The Night Raiders RP

Started by Dag Downyfur, July 19, 2013, 01:43:01 AM

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Yath stared at it her mouth gaping. "where did you get that?" she recognized it there had been three made at the time. One had been given to her father who intern gave it to her, the other had been given to her uncle and the third the badger had given to a good friend of her fathers all as a reward for some heroic deed they had done. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"It belonged to my father actually and me and him were traveling when we got attacked by a horde of vermin and he died using this dagger and when he fell i took up the dagger and slew the rest very painfully" he starts to get a wild look in his eye as the pupils get wider "it was a blood bath no vermin escaped i spent 2 weeks tracking every last rat,weasel, and vermin of that horde till their paws bled and they were full of holes in the end. and the leader was the last and most gruesome of them all he died painfully" he lets out a wild laughter and pulls out a third knife of the same type and starts to juggle them "i found this one on the captain, looked like he wanted to collect them or something probably, a grudge. but now i have a full set" he starts laughing with no thought of sense in his eyes anymore.
you find this offensive, i find it funny, that is why i am happier than you

The Shade

Redd was sure by now Dinte was mad. He took one look at his glazed eyes and decied to take action. Shoving him backwards,  Redd roared into his face. 'STOP TELLING THIS SQURRIEL YER LIFE STORY, AND SHUTUP!!!!!!!

OOC: Is it OK for Yath to be tied up now??
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


OOC: yes fine with me.

Yath's mind was racing what had happened to her uncle and her father's friend? how did the dirks get in the hands of the vermin captain and the wandering vermin band.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Dinte shuts his trap but just stares off into space his eyes glazed over still juggling all three dirk's
you find this offensive, i find it funny, that is why i am happier than you

The Shade

By now Redd had calmed down, and when he glanced at Dinte, was relieved to see that he was back to normal.

'You two!!!!!' He said, pointing to two random vermin. 'Tie that there squrriel up, and grab the havversack.' 'Lets get outa here.'
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Yath was ruffly yanked upright by one of the vermin as the other bound her paws behind her back. She was still somewhat stunned by the news she had just received and she gave no resistance as she was shoved in the direction of the vermin camp. A single tear rolling down and dropping of the end of her nose.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Redd glanced at the squrriel and had seen the tear. He was struggling with his emotions. Part of him was bad, he would admit, but........he could'nt quite put his paw on it.Sometimes he wondered weither he had made the right choice in becomeing a Night Raider.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Yath blinked and the shock turned to rage. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists to prevent herself from doing something rash but she also made a promise to herself, that they would pay dearly if they had done any thing to hurt her Uncle or his friend. Yath Lona looked up they were approaching the camp.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Dinte wanders around behind the all 3 knives gone and his glazed look away with a look of seriousness in his eyes as he approaches the camp as there is another group of a weasel, fox, stoat, and mouse walking in with a sack of food and a pouch of gold. "hey redd why do we steal gold its not like we need it much anyway and all it does is gather dust and weigh us down i never felt a need for it."
you find this offensive, i find it funny, that is why i am happier than you


OOC:  Sorry, couldn't get on in a while.

BIC:  Shadow began wandering around in the forest, following a sound he had heard...
baby turtle forever


Yath looked over at the chipmunk ,she had come to the conclusion that he was insane ether that or he had some mental disability, she noticed that he had not put her dirk with the rest of the loot. she had a feeling he wasn't supposed to keep it but it might give her a better chance of retrieving it.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Upon coming back to camp....

"Aye, but gold can be used to trade with those naive goodbeasts.  Then, we take it back and trade more!"   Only a fox could come up with such a plan.... (sorry weasels, ferrets, stoats, etc.  xD)
baby turtle forever


Yath watched the new comer how could he be so cruel! Taking advantage of a simple beasts ignorance. Making them think you are there friend and then turning around to show them you are nothing but. And he seemed proud of it. How could these creatures live with themselves or each other for that matter. She was disgusted and furious. She strained against the bonds but to no avail.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"shall i take the squirrel to the tree and tie her up and prob keep her busy for the time being as it may, since she seems to be a guest here in our humble abode" he bows as he says abode and walks over to the squirrel and gently nudges her to the tree where some strong rope is lying around
you find this offensive, i find it funny, that is why i am happier than you