
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by Tiria Wildlough, July 20, 2011, 03:09:06 AM

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Last night I had a dream about Tinkerbell,


Now that I'm graduated from college, I keep having final exam nightmares. :/


Ah 'ad a very major dream lazt noight. Jacen Solo from Ztar Varz (An' ziz iz takin' place zomevhere in ze Legacy O' Ze Force toimeloine) 'ad come tae ziz Jeedai Academy/Temple place for zome reazon (Ah guezz tae recruit zome o' ze Jeedai Apprenticez or zummat) viz ziz Dark Zoide Znake Creature zin'y. Ziz vaz in ze point vhere 'e 'ad *ZPOILER* turned tae ze Dark Zoide an' become Darz Caedus.*ZPOILER ENDZ* Anyvay, obviouzly zey vere a bit 'oztoile tovardz 'im for alzae obviouz reazonz. Zey vere zomevhere in ze Temple/Academy zin'y an' zere vere Kittenz zere taae. 'e ztopped tae pay attention tae vone o' ze Kittenz an' zae 'e vaz daein' zat. At zome point ze Dark Zoide Znake Creature zin'y attacked zome o' ze Kittenz, an' in a major anger rage zin'y 'e protected zem an deztroyed ze creature. After ziz (after payin' attention tae ze Kittenz a bit more) 'e vent ootzoide an' vent o'er tae Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart (From Doctor Vho) vho gave zome form o' greetin' zat zhoved 'e vaz dizguzted viz 'im (For zome'ov Jacen vaz alzae zome'ov Ze Doctor turned Var Doctor or zummaat), an' zen Jacen azked tae be arrezted for ze vron'z 'e 'ad done, but azked zat 'ovever alzae ever zae often if 'e could vizit viz ze Kittenz zometoimez. Ze Brigadier arrezted 'im, an' zat'z pretty much ze ztory o' ze toime aftervardz. Jacen Solo gradually came back tae ze Loight Zoide an' foinally zome toime later vrote Darz Caedus on a piece/zcrap o' paper, renounced 'iz Zith name o' zat an' zrev ze paper intae ze foireplace, vhere it burned tae nozin'nezz. In zhort, Jacen Solo vaz zaved from ze darknezz by ze Kittenz! Ach, ah vizh zat vaz 'ov ze actual Legacy O' Ze Force zeriez ended. Zat vid 'ave been a lot better!
Zae, quoite a dream, eh?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.



I had a dream that I rode a motorcycle to my middle school (this was when I was in 6th grade), but some reason I was going during sunset. And what a sunset it was, possibly the most vivid thing I've ever seen in a dream - red and orange and absolutely ideal. When I got off and parked it, I flew (more like drifted) onto a balcony on the second floor that doesn't exist in real life. I left shortly after to a hotel, which transformed into an airplane and took me to strange new land and adventure.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I had a dream I was driving, and kept trying to park the car but the parking spot kept moving.

I'm retired from the forum


Quote from: Soren the Warrior on January 16, 2015, 09:41:11 PM
I had a dream I was driving, and kept trying to park the car but the parking spot kept moving.

Lol! I had a dream I had to dive in a very deep, glass pool and eat hot dogs that were somehow suspended underwater.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I had a dream that I drowned in a killer whale tank. I woke up with my arms and legs flailing in the air....I was kind of strange....and scary......


I once had this awesome Si-Fi dream where the star ship I had been serving on (I was just a part of the crew) had crashed some place which for some reason reminded me of my back yard even though it looked nothing like it. It was an extremely snowy landscape and we had to almost wade threw the snow. Then some how (I cant remember) We lost the captain and the com's where out so we had to go and find him.  Me two other people (Both higher in rank than me) and the acting captain all went off to find the captain. The acting captain didn't like me at all and made me carry all the supplies threw the foot deep snow... I don't remember the details but I do remember at one point I almost drowned in a freezing cold pond... I also remember finding the captain. he had got the com's working again. (I don't know why I found that dream so cool. I think it was because I had no clue whatsoever what was going to happen yet everything still followed the laws of nature pretty closely to what they are in RL)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I had a really strange dream. I had somehow been pulled away from my home location (Earth?) and into other locations, and someone else who knew what was going on more than I did helped me go through them. We had to get through a series of weird places to go back home. One of them was almost a medeval/1800s London-like place that was at war with another kingdom. It had lots of plants, though, it might have been in the middle of a forest or something. There were several leaders, one of which was my age (Which as far as I can tell, in my dream, was an older teen) and female, a princess maybe? She had some kind of staff that, if broken, would kill her. I had to break it and kill her in order to be able to go to the next place in our series of places. For whatever reason, I ended up being around her a lot, and I started to like her. When I got to the point where I was going to break her staff, I was caught and so was the other person from my home location. There was a brief conversation that I don't remember, and then I grabbed the staff, sort of leapt away, and snapped it. The girl was dying, and I immediately regretted what I had done, I said something along the lines of "Wait! No! I'm sorry! I've been fighting to get back home for so long, it was an impulse, a reflex!" She almost seemed like she understood, and she gave me a flute-like thing that I couldn't get to make a sound. And then she died, and her kingdom surrendered unconditionally to its enemies the next day.

Dreams are weird.


I had one recently that I was in Minas Tirith, I was somehow helping Frodo climb the cliff behind it while fending off the Orcs. The weird thing was Minas Tirith was more like a wooden fort, with a wooden awning held up by wooden poles in little slots. Anyway, an Orc chieftain found a secret passage and fought one of the tower guard, and bested him, I don't know what happened with that person, but anyway, then I went and beheaded the chieftain. Then for some reason Faramir ordered barrels of gunpowder to be put in front of the Orcs, it really only succeeded in blowing up Minas Tirith and didn't do any damage to the Orcs, which appeared to be in a turn-based combat system. Then I woke up! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.



I had a dream last night that woke me at 5 am. It was that I was late to see V because I woke up too late and I couldn't see her on time. Scared me more then I thought. :P

EDIT: Isn't it weird how just an hour later my worst fear from the dream was realized? I was informed we weren't going. That feeling that you want to smash your door. Yeah, I got that feeling. Anyway, I've got my friends out to see if she asks about me. I doubt she would though.
Still sucks.
Me, today.

I'm retired from the forum


I had a really weird dream once: I was a squirrel, and I had a friend who was also a squirrel. We were being chased by a horde of toads and lizards who were carrying tridents and rusty swords (the normal reptile army in Redwall), and then we jumped off a cliff. We landed in a tree and surprisingly didn't get hurt at all. Then we just kept running and I woke up...

Last night I had a weird dream about my new school I'll be going to next year. I was there on the first day, and everybody from my old school was there. But the building was huge and the room numbers were nearly impossible to read because they were confusing and wrong. So I was running around with my friends trying to get to class, but it was weird because none of the teachers were helping us. They weren't even working at all. There were a bunch of shops nearby (like candy stores and restaurants), and none of the kids were doing any work. So that was weird...
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


last night I dreamed that I married captain hook (Before he lost his hand)... The mind is a weird one... XD
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I've had a ton of weird nightmares lately.  It's strange because I've been jolted awake by them. Thats rarely happened to me before, but at least three times these past two months. And they aren't particularly scared, just strange and rage filled enough for me to wake up jerking.
(All with V in them, her being a central figure. I guess that's what happens in my situation. :P )

I'm retired from the forum


Ah now that makes sense.  :D I on the other hand just seem to have a dark mind. I tend to have some really dark dreams, in which people usually die or try to kill me or my friends or family, I get sold into slavery trying to protect my siblings or something dark like that. But I don't fined them scary... This is from the person who used to get nightmares about a bare in her bedroom... If I had that dream again now I would probably either kill it or it would chase me all over the place and try to kill me while I come up with cleaver ways to combat it. either way I would not be very disturbed by it.

I had this cool dream once, where the police came to my house to arrest me for using magic. It was awesome! there was this game of cat and mouse all threw the house.  ;D The did finally catch me in the end though. Which was kind of cool too. I think I ended up in an asylum or something. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?