
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Prison topic

Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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Glantrin lifted a paw in acknowledgment, then he walked over to a large pot that was sitting on top of the oven. Glantrin took the lid off of it and used a nearby ladle to fill a bowl with the pots contents. He walked over to the table and sat down one of the empty chairs and began to eat silently.
Drimun fingered with a jam covered scone.
"So when are you leaving?" Glantrin asked breaking the acquired silence.


"I was thinking of leaving after we ate. How long should the trip take?" I finished the scone and popped some blackberry in to my mouth. "At least you set a fine table,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun smiled. "Thanks and the journey should only take until noon, if you get a move on."
Drimun finished his third scone and reached for another one. Glantrin smacked his paw with his spoon.
"Drimun you've already had a bowl of fruit and nut porridge and three scones. You don't need any more to eat. Now go pack a haversack of vittles' for the trip."
Drimun sulked and muttered as he stood up and began to collect food together.     


I grabbed the scone that Drimun was going to take but instead of eating it I hid it away when Glantrin wasn't looking. "Well thanks for the food," I said getting up and Folowing Drimun out of the kitchen. When we were safely out of Glantrins vision I passed Drimun the scone. "Here and don't let him push you around like that. He may have a good reason to be a grouch but that doesn't mean you have to let him take it out on you."   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun readily took the scone. "Thanks, he is a bit controlling when it comes to food. He likes to still think himself as a Silver Slayer Captain. Sometimes I can see his point about things, but others I just think he wants to show he's in charge. But I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him. I've seen him cut the ear off of someone beast who tried to escape from the prison. He's scary."
Drimun bite into the scone.     


"Yup demanding, commanding and overbearing pretty much describes him. Why do you stay? I Know you can't really go home but you could do so much more with you life then sit around here all day and get bossed around by Glantrin. You could travail see the world go sailing invent things, There is so much you could do with your life. I know you weren't excepted in to the silver slayers but that doesn't mean you wont be next time. What do you have to do to become a Silver Slayer any way,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Tam and Martin

Quote from: rachel25 on September 15, 2013, 07:56:18 PM
OOC but TaM didn't notice that Drimun had pick pocketed his real silver cherries from his belt pouch  :P


If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Drimun shrugged. "I don't really want to leave, and Glantrins not was bad as he seems. It's just he wants you to see him as big and mean, but he's really clever. He showed me how to carve a bow, and make chairs, tables, and desks. He made me a fiddle and a leather belt," Drimun pointed to the belt he was wearing. It was black leather with a pattern weaving around it in silver. "And I after what Glantrin has told me of the Silver Slayers, I don't really want to be excepted. The reason I wasn't let in was that I...ur..well" Drimun stammered. "Was because I said I couldn't kill a wounded or innocent beast."     


"That is nothing to be ashamed of! I'm proud of you. You stood up for what you believed in," I said as we walked out of the prison into the morning light.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun smiled. "That's not what Glantrin said, but then again he kills or killed beats because he felt angry that is mother died and he could do anything." They walked on in silence. They were nearing the forest now, a robin flew down out of a nearby elm and came to investigate what they were doing. Drimun crumbled the rest of his scone and dropped it onto the ground for the inquisitive bird.


"Wonder what he want's...?" I said. then turning to Drimun I said "Thanks for taking me to Gadna. Could you tell me more about it? What are the houses like? Were does everyone live?" 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun smiled. "Oh it's great, the houses are made from yellow sandstone, and the streets are lined with flower boxes that are always full of the most wonderful flowers. Everybeast wears gold bracelets, and earrings. And everyone has pots and pans made of gold. Gold's so plentiful you see in Gadna, everyone has it. And where I live there's a huge orchard filled with fruit trees of every kind, there are berry bushes in the forest. And there's a great waterfall right at the edge of my village. Gadna's stretches all long way. And my village is near the Silver Palace, that's where Queen Namin lives."       


"It sounds wonderful. I would love to see the water fall and the orchard. Do you ever use all that gold in trading with other places? And how did you get all of it in the first place?"     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"The gold was found in mines. At first it was valuable, but the more we dug up the less it was valued amongst the Gadnain otters. We do use it to buy stuff off other beasts, but we never allow beasts to come into Gadna to trade or live, or even visit. I'll be able to get you in because Queen Namin has met you and as long as I blindfold you when we go to the secret cave and river, everything will be fine." Drimun said carelessly.
They were in the forest now, surrounded by tall trees and the forest floor was carpeted in wild flowers.
Drimun picked one and gave it to Faiyloe.
"That's a numyon-ciltax they only grow in this forest near Gadna." He explained.
The flower was pale blue, with yellow rings decorating it's petals.   


"It's so pretty, I love it and thanks for going through all this trouble." I tucked the flower behind my ear and started to sing a song.

"The winter O, the winter O,
With cold and dark and driving snow,
O not for me the winter O,
My friend I tell you so.
In the spring the winds do sport and play,
And rain can teem down anyday,
While autumn oft is misty grey,
My friend hear what I say.
When summer sunlight comes each morn,
The birds sing sweet each golden dawn,
And flow'rs get kissed by every bee,
While shady stands the tree.
The summer O, the summer O,
Amid its golden peace I go,
From noon to lazy evening glow.
My friend I told you so."

(From Mariel of Redwall)


OOC: I dreamed about Gadna last night.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?