
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by Tiria Wildlough, July 20, 2011, 03:09:06 AM

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Ah had a ztrange dream lazt night. Me an' zomeone elze were runnin' awa' or zomethin like tha', an' we came to this houze where zome other people were. Everyone went inzide, an' they aw ztarted puttin' theze thingz on a candlztickholder (Or whatever twaz) on the waw. Zuddenly this vampire-like guy (or at leazt he looked like Dracula) who was part of the candleztickholder-thing zhoatz Wait!, and zetz the lazt part on it, an' then steps into this narra' zpaze. Zuddenly everythin' on it got very bright (Ah guezz with fire) includin' the zpot where the vampire-like guy had ztepped intae. He zuddenly ztepped oat an' went through an openin' tha' had appeared on the left zide o' it an' came oat with this big ztone tablet-like thing, which zomeha' turned intae a book, which waz called Dragonslayer. He had zomeha' turned intae a dragon, an' chose one of uz (nay me though) to read it tae everyone.

The weird thing aboat thiz book, iz tha', when ah zaw either the cover or the zpine, it zaid tha' the author waz none other than Brian Jacques! Twaz an unpublished book by him!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Tiria Wildlough

I had a very weird dream last night, but I forgot. All I remember was that it had something to do with Redwall, and it was infinitely weird. XD
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


My dreams have been making me really sad recently... don't want to go in to it that much, but it makes me really miss my old friends...
Received mostly negative reviews.


I had a dream where I was fighting two people, one smashed my lunch-box and the other turned into a horse.
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.

Skalrag of Marshank

I had a weird dream once where I was abducted by Pikachu. Don't ask.
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


Quote from: Matthias720 on July 21, 2011, 02:02:35 PM
I have an unusual recurring dream that puzzles me to this day. In the dream, I start in a place I'm familiar with (church, friend's house, grandmother's house, etc...). I decide to go exploring, looking around a room that I have never spent a lot of time in. Whilst there, I discover a hidden doorway that leads to a hallway filled with doors. Inside some of them are lavish rooms filled with all sorts of stuff. Other doors lead to yet more hallways, filled with more doors, with more hallways, and still more doors. And about the time I head back to tell someone about my discovery, I wake up.

The house represents you, or parts of you depending on exactly which building you start out in. Each new doorway leads to something new. You still discovering yourself. Whatever is happening in your life at those times the dream comes back to you is an opportunity to learn more. When it comes back, think about what there is in your life at that time that you can learn from. Usually when you learn the meaning of a dream, it stops recurring.

Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on July 29, 2011, 03:08:56 PM
Ah had a ztrange dream lazt night. Me an' zomeone elze were runnin' awa' or zomethin like tha', an' we came to this houze where zome other people were. Everyone went inzide, an' they aw ztarted puttin' theze thingz on a candlztickholder (Or whatever twaz) on the waw. Zuddenly this vampire-like guy (or at leazt he looked like Dracula) who was part of the candleztickholder-thing zhoatz Wait!, and zetz the lazt part on it, an' then steps into this narra' zpaze. Zuddenly everythin' on it got very bright (Ah guezz with fire) includin' the zpot where the vampire-like guy had ztepped intae. He zuddenly ztepped oat an' went through an openin' tha' had appeared on the left zide o' it an' came oat with this big ztone tablet-like thing, which zomeha' turned intae a book, which waz called Dragonslayer. He had zomeha' turned intae a dragon, an' chose one of uz (nay me though) to read it tae everyone.

The weird thing aboat thiz book, iz tha', when ah zaw either the cover or the zpine, it zaid tha' the author waz none other than Brian Jacques! Twaz an unpublished book by him!

Running represents avoidance of something you cannot control. Unlit candles are disappointments or, but in this case there was no actual candle so I think that would be a potential disappointment or tricky situation rather than an actual one. Vampires can represent death, sensuality, aggression and charm. Brightness is higher consciousness or spirituality. A closed door is an obstacle, but one that can be gotten around unless it is locked. This door was not locked and the vampire led you through it. Stone is unity and strength. Books are knowledge and wisdom. The vampire does not attack you, but leads you through the door which you only saw as a solid wall before to the knowledge contained in the book. You then have to impart this knowledge to the other people with you.

Overall I would say that you are trying to avoid something and may potentially have to go through something else which at first seems unpleasant or unsafe in order to get away from it, though there is no indication that the thing you are fleeing from will harm you either even if you believe that it will. This situation has something to do with several other people I think, though not necessarily people you know, as they were adding to the structure. You either have to let what you're avoiding catch up with you, or choose what may be the lesser of two evils in order to find your way around whatever obstacle you are up against. The stone/unity became a book/wisdom, and was given to you by the being created by the people. I think you need to listen to your family, or friends, or whoever it is that's trying to help you out so that you can progress and learn, and then pass on what you have learned. The book was written by Mr. Jacques, whom I presume you trust. The book was about a dragon slayer. And I'm sure that whatever was chasing you can't be any more dangerous than the dragons you will be able to slay once you've reached that book.

Hopefully that wasn't too heavy.  :D

I remember more dreams than a lot of people and I can usually work out what they mean after a little consideration. I think I've had Redwall-related dreams before but unfortunately I can't remember what actually happened in them now. I have had dreams from other book series too. I used to have a recurring dream about packing for something in a hurry and not being able to pack fast enough. Sometimes some of the objects were tiny little plastic things that I didn't actually own. Sometimes I would dream of packing to catch a flight home from another place, and would find myself packing thins that I knew I hadn't taken with me, and would then wonder if I didn't repack them to come home, if they would still be there waiting for me when I got there. I was taking on too much and getting too snowed under by the tiny details that I was concentrating too heavily on. And when I worked that out, they stopped recurring. It happens very occasionally if I start to forget the message, or feel particularly swamped.

Skalrag of Marshank

"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


Wow, very thoughtful...
Received mostly negative reviews.


I finally had a dream about Redwall last night! I somehow met Brian Jacques at his house and he gave me an unpublished book that no one had ever read and he signed it too. It was awesome, but then when I woke up, I felt sad :-\
I know you can fight William, but its our wits that make us men. - Malcolm Wallace, from Braveheart


Last night I had a dream where the forum was attacked by giant blue rings, and Skalrag saved us all.
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.

Skalrag of Marshank

Yaaaaaayyyyy!!! Wait, what?
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Tiria Wildlough

The other night I dreamt that Lord Brocktree could tell the weather.  :P
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Redwall Musician

I was watching way to many monster searching shows yesterday. So I had dream about Big Foot last night.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

rakkety tam

i had a dream where it was like one of those old arcade games and i  was a ninja trying to sneak in a castle and i hid behind trees while the enemy was firing arrows at me it was weird
rock'n'roll  will survive

25% nerd 25% redneck 25% rocker 25% Redwaller  100% me

If war must come, let it come during my generation, so that my children will know peace

James Gryphon

Had some especially bizarre dreams during this last sleep cycle; in addition to other things, I dreamed that there were like aliens, in liquid forms, sometimes masquerading as popsicles. I believe they had the power to possess or control humans that they came into contact with.
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