Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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OOC: She already is. Cregga mentioned that she climbed out of the water and between some tree roots.


Tranquility continued to sniff at her, her brow furrowed.  She removed her cloak, which was rather large, and laid it over the fox. ".... shabby, but it'll do until you find proper shelter..."

cregga rose eyes

"Thank you." Emerald accepted the cloak with shaky paws from the cat.
How long had she been asleep? The sun was setting and the air was starting to become cold.
Emerald glared at Cole. She didn't even notice the others. "How could you not remember family?"

Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


"I remember you, Emerald. Why else would I come look for you?" For some reason, Cole's shoulder hurt more and he felt slightly chilled.


Tranquility sighed. It was going to be a cold night. "Both of you under the cloak. It's going to get colder."


OOC: One of the reasons Cole feels chilled is because his wound is infected really bad but he doesn't know that yet, and because of that, he has a slight fever

BIC: Cole gratefully accepted the cloak


"You got a nasty wound there." the racoon mentioned pointing at Cole's arm,"Shouldn't we dress the wound and check for infection. Well does anyone here have any idea how to do that?"


I could guess, but still.)

"No... you all are too small for me to do that without hurting you..." replied Tranqility. She then laid down, curled around Cole and Emerald. Winter was approaching, so it wasn't going to get any warmer. She looked at Mask as if to say 'you're free to join us'. Tranquility saw sleeping together as a way to keep warm, with those needing the most heat in the middle, and those who could stand the cold on the outside.


"No thank'ee I prefer sleeping in these," he said while he slipped in to a grass tussock.


  Tharn still stood behind the tree, just a stone throw away from the other beasts.  He didn't dare risk digging a small hole for himself.  The others might hear him.  So, Tharn buried himself in a fern, staying as silent as possible.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

cregga rose eyes

Emerald was flustered at having to share with Cole, but she hid the feeling to be nice to the strange cat. She thought, he left me with them. Where did he think he could just go and claim he was looking for me!
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


Tranquility laid down with her back to the wind. She looked at Emerald with her amber eyes for a long moment. "..." She said nothing, but laid her head down on her front paws. She was positioned to block the wind from the two foxes, having not gotten soaked and/or wounded recently, she could handle the cold with ease.


OOC: Just a reminder: part of the arrow is probably still in Cole's shoulder


(Well, there's nothing Tranq can do about it. Tranq is Tranquility's nickname, kind of.)

Tranquility remained where she was, her tail curled in a wide semi-circle around the two foxes, shifting a few times to test how much her body blocked the breeze.


Mask fidgeted in his sleep. He was having a bad dream. That wasn't a dream it was a memory. His town invaded by corsairs his mother and father lay slain on the floor. He was 5 seasons old. He lived in a violent world. he became a warrior to have revenge on all vermin. He would have slept with the others but he didn't want to wake them as he knew he would.