Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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"No! None of you need to un-arm yourselves! Just the ones who we aren't familiar with yet" Amphalis said, wording his phrase carefully. "Let's see if our friar can cook us up a midnight snack, eh?" He led the way to the kitchen.

Sothen followed.


"What kind of food do you have?" Cole asked, famished since he didn't have any fish.


"We have all sorts of things!" Amphalis replied. "We have berries, nuts, cheese, salads, cakes, pasties, jam, and lots more! Also, we have a good, hearty October Ale and some Straberry Fizz for those not old enough. Also, we have some very good Blackberry Cordial. You can choose to have it fermented or not! Oh, I'm sorry. Am I talking to much?"


Tranquility yawned and sat down.


"Do you have any meat?" the fox asked. He was in the mood for meat.


"Um, uh.... no not at the moment. We sometimes have fish on special occasions" Amphalis said awkwardly.

Sothen stood around while somebeasts found seats*.

OOC: from what Tranq is doing, I'm assuming at least one other beast would sit down.


Cole sat down at the table and looked around at the table. "Uh, I don't see any fish. Sorry, but... I'm just not used to eating anything but fish and birds."


"Well, there's nothing there, first of all. And don't make our poor abbot feel like he can't provide for you" Sothen said.


"Sorry. I, uh, I guess I'll just have to try something new." Cole sighed. This would take some getting used to. The sooner his shoulder was healed the sooner he could get away from this place. It was awkward being around creatures who unusually nice. They were just too friendly! Oh, well. At least here he didn't have to worry about his throat being torn out by someone who suspected he was cheating at a card game, like in some of the dingy taverns he had gone to.

cregga rose eyes

Emerald had only a few memories when she was trusted by "good" beasts like mice, but she had a feeling as she sat that she would not have that here.
She felt strange around these creatures who sat near her. Besides Cole, she didn't know what to expect. Even for Cole she wasn't entirely sure. I t had been a long time since she had really seen him. "Do you have tarts." She asked starkly. "I've heard that tarts are very good."
Drifting with the wind
I usually go by LakeLake nowadays


By now Daisy was really enjoying all the activity. The Abbot and everyone else was so taken in by all the new beasts, she hadn't been told to scoot off for bed yet. Hurray!, she thought.

Daisy sat down at the table and couldn't wait to dig in to some great Redwall Abbey vittles! This adventure was turning out to be pretty fine after all. Daisy chuckled to herself. What a night!


Mask ran over and sat at the table.


OOC: Pluggfiretail I'm not sure if you saw this

"Father Abbot, did you say that the otters were going to go and clear up the moss?" asked Sasam, handing his sword to Skipper
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Tranquility soon moved away from the table and laid down on her front, talking in her low, calm voice to a few dibbuns who had been curious about her and were asking questions. (From what I know, Redwall itself has never seen a real wildcat, considering Tsarmina was defeated before Redwall's existance.)


OOC: it was the middle of the night.

BIC: Amphalis walked over to the table. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry to ruin your fun" he said. "But these dibbuns must have snuck out of bed! They will have to go back up now. And you too, Daisy. You've already had supper. See me in the morning, ok?" He walked back over to Sasam. "Hmm? Oh! Yes. They probably won't need any help, though. I was just saying that to Daisy to show her that she should have told us first. And yes, we have tarts. Would you like some?" He asked Emerald.