make a hunter as one of my characters XD


Okay, get characters ready soon, now it's time to make an RP. Oh, and Reptoids and Aquurins are sorta like rats and the like in Redwall. Daruarks are like the mice, and Lukunixil are a bit like badgers and hares.

I was thinking, that Reptoids or Aquurins hiring mercenaries en mass, and it's come to be known by some Daruarks. Now the Daruarks are hiring people to either go out and look for isolated people that know things about Reptoids or Aquirins near their homes, or to volunteer as mercenaries to work as double agents. Does anyone have anything to add or a different idea?

Tiria Wildlough

I finally got around to finishing the drawing of my Aquurin character, Shanura.

Finished picture
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Would we have to draw our characters?

(please do not send me the pm game messages)


That looks great, Tiria.

No, of course not. If you want to, go ahead.

Tiria Wildlough

Wonwill, could you make up the animal that the daruaks ride? Because I want to draw some, but I'm not sure what they should look like.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


It has a snout like a bull and tusks like an elephant. It is usually brown, with stripes ranging from black to red on it's legs. It has large, curving horns and small eyes. It's tail sticks up and has a growth on the end. The growth is a pyramid shape, with little spikes at the edges, and with heavy ridges on the flat surfaces.

Tiria Wildlough

Is anyone still interested in this?
Oh, and my new and improved aquurin. ;D

(a cross between a shark, a dog, and a person. XD)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


She's cool!

I'm still in, and can also draw!

Tiria Wildlough

She's a girl actually. And I had a go drawing a daruak. He's probably all wrong though, but whatever.

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


It's a pity that I didn't see this earlier because I love to get in on lore. Anyways, can I make a character and join in on the rp?