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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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"How else am I supposed to get anything done around this town," Crystal said. She was uncomfortable around Myrlon and she began to fidget.

"There is a new knight in town I met his squire. Yes I know what your thinking 'what was she doing with a squire?' Its a long story but now I have a problem. I think he like's me!"   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Myrlon bowed his head again "I was not criticizing you, I know how hard it is to make money in this city. I see well I can't help you with that I'm afraid"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


"Well you've been a little less than help full lately. How have you been keeping your self lately. Where are you living now?" Crystal said tuning down a somewhat less populated street lined with houses. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Hey, where's the character sheet?

sorry for posting, but i want to know


"I've been living underneath where my old house used to be, I make some money off performing spells for people though not much. I do steal sometimes but not as often as you I'd imagine"

OOC: My posts with Myrlon are getting progressively worse sorry

@Cornflower: In the OP of the OOC topic
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

Age:about 20, 21 seasons
Rank(knight, noble, servant, peasant...): servant of very, very VERY rich noble
Weapon:bow and arrows, with small dagger
Appearance:very, very pretty, nut-brown every where expect tummy, which sandy color
Personality:very sweet and nice,feisty and fierce when roused, which is hard to do
Other:very good with dibbuns,has never met the squirrel of her dreams......hasn't met any males she likes in that way,really..

please tell me what you think!!!


Crystal nodded and began fidgeting with the crystal around her neck. "I'm surprised you haven't been caught yet," She said under he breath. She began to get a funny feeling again. She glanced about and saw the rat that had been fallowing her before watching them. She turned and stood in front of Myrlon with her hands on her hips.

"Listen some one is watching us just play along," She said quietly with an angry look on her face. Then she yelled "You may be my law full guardian but if you think that I am going to be marrying that half witted, insolent, stuck up, boy you're mistaken!" and then stomped off.   

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Cornflower, you're new here, right? Well, I see you've found the OOC (Out Of Character) topic- that's where the character sheets should be posted. W0NWILL is the GM or game master, so she'll be the one who actually decided whether to accept your sheet or not. :) I hoped this helps some, and welcome to the forum!
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


When Saygar awoke this time he felt better.
A servant must have been in because a bucket of fresh water from the well was beside his bed. Saygar gratefully shoved his head in it, using the towel the towel that had also been left by the helpful creature, to dry off.
Now to go and visit that Smithy, and not to be seen by anyone while doing so, should be to hard.
Saygar stood up stiffly and walked over to the door, grabbing his belt off the chair he had left it on before leaving. He went out the same way he came in, down the servant stairs. When in the grounds he decided to go out through the Main Gate since nobody was about, and the gate keeper was dead so...?
* * * *
When Saygar had reached the city he made his way to the Smithy's via the back alleys. Saygar knew his way about them well enough, being the son of a poor women, he had practically lived in the back alleys, that was until he learned who his father was and his father found out about his existence, and whisked him away without a word to his mother, to live in some fancy castle and to learn to be a knight.
Saygar cursed the memory wishing he had been left to live where he had been happy, and was able to make his own choices about what he did with his life, when he heard something.
"You may be my law full guardian but if you think that I am going to marrying that half witted, insolent, stuck up, boy you're mistaken!"
What was this Saygar thought, and hurried over to investigate. He was just in time to see a mousemaid he thought he recognized storm off away from a rather suspicious looking Pine Marten.
Saygar tried to place the mousemaid, Yes that was it, the bar. He had seen her at the bar this morning, he remembered her because he had thought she looked untrustworthy. Maybe he was right, Saygar then noticed a rat who had been spying on the two. Saygar decided to follow the mousemaid, the Smithy could once again wait.

OOC: WOW! big post! I've been watching Robin Hood Prince of Thieves so I'm kind of in the Medieval zone  ;) 


Crystal stormed around the corner without looking back. She new it was suspicious to have a young mouse maid talking with an old Pine Marten so she had given every one a reason. She slowed to a fast walk still keeping up the pretense of being angry just in case that rat was still watching her. To tell the truth she was glad to get away from Myrlon. He made her uncomfortable and she had done every thing she could to avoid him.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar followed the mousemaid carefully, he new how to as well and now that he was with it he would not do something stupid. The only problem would be if she saw him. He did stick out a bit, what with his good condition weapons and posh cloths, and the symbol of the King on the front of his tunic and on the back of his cloak. He would have to find something to change into.
Saygar decided to go to the Smithy anyway. He could catch up with the mousemaid, he wasn't going just to pay the Smithy, no he knew the Smithy's apprentice. They had been friends before Saygar found out about his noble father.
Saygar doubled back the way he had come and quickly crossed over to the Smithy's shop. Without hesitation he walked in. Seeing his friend working on something in the corner he made straight for him. Passing the Smithy on his way he asked. "How you doing with the armour?"
The Smithy grunted and shook his head. "Good to see you too, and no, it's not finished. You managed to break it good and proper this time. So I'm having to make you an entire new breastplate."
Saygar's face fell upon hearing this. Hopefully he would have enough to pay back the Smithy. Just to not make the Smithy angry he quickly took out a gold coin and placed it next to Smack Smithy. As he was known.
"Okay, there's something for your generosity. I'll come by tomorrow and see how your doing." Saygar said respectively. No one was rude to the big badger Smithy. Not if you valued your skull.
Saygar continued on his way to the back corner, calling out as he went.
"Hey, Rool! How you fairing you son of a barnacle!"
The mink Rool looked up. "Oh hi."
Saygar ran over and quickly whispered in Rool's ear. "I need you to watch my stuff for a bit. No don't ask why I don't have time. Oh and by the way, can I borrow some of your clothes?"

About five minutes later, Saygar walked out of the Smithy looking like any rogue of the streets. He knew he had to hurry the mousemaid could be anywhere by now, but he could always ask along the way if anybeast had seen a mousemaid with a crystal necklace pass by this way.   


Crystal looked back over her shoulder. She did not see the rat but that didn't mean that he wasn't there. She new as well as any beast that there were ways of going unseen in the streets of Redwall. She decided to stay out of the alleys and back streets. What did the rat want any way.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar raced down the back streets and alleys, he had had to ask quite a few beasts about the mousemaid and most of them had been helpful. The ones who had said What will ya give me? had received a few punches in the face and a dagger at their throat. That had convinced them.
Saygar then saw the mousemaid. There she was, out on the roads not hiding in alleys. Saygar decided to stay in the back streets, that way he wouldn't be noticed.


Crystal turned a corner ad stopped near a shop and sat down on a crate. She was going to wait and see if the rat was still fallowing her. He wouldn't be able to try any thing out here with all these people about.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Mack nodded at the black squrriel's suggestion. "Aye, it would be my pleasure to duel 'wid yer sometime."


"So, when are we starting out?" Doods asked the stranger. "And at whit periods will I get my payment?"
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I