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Around the World: The Start of a Journey - Discussion and Sign-Up

Started by 321tumbler, July 03, 2013, 05:37:46 PM

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I have an idea for an RPG where Redwallers, Mossflowerians, and Salmandastron hares (and possibley badger Lord) travel around and fin different continents. Every continent would be based of a real one and there would be a bad guy on each one. Any more ideas?

Sign-ups will start in maybe a day or two.

The list for new animals of each country and country name (or area name):

Fviore (France)- Bad: pine maretns, salamanders, newts, and toads
                       Good: red squirrels, beavers, genets, and the raccoon dog

Kulland (Norway)- Bad: wolverines, red foxes, and adders
                          Good: hares, lynx, and squirrel.

Unta (U. S.)- Bad: bobcats, small alligators, weasels, turtles
                   Neutral: eagles (very powerful)
                  Good: flying squirrels, jackrabbits, groundhog, badgers

Boliga (Brazil)- Bad: bush dogs, giant rats, howler monkeys, possums
                    Good: mice, otters, pudus, and pigmies

This is the list for now and in the order of travel.

For the first part, you can be from Redwall, Salamandastron, the bad guys, or the Fviore natives. You can have up to three characters and they could be permanent or for that specific "episode".  

Sign up sheet:

Weapons & Armor:
Where He/She Starts:
Other: (optional)

My charecter:
Name: Heltha Wildclaw
Gender:  Female
Race: Badger
Class/Job: Badger Lady of Salamandastron
Personality: She can be kind, but firm and she is slightly on the wild side of the badger realm.
Appearance: She has a scar of claws running down from the bottom of hr left eye to her chin. She wears a simple barkcloth cloak and a belt.
Weaknesses: She sometimes gets the Bloodwrath  and is not to fond of jungle type forests.
Strengths: She is a master at her two weapons and is a good leader.
Weapons & Armor: She wears no armor, but carries a broadsword on her back and sling and stones on her belt.
Where He/She Starts: Salamandastron
Other: I'll add to this when there are more charecters.


I say! Excellent idea. :) I'll gladly help. I would say it would be easier to make continents out of countries, partially because that's what Brian Jacques did with England and Mossflower.

EDIT: I've spent a bit thinking, and have a few suggestions.:

This could have a bunch of 'episodes' with each episode discovering and exploring a new continent.

Fviore-Based off France-This land is more developed than Mossflower. Villages and cities are popping up. It is currently ruled by a pine marten king. A resistance is rising against this jerkwad king, and the travelers could join and help said resistance. Special creatures native to this land are Genets and Poodles.

Normai-Based off Norway-A cold land up north. There isn't much development and most creatures live in small tribes. There may be a tribe with Wolverines trying to take over the others. Special creatures native to this land are Caribou and Wolverines.

Detsctor-Based off Germany-A fairly developed land, but not as much as Fviore. There's plenty of villages, but almost no large buildings. Special creatures native to this land are Marmots and Mouflons.

Carit-Based off Canada-There's some development, a few cities and villages, but for the most part, creatures live in tribe or simple homes. Almost all creatures from this land are extremely polite, say 'eh' a lot, and other Canadian stereotypes 'cause those are fun. Doesn't say anything about real Canadians. Special creatures native to this land are ____ and ____.

Merici-Based off America-A fairly developed place. There's a few villages and one city. There's mostly tribes, though they live in the villages. Special creatures native to this land are Racoons and Bobcats.

____-Based off Australia-___Special creatures native to this land are Kiwis and things that try to kill you.


Great idea! I'll most likely use this and I had already thought about Australia having kangaroos, too.


Major idea. Ah'll join! Vhen dae ve ztart?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Well I'm still collecting ideas, but I'm hoping to start sign-ups in  a week. Feel free to think up a charecter, but I will be the Badger Lady who is the leader of the exploration.


Quote from: W0NWILL on July 03, 2013, 06:06:20 PM
I say! Excellent idea. :) I'll gladly help. I would say it would be easier to make continents out of countries, partially because that's what Brian Jacques did with England and Mossflower.

EDIT: I've spent a bit thinking, and have a few suggestions.:

This could have a bunch of 'episodes' with each episode discovering and exploring a new continent.

Fviore-Based off France-This land is more developed than Mossflower. Villages and cities are popping up. It is currently ruled by a pine marten king. A resistance is rising against this jerkwad king, and the travelers could join and help said resistance. Special creatures native to this land are Genets and Poodles.

Normai-Based off Norway-A cold land up north. There isn't much development and most creatures live in small tribes. There may be a tribe with Wolverines trying to take over the others. Special creatures native to this land are Caribou and Wolverines.

Detsctor-Based off Germany-A fairly developed land, but not as much as Fviore. There's plenty of villages, but almost no large buildings. Special creatures native to this land are Marmots and Mouflons.

Carit-Based off Canada-There's some development, a few cities and villages, but for the most part, creatures live in tribe or simple homes. Almost all creatures from this land are extremely polite, say 'eh' a lot, and other Canadian stereotypes 'cause those are fun. Doesn't say anything about real Canadians. Special creatures native to this land are ____ and ____.

Merici-Based off America-A fairly developed place. There's a few villages and one city. There's mostly tribes, though they live in the villages. Special creatures native to this land are Racoons and Bobcats.

____-Based off Australia-___Special creatures native to this land are Kiwis and things that try to kill you.

Kiwis do not live in Australia, they live in New Zealand. I think Koalas, Wombats or Kangaroos would be more suited to the Australia based land which I am suggesting we call Ralia (Ray-Lee-Ah) seeing as you called America Merici which I'm guessing is pronounced Meh-Rick-Eye similar to Meh-Rick-Ah. Also I think natives of Canada could be beavers, ground squirrels, lemmings, pikas, Raccoons, skunks, walruses and opossums could be suitable candidates for native Carit animals and that Ralia should be based on Aboriginal life
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan



  I have no ideas at the moment, but I like this idea!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



'ere'z me character:

Name: Piotr
Age: Younger then midseasons
Race: Weasel
Gender: Male
Class/Job: Warrior
Personality: Honorable, doesn't like to fight unless necessary
Appearance: A kilt, a blue tunic, and a grayish travelling cloak overtop of the tunic
Weaknesses: Tends to worry a bit
Strengths: Can usually keep calm in tense situations
Weapons & Armor: A doublebladed sword
Where He/She Starts: Mossflower
Other: (optional) Likes cheese
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Name: Rigg
Age: 8
Race: Genet
Gender: Male
Class/Job: Resistance member
Personality: Rigg is a cheerful type, never down for long, never letting much get him down. His sense of humor is rather slapstick and rude, and he'll double over in laughter at his own jokes far too often. When he's trying to seem older, he gives himself a hilarious poker face and struts like a duck. He doesn't get how ridiculous he looks, and is indignant at everyone that laughs at him. He'll find a way to get back at them someday.
Appearance: Rigg is a light grey-brown with near-black spots. He wears a dark blue coat with red trim that easily goes to his knees and a black deerstalker. A wrench or other tool is often clenched in his tail. He walks with the air of someone trying to appear older.
Weaknesses: Rigg is a bit of a jerk about his smarts and doesn't make friends that easy. He's also a bit of a coward.
Strengths: Rigg is simply a genius, despite his young age. He can rival some of the less-agile squirrels from Mossflower in climbing as well and is fairly strong.
Weapons & Armor: N/A
Where He Starts: Fviore
Other: (optional)

Name: Hillary
Age: 33
Race: Mouse
Gender: Female
Class/Job: Map making
Personality: Hillary is a very disorganised creature. Her hut in Mossflower is literally overflowing with maps and compasses and other things. Her mentality is worker-bee, always and forever, and doesn't let anything get in her way. She's been known to walk right into vermin camps while mapping a path, and brushing away their weapons so she can finish her tracing. She has a very dry and witty sort of humor.
Appearance: Hillary is an average-looking young mouse, dark brown fur. Some might say she's pretty...if not for the fact that there's always an inch of dust on her. She wears a dark purple traveling cloak over a sun-bleached white dress. The dress was originally green, and still retains some of its original color. She wears dented spectacles, though she could see fine without them.
Weaknesses: Hillary isn't very good at fighting. In fact, she has no stomach at all for blood.
Strengths: She has a wonderful memory and is pretty much the best creature there is for making maps.
Weapons & Armor: A staff
Where She Starts: Mossflower
Other: Perhaps she's sought out because they need a navigator/beast to document their discoveries? We could even make a mini-episode in which we roleplay out what draws the questors together.

Name: Storr
Age: 35
Race: Hare
Gender: Male
Class/Job: Redwall brother, in the past he was the champion
Personality: Storr is currently suffering from PTSD, but is making progress. Before his incident, he was a brave warrior who would never back down from a challenge. He was a bit of a player, brash, and the example that most young hares dream to be. Now, however, he's not so much. He's still brave, but has added large open spaces to his list of fears. He's still a bit rude in a cocky, devil-may-care way, but has quieted down somewhat. He has nightmares every other night and relies heavily on whatever creature is helping him recover.
Appearance: Currently, he's rod-thin with very patchy fur. His ears are shorter than the average hare and one is in shreds. Scars cover his face and body, and he makes little attempt to hide them. His greyish eyes look the same as they did when the saw, but both of them are useless. He wears a green Redwaller's habit and carries a beechwood cane.
Weaknesses: Storr's blind, and he suffers from PTSD.
Strengths: He's wonderful at fighting.
Weapons & Armor: His cane, a short broadsword given to him by the Lady Wildclaw. As for armor, he wears leather arm guards.
Where He Starts: Redwall
Other: He was blinded when vermin captured him, and he found his way back to Redwall several seasons later.  It's been about two seasons sice he came back.


HeadInAnotherGalaxy - Could you actually change your charector to start in Fviore because I forgot to mention that the bad one start there.

WONWILL- I think maybe Hillary could have asked to look at some documents at Redwall for so map she's making and come across some record that mentions very large lands beyond the sea.



Are all my characters currently accepted? I've been wanting to try someone like Storr for a while.