
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by W0NWILL, March 15, 2013, 08:04:23 PM

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Excerpts from the journal of Faun  -- Nordområdene, the proud little town in the far north, how far we’ve come! The building is going well, at this rate we’ll have the second sleeping wing done by the time winter comes around again. We might all be able to sleep inside this winter. We used to be all over the place in little groups, without the abbeybeasts from the south, who knows how much longer we would of lasted. It’s really quite brilliant, living and working together as a community. I hesitate to call this an abbey, though, this little place will never compare to the place the newcomers tell us of, Redwall, sounds a beautiful place. From the stories we have been told, the abbey is one big building where many beasts live and work together. We have decided to do things a bit differently, and make many buildings. We're starting with a big one first though, so we can have a warm place to sleep, even though I think it will be very crowded. I must sign off(I love that phrase!) now, I have to help with the building. -Faun.

In case you haven’t figured this out, this is an RP taking place in the far north. The far north, and as a result, things are much different than Mossflower. For starters, the majority of creatures only trust their one species, with some exceptions. This place is much farther north than the northlands. In winter the sun hardly shows, and in summer it almost never sets. The storyline goes that adventurers from the abbey get blown off course in their ship and end up in the place Gulo the Savage is from. This takes place after Rakkety Tam, but there's still a few wolverines around, and they’re ruling the land now. The adventurers from the abbey have to gather the creatures that live here to fight against the wolverines and free the land. This will start after the tournament.


There’s a few new species to choose from.

Wolverines: The big baddies here, though there's only a few of them. They were nearly wiped out, but a few seized control over the lands of snow and ice. They live in igloos.

Lemmings: A cross between moles and mice, they have the digging powers of moles and the nature of mice.

Snowshoe rabbits and Arctic hares: Like their southern equivalents respectively.

Ermine: Vermin, a bit like ferrets and stoats, but better suited for cold temperatures. Many serve the wolverines.

Arctic foxes: Exactly like normal foxes, except they're white and suited for cold temperatures. Many serve the wolverines.


The land of ice and snow:

Obviously, there’s gonna be plenty of differences in this area. The area is an arctic tundra, with a little less than a mile of frozen sea before the land itself. In some places of the area, there’s sparse forests where many of the natives live. However, the majority of the land is snowy plains. There’s a bay where shipwrecks wash up, many otters live there in the old wrecks or caves in the cliffs.


You may play:

Natives: These are the same species as found in Mossflower, with the addition of the ones listed above.

Vermin: This group doesn’t exactly have natives in it, but ex-corsairs from old shipwrecks.

Travelers from Redwall: Exactly what it says, any species, will arrive at the beginning of the roleplay.



Born in:


I'll be playing:

Name: Greg
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Appearance: Greg is a grey squirrel with deep brown eyes that can be somewhat unsettling for an odd reason that one can’t quite put their finger on.
Personality: Greg’s personality is somewhat indescribable. He’s the ‘normal, practical guy’ in the midst of the insane. He’s kind, but not above-and-beyond, and has impatience and sarcasm with the ones he doesn’t get along with. He always has a witty or scathing remark and is ready to have good fun, but when he’s working, he becomes stiff as a poker and about as humorous.
Occupation: Survivor
Born in: The land of ice and snow

Name: To
Species: Lemming
Gender: Female
Appearance: Average lemming, brown, small, and furry. She wears a garment of her fur that she's either shed or lost in other ways.
Personality: To isn't too bright, but she's very friendly and helpful. She sees no fault and won't get anything that isn't spoon-fed to her. However, despite her lacking mental capacities, she is excellent at surviving the cold tundra. To is a comic sort, though not exactly on purpose, her innocent observations sometimes sends her friend doubling over.
Occupation: A nomadic digger living with other lemmings and moles
Born in: The land of ice and snow

Name: Forsin
Species: Badger
Gender: Male
Appearance: Forsin is an average badger, black and white. He wears a tattered blue coat lined with red, like a French Army coat. Underneath this he wears a white shirt and a purple scarf. He wears bits and pieces of armor, shoulder plates here, back piece there. His armor is made of all different metals. His paws are wrapped in bandages and have bronze gauntlets.
Personality: Forsin is a soldier at heart, and really has only gone on the ship to serve Jean deClaw, who helped the badger gain freedom. Forsin doesn't speak much, but tends to speak by example. When he does speak, it is usually in private with few other beasts to hear him. He does like to have fun, joining the sailors for food in the cabin, but is of upmost sincerity when battling. He's a bit slow and dull as well.
Occupation: Sailor on the Voile Nuissante
Born in: An island across the sea called Aquitar

Name: Jean deClaw
Species: Mole
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jean wears a coat with a similar colour scheme as Forsin's, but his is much better kept. He wears black gloves and a purple shirt underneath his coat. He carried  a scabbard in his left paw at all times, because he doesn't have a belt to put it in.
Personality: Jean, unlike most moles, has a military air and history. He's serious and takes everything literally. "Zere were a million beasts? How did zey all fit?" He doesn't speak in a normal mole accent, but rather a French one. He is very diplomatic and loves to take charge. However, he does get a little pushy at times.
Occupation: Captain of the Voile Nuissante
Born in: Aquitar

Name: Fellon
Species: Otter
Gender: Female
Appearance: Fellon is an average-looking otter, brown fur and brown eyes. She doesn't like how she looks, and says that it's terrible for hiding. She wears a parka made from the fur of dead vermin(have to stay warm somehow) and sails left over from wrecked ships.
Personality: Fellon is a friendly sort, though places her survival over saying hello to others, and would gladly sacrifice any three beasts for her survival. She’s bitter when she thinks of what her life could of been, and a bit of a coward. She enjoys a gripe, but is a hard worker when she sets her mind to it.
Occupation: Diver
Born in: Mossflower
Other: She was born in Mossflower, but she and her parents were captured as slaves in a vermin ship. The vermin ship wrecked in the land of snow and ice and the vermin were killed by an otter group that then took her in, her parents had died when the ship was wrecked.

Name: Tailli
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Appearance: White fur and large pink eyes, albino. She has a small tail compared to the majority of squirrels. She wears a brown dress with a white shirt underneath. Her belt is wrapped loosely about her waist, a large part of it is hanging free in a loop. She has a rather frail appearance, but don't let that fool you, she is rather strong.
Personality: She's reckless and daring, in an almost foolhardy sort. She's a compulsive liar, meaning that she feels the need to lie even when the circumstances don't need her to. She doesn't care of other's opinions of her, and is a sociopath. She is nearly unable of feeling emotions of love or caring, and if one were to threaten her acquaintance's lives(She doesn't have friends), she'd simply shrug and walk away. She rarely feels fear, though when she does, it's consuming, rendering her temporary paralyzed. When she feels hate, it is not without good reason. She struggles to understand sentiment, love, and many other things normal beasts feel. Her favourite line, though she doesn't get to use it often is 'Shut up, I'm having an emotion.'
Occupation: Traveler from Redwall
Born in: Mossflower


Just a note: ermines are simply stoats in their winter fur color


Very creative! Sounds fun- I'll probably sign up later, once I get a good character thought out.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Thomas Barkshield

Sorry I didn't notice this Wonwill, but it sounded like you needed a name for your character, not your RP.

If it would be okay I would like to play as Thomas Barkshield (spoiler alert) after he regains his memory.

Name: Thomas Barkshield
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Appearance: Well muscled, reddish furred
Personality: Likes to help goodbeasts, especially travellers from Redwall
Occupation: Making weapons and training animals to use them
Born in: Mossflower
Other: Can suffer from bloodwrath


Acceptamundo, a word I have never used before and hopefully never will again.

And Rom, I really don't care if I get a couple facts wrong. Thanks for pointing that out, though.

Thomas Barkshield

I just had an idea for a name! How about "Adventures of the North" or "Frozen Friendships".


Ooh, I like those. I'll think it over. I'm rubbish at roleplay and story names.

Tiria Wildlough

Name: Vervain Fyrn
Species: Arctic fox
Gender: Female
Appearance: Pure white fur with a black tailtip. She wears a light blue dress and a brown long coat over it.
Personality: Quite unfriendly and snappy. Prefers not to talk unless it's absolutely necessary.
Occupation: Scavenger and rogue.
Born in: Far north.
Other: I don't know... :P
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Species: Goodish weasal
Appearance:Tall, black fur, green eyes, With a long black trenchcoat with the collar up, A scarf.
Personality:Bit of a physcopath and will do anything for his accuantinces, very smart, likes to solve puzzles and riddles.
Occupation:Detective/solver of puzzles
Born in: Fan North
Other: has a dagger inside his trench coat. He is an extremely good in hand-to-hand combat.



Name: Salinar the mad
Species: Wolverine
Gender: Male
Appearance: He wears a black tunic and a red cloak with a yellow trim. He also wears metal shoulder plates. His weapon is a viking-like sword
Personality: Cruel, sadistic, slightly insane but to be RPed for the most part
Occupation: Tyrant ruler of the land of ice and snow
Born in: The land of ice and snow
Other: Has a special rivalry with......

Name: Jik
Species: Lemming
Gender: Male
Appearance: Whitish-grey fur, he wears a black leather belt with a silver buckle. He wields a dirk
Personality: Usually calm and reserved, he is very friendly however when he goes into battle he almost goes bloodwrath and not much can calm him down.
Occupation: fugitive prince of the land of ice and snow
Born in: the land of ice and snow
Other: When Jik was a baby, Salinar and his army invaded his home and killed his parents, the king and queen, he would have killed Jik too were it not for an old arctic hare in his fathers army. The hare saved Jik and fled the palace. For fifteen seasons the hare raised Jik but he was old and he passed on before the lemming reached adulthood. Now 25, Jik aims to slay Salinar and take his throne as the rightful king of the land of ice and snow
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Quote from: Romsca on March 15, 2013, 08:27:46 PM
Just a note: ermines are simply stoats in their winter fur color

Weasels actually
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Salinar is accepted, but for a major character like Jik, I want to see a personality description.


Quote from: W0NWILL on March 26, 2013, 08:34:54 PM
Salinar is accepted, but for a major character like Jik, I want to see a personality description.

Edited it
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan