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Started by Norham Waterpaw, March 07, 2013, 12:01:00 AM

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Does Norham have the Bloodwrath?

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
He's just insane
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He has another form of it
2 (66.7%)
What kind of question is this?
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Norham Waterpaw

OOC: this is a story of my avatar, and his friends. This tells of his trials, joys, sorrows, and how he became a warrior of the of the Great Redwall Abbey. Btw, Norham is pronounced Norrum

Cast: reply to this post if you want a character

Norham Waterpaw: otter, main character. Desc: big star shaped scar on forehead. Black fur.

Riggaeo Starswift: wildcat, main villain. Desc: a pure white wildcat, with extreme sword skills with a star shaped pommel on his sword.
Norham and Riggaeo are my characters, here are the others

Rigjim Garijon: hedgehog, main character. Desc: a big burly hedgehog, a hermit of the woods who wields a warhammer.

Algemas: Riggaeo's first mate, main character. Desc: a weasel with one eye missing, replaced with a glass ball. Also Olgemas' twin brother.

Olgemas: Galley slave-driver. Desc: a weasel, same as Algemas, minus the missing eye, wields a cat-of-nine-tails whip.

Jerimias Barrindol: Hare. Desc: A Salamandastron fighting hare, Norham's friend since childhood.

Tobias Rockshifter: badger. Desc: Also Norham's friend since childhood.

Random soldiers. Desc: none needed, just your average vermin, work for Riggaeo.

Abbey Dwellers. Desc: abbeydwellers, that's about it.

Abbess Emmery. Squirell Desc: tall, with dark brown fur.

Norham's oceanside village was raided by none other than Riggaeo, a white wildcat, who burned the houses and slew everyone. Norham was very little, so Riggaeo only struck his head with his pommel, leaving a star-shaped scar on Norham's head. A while later, Tobias and Jeremias find him, and Norham's blow to the head had damaged his brain, making him insane. They adopted him as a friend, and kept him company, because Tobias and Jeremias, too, had their village raided. Norham would constantly go in and out of his insane rages, but as years passed, he overcame them with the help of his friends.

Now, they wander as a traveling troupe, baking, playing instruments, putting on comical skits and just overall having fun. Dark horizons are brewing though, Riggaeo Starswift is returning to Mossflower.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


I'll gladly join, but is this an RP where the characters a pre-made, or are those just your characters?

Norham Waterpaw

Sorry I replied so late, but you can make your own characters, or choose from the list of main characters I've already made up. It's really up to you. I'm so glad you are thinking of joining!
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Name: Tailli
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: 11-16
Appearance: White fur and large pink eyes, albino. She has a small tail compared to the majority of squirrels. She wears a brown dress with a white shirt underneath. Her belt is wrapped loosely about her waist, a large part of it is hanging free in a loop. She has a rather frail appearance, but don't let that fool you, she is rather strong.
Personality: She's reckless and daring, in an almost fool-hardy sort. She's an impulsive liar, meaning that she feels the need to lie even when the circumstances don't need her to. She doesn't care of other's opinions of her, and is a sociopath. She is nearly unable of feeling emotions of love or caring, and if one were to threaten her acquaintance's lives(She doesn't have friends), she'd simply shrug and walk away. She rarely feels fear, though when she does, it's consuming, rendering her temporary paralyzed. When she feels hate, it is not without good reason. She struggles to understand sentiment, love, and many other things normal beasts feel. Her favourite line, though she doesn't get to use it often is 'Shut up, I'm having an emotion.'
Strengths: Physically strong, sociopathic, can lie and deceive
Weaknesses: Reckless, impulsive liar, sociopathic, can't fight well
History: She was born in Mossflower woods as a normal, albeit albino squirrel. During her dibbunhood, she lived with her parents in a treehouse in a willow that dips down into a little stream off the River Moss. After dibbunhood, she slowly became emotionless and less attached. When a fire started, spreading from a careless campfire to her tree. She watched her parents being engulfed in flames. She could of helped them, but she had seen no reason to. She had become a sort of monster, capable of watching gruesome deaths without batting an eye. Everyone she met shielded away from her once they heard her story about being in a position to help her parents, but not. She didn't understand why they were seemingly afraid of her, and still doesn't know today.

Norham Waterpaw

Very cool, but gruesome. Btw, you put gender: male, but you kept using she, did you mean female?
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


D'oh! At first she was female, then she was male, then I changed her back to female. Guess I forgot to change that again.

Norham Waterpaw

Hey Wonwill, if you wanna make at least 2 more people you can... I don't think many more people are gonna join.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Name: Vash Quickpaw
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Age: young adult
Weapons: His father's knife
Appearance: he wear a red sash and an open green vest over it. He also wears tan, ripped shorts. He has brown eyes and slightly lighter brown fur with a tan under belly. He's a little tall and somewhat muscular.
Personality: he's somewhat impatient and usually a loner. He hates being discriminated for being a weasel, but is also used to it.
Side: neutral, though he is a thief.
History: when he was just a dibbun, his parents where killed by a badger who thought that Vash's parents had stolen his wife's necklace, which they hadn't. He grew up in the streets, stealing to survive. Now he is a thief in the woods, and is very quick and stealthy.
Other: He isn't that good at fighting, but he can dodge and run.
I LOVE 80's music.

Norham Waterpaw

Accepted, thanks for joining.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


This RP sounds like a lot of fun! Here's my character:

Name: Antura
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: Otter
Weapon(s): cutlass
Side: Good
Personality: Adventurous (other to be RP'ed)
Appearance: Tall and slim, very agile. Despite not being very muscular, she is fairly strong. Has very dark brown fur (almost black) with lighter gray belly and chest. Wears a short, sleeveless gray tunic with a sword-belt made of plain brown leather.
Occupation: Traveler/adventurer
Other: Lives mostly at the abbey, but also roams Mossflower and surrounding country searching for adventures and vermin. She kills any vermin that she catches up with. (That's where she got her cutlass, actually.)

I hope you like her. :)
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Norham Waterpaw

Accepted, thanks for joining.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Name: Melvin
Species: Brahminy kite
Gender: Male
Appearance: Chetnut brown wings and back with a white chest and head and black wingtips.
Personality: Melvin is an eccentric and a child at heart, and wouldn't be taken seriously if not for his strength in battle. He is sometimes rude, and knows it. He even is rude intentionally on a regular basis, just to annoy the people around him. He enjoys their reactions. He does have a special soft spot for Linda though, and makes a special effort to visit and be kind to her. He needs an audience, and will go madder if someone doesn't compliment him on his work.
Strengths: Flight, physical strength
Weaknesses: A bit dull, slightly(as in a lot) mad
History: Was born and raised up north, and thus has a northern accent. He traveled away as with most kites once he was able to fly. He went south and came across the abbey in a storm. He was taken in and healed until he was able to go off again. He stayed for a while and made friends with Linda, before he went off. However, he often comes back to the abbey to visit them, and is a welcome and known face there.

Name: Linda
Species: Mouse
Gender: Female
Appearance: Linda is your average mouse, with dark brown fur and a little snub nose. She can't sing or dance worth her salt. She wears a plain green tunic with a thick belt, like an average Redwaller. She is crippled and never without her crutches, which are simple wood things strapped onto her forearms. Her right leg is twisted in an almost grotesque way. Sometimes she uses an old wheelchair that was found in the gatehouse when her left leg gets tired of supporting her weight.
Personality: Linda is a shy, quiet, and overall normal mouse. She doesn't speak up at all and when she does speak to strangers, her face is to the floor and a stutter in her voice. She isn't very emotionally secure, but she does try to overcome her shortcomings with the help of her friends, not that she has many. When she's alone among friends, she opens up and one can hardly get her to stop talking. She's the assistant infirmary keeper and is really rather smart, though she rarely speaks her ideas.
Strengths: Smart, healing knowledge
Weaknesses: Shy, crippled
History: Linda wasn't born crippled, but normal like any other mousebabe. When she was a dibbun, she was playing on the wall and fell. When she hit the ground, her leg was broken beyond repair and she became shy and depressed afterwards. For the first part of her crippled life, she used the wheelchair, but after she got out of dibbinhood, she requested crutches. After that, she started showing an interest in helping in the infirmary and became the student of the old infirmary keeper. She still doesn't know everything about healing. Then she met Melvin when he arrived at the abbey and became good friends with him. She became more confident, and got over her depression. She now isn't the most social of sorts, but she's not as withdrawn as she used to be.

Thomas Barkshield

Just so you know, I would be playing your RP as well as another so there may be some confusion as Im a newbie and still getting used to everything.

If I could I would like to play Riggaeo as well as my own character:
Name: Thomas Barkshield
Species: Mouse
Gender: male
Appearance: Well muscled, and reddish furred
Description: He dosent know his history due to a blow to the back of the head recently.

By the way Im sorry for the late sign up and can Thomas come rushing out of the woods suffering from a terrible bloodlust and scare the archers away, similarly to Norham.


Hello there, welcome to the forum, and soon enough(maybe) the roleplay.

Thomas Barkshield

Thank you for the kind welcome, but I think I will wait for Norham to reply because he is the "leader" as it is.
Once again, many  thanks.