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Rainshadow's Art

Started by Rainshadow, March 24, 2013, 03:09:42 AM

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Cornflower MM

Okay! I'll wait a little while, then. :)


  *Sings*  For the first time in forever, I finally did a request!  For the first time in forever, Ash-kun, yours is next!

  That's right, my scanner's back up after nearly two weeks of not working, so now I can upload art again!  :D

  I've had the sketching done for Keyroy for about two months or so, but I haven't wanted to finish the drawing because I messed up with the way her hammer was pointing (and her head was too small, but that wasn't as big of an issue).  So, yeah, I put it off for two months before I finally sat down to finish it last night.  :P

  (Actually, the same goes for Ash-kun's request.  I have the sketching done, but I made a mistake in the pose, and it's just really hard to fix.  I'm pondering whether or not to scrap it and start anew.)
Skye-chan, Sage-kun, James, Eul-chan, and Jet-kun
  So, I did a bit of doodling while I was on my trip a couple weeks ago, and I wanted to know if these doodles of your characters were something like what you wanted?  As far as the face goes, at least.  :P  (And James, do you want a more traditional-looking gryphon (bird head/body, lion back half and tail, etc.), or are you cool with me basing it off of the Narnia version of a gryphon (my preferred version).  I can do it either way (or if you have a specific look, I can do it that way), I just wanna know before I draw it.  ;)(Bigger image)

  ...There's a lot of miscellaneous stuff.  To start it off, some random shifter doodles because I like drawing shirtless men I was practicing anatomy and such.  I don't like how Oran turned out, though.  :-\

  Next, a random drawing I did instead of swimming when we were at the lake awhile back (I wasn't in the mood to go into an over-crowded area and just stand in waist-deep dirty water).  I have no idea who she is, but she kinda reminds me of Sera from Dragon Age: Inquisition.  I called her Stella, though I'm not sure why.  She just kinda seems like a Stella to me.  Iunno.

  And here's a random Cecil I drew in my personal sketchbook (which is an actual book, so there's no tearing out pages to make it look pretty on the scanner).  I based his pose on another doodle I'd done of him, but I fixed the angle of his swords and such (I think I accidentally had drawn the blades upside down.  :P).

  Shen, also drawn in my personal sketchbook, 'cause I got really bored while waiting for drama camp to start.  (We had to sit in the auditorium and wait for camp to start every day, so I brought my sketchbook along to pass the time 'cause I'm a huge introverted nerd.  :P)

  Some more random personal sketchbook doodles that I did at camp.

  And I drew my two Elder Scrolls Online characters, Raveera and Daneeya (I swear, I didn't make both of their names like that on purpose; all the good names are taken, so I had a lot of trouble trying to come up with names for both of them).

  DestinedDiscord and I discovered that we had two characters that were extremely alike, and we both liked what the other character looked like, so we drew each other's characters.  She drew Shen, and I drew her character, Itsuka.  He's adorable.  ^-^  (This is also in my personal sketchbook, 'cause I did it at camp instead of studying my script.  :P)

  Then I kinda got obsessed with Itsuka, so I drew a picture of him and Shen 'cause I can.

  More random camp doodles in my personal sketchbook.  Also, new hairstyle for Ghost, 'cause I got sick and tired of trying to draw his old haircut.  (Bigger image)

  I found that I can't do anything reading-wise when I'm listening to We're On A Quest!, so I started doodling different stuff that they were doing on their quest.  (Bigger image)

  And I started drawing Iridan towards the end of camp, so he's also in my personal sketchbook.

  While on vacation, since it was too bumpy in the car to do requests, but I had nothing else to do, I started trying to draw slightly more realistically.  It still looks kinda cartoonish, but it's a start, I suppose.  (Bigger image)

  Then I started doodling some Newman Academy stuff, because why not?  I like the photography club.  (Bigger image)

  And I drew headshots of all the characters (at least, I think it's all the characters) from the RP 30 Days in the Real World.  The Arbiter looks pretty terrible (I couldn't figure out where to even start on him :P), but I kinda like what the rest of them look like.  Shen looks overly creepy, though.  Not sure why.  (Bigger image)

  And I did some fan art of my three favourite cartoons, as well as a couple doodles of half-animal creatures near the bottom.  (I was watching Zoo at the time, so mutated animals and such were on my mind.)  So, yeah, a half-snake/half-elf dude (Snek), a half-dog/half-dwarf kid (Doge), and a half-cat/half-folas (Can Haz Cheezeburger).  (Bigger image)


  There ya go!  And now I shall go to the masterpost and update it.  *Shudders*
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

James Gryphon

I'd give you more detail, but I don't want to stifle your creativity. Whatever you want to do is fine; just make sure that he's holding a taco and that he looks appropriately fierce. I don't want to look like a tame gryphon. ;)
« Subject to editing »


Quote from: James Gryphon on September 05, 2015, 10:05:45 PM
I'd give you more detail, but I don't want to stifle your creativity. Whatever you want to do is fine; just make sure that he's holding a taco and that he looks appropriately fierce. I don't want to look like a tame gryphon. ;)

  Alright, one bird-lion in clown makeup, coming right up!  ;D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on September 05, 2015, 10:25:39 PM
Jackie looks awesome!

  Yay!  Then I'll use that when I go to draw her in five years.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


There are comments inside the Misc spoiler.

Quote from: Rainshadow on September 05, 2015, 09:45:25 PM
  *Sings*  For the first time in forever, I finally did a request!  For the first time in forever, Ash-kun, yours is next!

  That's right, my scanner's back up after nearly two weeks of not working, so now I can upload art again!  :D

  I've had the sketching done for Keyroy for about two months or so, but I haven't wanted to finish the drawing because I messed up with the way her hammer was pointing (and her head was too small, but that wasn't as big of an issue).  So, yeah, I put it off for two months before I finally sat down to finish it last night.  :P

  (Actually, the same goes for Ash-kun's request.  I have the sketching done, but I made a mistake in the pose, and it's just really hard to fix.  I'm pondering whether or not to scrap it and start anew.)
Okay, that's amazing.
Skye-chan, Sage-kun, James, Eul-chan, and Jet-kun
  So, I did a bit of doodling while I was on my trip a couple weeks ago, and I wanted to know if these doodles of your characters were something like what you wanted?  As far as the face goes, at least.  :P  (And James, do you want a more traditional-looking gryphon (bird head/body, lion back half and tail, etc.), or are you cool with me basing it off of the Narnia version of a gryphon (my preferred version).  I can do it either way (or if you have a specific look, I can do it that way), I just wanna know before I draw it.  ;)(Bigger image)

I like the last version of Callum the best though the second top one and the other middle one are pretty good. The drawing of Fritz in the top right is adorable.

  ...There's a lot of miscellaneous stuff.  To start it off, some random shifter doodles because I like drawing shirtless men I was practicing anatomy and such.  I don't like how Oran turned out, though.  :-\

Ooh. The shirtless men are hot...

  Next, a random drawing I did instead of swimming when we were at the lake awhile back (I wasn't in the mood to go into an over-crowded area and just stand in waist-deep dirty water).  I have no idea who she is, but she kinda reminds me of Sera from Dragon Age: Inquisition.  I called her Stella, though I'm not sure why.  She just kinda seems like a Stella to me.  Iunno.

She's really cool.

  And here's a random Cecil I drew in my personal sketchbook (which is an actual book, so there's no tearing out pages to make it look pretty on the scanner).  I based his pose on another doodle I'd done of him, but I fixed the angle of his swords and such (I think I accidentally had drawn the blades upside down.  :P).

Raaaaain stop drawing cute men who I don't actually know yet! (I'm kidding, keep doing it.) He's really cool.

  Shen, also drawn in my personal sketchbook, 'cause I got really bored while waiting for drama camp to start.  (We had to sit in the auditorium and wait for camp to start every day, so I brought my sketchbook along to pass the time 'cause I'm a huge introverted nerd.  :P)

His left arm looks a bit skinny but otherwise he's cute. (In the cute way I mean, not really attracted to him.)

  Some more random personal sketchbook doodles that I did at camp.

The one in the top left reminds me of Vanessa/Bird from Namesake. Is it Amaya? I ask this because there's a similar person below her who appears to be in the Newman uniform.

  And I drew my two Elder Scrolls Online characters, Raveera and Daneeya (I swear, I didn't make both of their names like that on purpose; all the good names are taken, so I had a lot of trouble trying to come up with names for both of them).

  DestinedDiscord and I discovered that we had two characters that were extremely alike, and we both liked what the other character looked like, so we drew each other's characters.  She drew Shen, and I drew her character, Itsuka.  He's adorable.  ^-^  (This is also in my personal sketchbook, 'cause I did it at camp instead of studying my script.  :P)

He's so adorable!

  Then I kinda got obsessed with Itsuka, so I drew a picture of him and Shen 'cause I can.

*Dies from cute overload.*

  More random camp doodles in my personal sketchbook.  Also, new hairstyle for Ghost, 'cause I got sick and tired of trying to draw his old haircut.  (Bigger image)

I see those Finding Nemo and 50% Off references and I love them.

  I found that I can't do anything reading-wise when I'm listening to We're On A Quest!, so I started doodling different stuff that they were doing on their quest.  (Bigger image)

  And I started drawing Iridan towards the end of camp, so he's also in my personal sketchbook.

  While on vacation, since it was too bumpy in the car to do requests, but I had nothing else to do, I started trying to draw slightly more realistically.  It still looks kinda cartoonish, but it's a start, I suppose.  (Bigger image)

If by Cecil Palmer you mean the guy from WtNV, his name is actually Cecil Baldwin. If it's not him, spooky, another Cecil who uses microphones.

  Then I started doodling some Newman Academy stuff, because why not?  I like the photography club.  (Bigger image)

WHY SAD RAYNER ON LEFT? SAD RAYNER? SAD PERSON TOO SAD! (Which is to say, your art is so good it actually made me feel sad for the crying person. I think it's Rayner but I'm not sure)

  And I drew headshots of all the characters (at least, I think it's all the characters) from the RP 30 Days in the Real World.  The Arbiter looks pretty terrible (I couldn't figure out where to even start on him :P), but I kinda like what the rest of them look like.  Shen looks overly creepy, though.  Not sure why.  (Bigger image)

Ambren and Percy are hot...

  And I did some fan art of my three favourite cartoons, as well as a couple doodles of half-animal creatures near the bottom.  (I was watching Zoo at the time, so mutated animals and such were on my mind.)  So, yeah, a half-snake/half-elf dude (Snek), a half-dog/half-dwarf kid (Doge), and a half-cat/half-folas (Can Haz Cheezeburger).  (Bigger image)

...And so is Snek.

  There ya go!  And now I shall go to the masterpost and update it.  *Shudders*
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Heheheh. I love the wings, and the way you drew her face, too. The only thing I would change is the hair. Not sure how to put it, but there's more shaved. Hopefully that makes sense  :P other than that, it's pretty much perfect  ;D
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


I love how you drew Fritz!! :D They're all good, but I think the two in the top right corner (the front view and the side view) are the best.

I also love your drawing of the 30 Days in the Real World characters. May I put it in my RP, giving you credit of course? :)

I can't help but smile at the way you drew my two characters; it's great. Their personalities are well matched and they're also good looking... ;D

All excellent art, Rain. I mean it!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
Okay, that's amazing.
Thanks!  :D  (For how long it took me to finish it, I'd hope it looked good.  :P)
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
I like the last version of Callum the best though the second top one and the other middle one are pretty good. The drawing of Fritz in the top right is adorable.
So... you like the one closest to the bottom of the picture, and the one on the top row closest to the center?  (The one in the top left corner was a "derp" version of Callum, meaning that I was just goofing off at that point because I was ridiculously bored and had nothing better to do than draw dorky versions of characters.  :P)  And yay!  Glad you liked that Fritz; I think that was my favourite drawing I did of him.
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
Ooh. The shirtless men are hot...
That's Delvon and Rochil for ya.  ;D
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
She's really cool.
I knoooowwwww!  I really like her.  ;D
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
Raaaaain stop drawing cute men who I don't actually know yet! (I'm kidding, keep doing it.) He's really cool.
Good to know I can ruin your life just by drawing cute men.  I can ruin both of our lives at the same time, then.
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
His left arm looks a bit skinny but otherwise he's cute. (In the cute way I mean, not really attracted to him.)
Yeah, his arms really threw me off when I was trying to draw him.  Plus, I had two little girls watching me while I was drawing him, so my hands were shaking a lot.  It's amazing I was able to finish it at all.  :P
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
The one in the top left reminds me of Vanessa/Bird from Namesake. Is it Amaya? I ask this because there's a similar person below her who appears to be in the Newman uniform.
Who's Vanessa?  And no, although Amaya is the one below.  It's actually Delvon, although I will admit that it does look quite a bit like Amaya, other than the glasses.  I didn't realize until I'd already grown attached to her hair that Amaya and Delvon had nearly the exact same hairstyle (Delvon's is actually shaved on the side, whereas Amaya's is simply trimmed short), so... yeah.  :P  (And for future reference, the people in that drawing, starting from the top left and moving right, are:  Delvon, Peter, Amaya, Adam (chibi), random elf, Akken, Peter, Amaya, random leg (showing Dessy how I draw legs), Peter.)
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
He's so adorable!
I know, right?  Itsuka is such a cute character.  :D
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
*Dies from cute overload.*
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I killed Jet-kun!  >:D  (Lol, yeah, no, even though it's my own drawing, I still squeal inwardly when I see it.  ;D)
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
I see those Finding Nemo and 50% Off references and I love them.
Well, Eren is half-fish, so why wouldn't Finding Nemo be his favourite film (other than The Little Mermaid)?  ::)  And yes, I drew Eren in that pose, realized what it looked like, and seized the opportunity.  ;D
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
If by Cecil Palmer you mean the guy from WtNV, his name is actually Cecil Baldwin. If it's not him, spooky, another Cecil who uses microphones.
Actually, while the actor's name is Cecil Baldwin, the character is Cecil Palmer.  It threw me off for awhile, but they do mention it in whichever episode was the one where he played some of his first tapes he did.  (I can't remember which one it was, but it was a lot of him as a teen with a squeaky voice.  If I remember correctly, he introduced himself as Cecil Palmer.)
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
WHY SAD RAYNER ON LEFT? SAD RAYNER? SAD PERSON TOO SAD! (Which is to say, your art is so good it actually made me feel sad for the crying person. I think it's Rayner but I'm not sure)
SAD RAYNER SAD BECAUSE I LIKE MAKING YOU FEEL CONCERNED ABOUT MY CHARACTERS.  >:D  (Seriously though, it was mostly because I wanted to practice with drawing a sad person, and since Rayner's ears react to his emotions (slightly upright when alert/surprised, sticking out when happy/content, downward when sad/upset/angry, etc.), I decided to ruin his day.  :P
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
Ambren and Percy are hot...
Yay!  You liked Ambren!  I wasn't really sure how well he turned out, but apparently he turned out pretty good.  As did Percy.  ;D
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 05, 2015, 10:29:09 PM
...And so is Snek.
You ain't the only person who thinks that.  ;)
Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on September 05, 2015, 10:35:01 PM
Heheheh. I love the wings, and the way you drew her face, too. The only thing I would change is the hair. Not sure how to put it, but there's more shaved. Hopefully that makes sense  :P other than that, it's pretty much perfect  ;D
So... like, the part in her hair is closer to the top of her head and more centered?
Quote from: Skyblade on September 05, 2015, 10:54:51 PM
I love how you drew Fritz!! :D They're all good, but I think the two in the top right corner (the front view and the side view) are the best.

I also love your drawing of the 30 Days in the Real World characters. May I put it in my RP, giving you credit of course? :)

I can't help but smile at the way you drew my two characters; it's great. Their personalities are well matched and they're also good looking... ;D

All excellent art, Rain. I mean it!
Aw, don't make me blush.  :3  (Seriously, I'm blushing right now.)  Thank you so much!  :D  And you can definitely post the 30 Days thing in the RP.  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Yes, the Callum closest to the bottom is my favourite.

I'll let you guess which one is Vanessa.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

Quote from: Rainshadow on September 05, 2015, 09:45:25 PMAnd here's a random Cecil I drew in my personal sketchbook (which is an actual book, so there's no tearing out pages to make it look pretty on the scanner).  I based his pose on another doodle I'd done of him, but I fixed the angle of his swords and such (I think I accidentally had drawn the blades upside down.  :P).

Why is it that the only thing I can think of when I see this is: "I AM COMMIT SEPPUKU!!! UUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!-" *Stab.*
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: Rainshadow on September 05, 2015, 09:45:25 PM
  Shen, also drawn in my personal sketchbook, 'cause I got really bored while waiting for drama camp to start.  (We had to sit in the auditorium and wait for camp to start every day, so I brought my sketchbook along to pass the time 'cause I'm a huge introverted nerd.  :P)

I like all your art, but just wanted to say that Shen is really cute in this picture (in both the adorable and attractive way).

Speaking of such, Fritz is such a handsome guy :D (edited out this other sentence)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 06, 2015, 12:26:58 AM
I'll let you guess which one is Vanessa.

  Hmm... I think it's the dude in the Green Lantern shirt.  ;D  (Yeah, no, I can totally see the similarities between her (the girl with the flames, right?) and my Delvon doodle.  The hair and facial features look pretty similar (although their hair is parted on different sides, obviously).)

Quote from: The Skarzs on September 06, 2015, 01:03:38 AM
Why is it that the only thing I can think of when I see this is: "I AM COMMIT SEPPUKU!!! UUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!-" *Stab.*

  ...That actually sounds like something Cecil would do.  :P

Quote from: Skyblade on September 06, 2015, 05:21:37 AM
I like all your art, but just wanted to say that Shen is really cute in this picture (in both the adorable and attractive way).

Speaking of such, Fritz is such a handsome guy :D (edited out this other sentence)

  I knooowww, right?  I was really happy with how that drawing turned out, even if some of the proportions were off.  Shen's such a fun character to draw.  :3

  And yes, Fritz is quite a ruggedly handsome man, isn't he?  ;D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: Rainshadow on September 06, 2015, 04:12:55 PM
Quote from: Jetthebinturong on September 06, 2015, 12:26:58 AM
I'll let you guess which one is Vanessa.

  Hmm... I think it's the dude in the Green Lantern shirt.  ;D  (Yeah, no, I can totally see the similarities between her (the girl with the flames, right?) and my Delvon doodle.  The hair and facial features look pretty similar (although their hair is parted on different sides, obviously).)

Aye. Namesake is really awesome. Once every generation a person who shares the name of a fictional character gets sucked into their world and has to make sure the story goes the right way. So why has Emma Crewe been sucked into The Wizard of Oz to take the role of Dorothy? Something is not quite right here. It starts off as a WoO retelling but quickly evolves into something more. Everyone should read it.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan