The Starship Integrity OOC and sign-up (Open for sign-ups!)

Started by Rusvul, October 14, 2013, 08:45:06 PM

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Are you going to join? (This is so I know how many people there are)

Yes, for sure
2 (50%)
2 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 4


So, I'm sure a bunch of people here know Star Trek. I thought it would be so cool if there was a (Very irregular, by our standards) sort of sci-fi RP (Star Trek based, but not directly copying anything. And, of course, with the anthropomorphic characters.) that went along with basic Star Trek format. That format being, usually, this.

The crew is on a routine mission, when they encounter some strange occurance. They move in to investigate, and get in some kind of trouble with something new, unexplained, and often seemingly impossible. It's always a puzzle figuring out what's really going on, and usually a struggle to set things right. In the end, the most unlikely answer (Or, alternately, the most obvious one, so simple it was overlooked) becomes the only possible one. Problem is solved, and the ship escapes for the most part without damage.

Some species and enemies would be recurring, and some would appear only once. The GM (Me) would play a more GM'y role, literally the master of everything going on. But you, and the other players, would be the ones solving the problems in whatever creative way you can. If something seems sufficiently plausible, or sufficiently creative, it will work. I won't set a specific answer that is the only one that works, any really good answer is the right one.

Forms are now being accepted! Submit yours! (After reading this post)

EDIT: There is, so I'll put it all here. Behind spoilers, of course
Ship's Specs

Name: IAS (Interplanetary Alliance Ship) Integrity

Class: Ascendant

Physical description: Long and sleek, with two 'outriggers' that serve the purpose of steady thrust. The outriggers are disconnectable, and stay together when disconnected.

Armaments: Phase-Modulated Directed Energy Plasma Cannons 23-B
Anti-matter torpedos at different levels
More stuff about anti-matter torpedos
Charges come in several levels, 1, 2, 3 and 4. (1 being small explosions, 2 being for hull breaches, 3 being for total destruction of space-vessels, 4 being for anything larger. Class 4 torpedoes come with an extreme amount of risk, the explosions are so large they frequently destroy the ship firing them.) Each class of torpedoes has 4 specific types, A, B, C, and D. The classes correspond in power levels within classes.
For standard use against spacecraft, torpedoes 1D-2C are recommended.
Also equipped with a tractor beam, with the power to drag a similar-size starship at high speed.

Engines/Generators: Has an antimatter replicator (Only able to produce minute quantities) and an Antimatter reactor, creating power by placing antimatter in contact with regular matter, at low quantities, to safely create phenomenal amounts of power.
For propulsion, has a Warp engine on the main segment (And an adaptable, but less powerful) engine on each of the outriggers. Also equipped with thrusters, is able to move with surprising agility.

Speed capacity: At maximum warp, 13.7, the theoretically possible top speed for a starship is warp 18.3333, the fastest ever recorded (On an extremely light and relatively useless starship) is 17.2238.

Hull structure: Has three hulls. First hull (Outermost hull), second hull, (The one in the middle), and the third hull (Innermost), as well as emergency inner shields between second and third.
Mostly made of Titanium-Iridium alloy steel, or as it is unofficially called, Titridium.

Shields: Has strong shields, that project an energetic distortion of repulsive gravitons into the space around the ship, deflecting anything that touches them. Shields do not directly affect teleporters, but an automatic subsystem activates a disruptor so that teleportation within the field is impossible. Either system can be activated individually

Passenger capacity: Maximum of 1800. However, the ship's crew comprises of roughly 740.

Roles that need to be filled. (I won't be accepting positions for a while now, and a some of them (Engineer and tactical officers, among others) won't be playable for you guys)
Positions aboard the IAS Integrity

Captain: Highest immediate rank.
Requirements: Terran species, as this is a Terran vessel. Must be able to post 1-3 times every day, as you're the one issuing orders to the crew. Without you, the RP stands still. Usually not romantically involved with the crew. (Picard, basically.)
Rank: Captain

First Officer: Leader of most away teams, instantly recieves a field promotion to Captain whenever said Captain is incapacitated for long periods of time. General leader. (Riker)
Requirements: Also able to be active, however not quite so constantly active.
Rank: Commander
Status-Taken, by Brookskimmer

Advisor: Councilor on anything personal or emotional. Sort of a therapist, helping the crew maintain their mental health. (Deanna Troi's role. I'm just calling it by a different name.)
Requirements: None, but I strongly suggest you play an empathic species.
Rank: Lieutenant
Status-Taken, by Faiyloe.

Engineer: Very knowledgeable about all things concerning engineering, the ship, and its capabilities. Usually the voice of reason, stating what is and isn't possible.
Due to that, I'll be playing the Engineer. (Think of Geordi La Forge)
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Status-NPC. I will play the Engineer.

Tactical: The one to execute most commands. Such as 'Hailing frequencies open', or 'Arm phasers and photon torepdoes'. Also the one to report system failures, like 'Shields at 48%', 'Life support failing', and 'Inner hull breach on deck 7, decompression imminent'
Due to the practicality and blankness of this role, along with the reasons I'm playing the Engineer, I'll be playing the Tactical officer too. (Worf/Yar)
Rank: Lieutenant
Status-NPC. I will play the Tactical Officer.

Helmsman: The one controlling the direct movements of the ship. One of you guys can play this if you want, but you'll be PP'ed a lot by me, and you won't get to do much. Basically just talking, and the occasional away-team trip. If you decide to play this role, you might want to RP more about your character's personal life. (Wesley)
Rank: Ensign/Lieutenant

Second Officer: In charge of interpreting all data from the surroundings and the sensors. Must have a vast collection of knowledge. Leads the Night Watch, has the bridge when both the Captain and First Officer are incapacitated. Member of most away teams.(Data)
Note: Second Officer can ask the computer for any information, I will give as much information on the subject as the Integrity's computer would have stored.
Rank: Two and a half marks, same as a Lieutenant Commander, however, the rank is seperate.
Doctor: Head of sickbay, in charge of healing everybody. (Doctor Crusher)
Rank: Doctor

Security Officer: Exactly as the name sounds. Member of most away teams. Highly trained in combat. (Worf)
Requrements: Not an empath, must be able to post a lot as you are part of the usual away team.
Rank: Lieutenant

These are all the main roles right now, but I'll be adding more, and if you have an idea, tell me!
Character forms are now accepted! The form is as follows

Species: (Terran (If Terran, specify), Alnerran, Azzoite)
Age: (Terrans live as long as humans, Alnerrans slightly longer, and Azzoites, shorter by 30%)
Home planet: (Terra, Aln, Azzyxza)
Personal traits:
History: (Please, at least a paragraph)
Physical appearance: (Disclude clothing and weapons- Those are standardized)
Position that you would like to have:

I will only accept entries that are sufficiently non-Sue-ish, complete, and could get through the training required (Excessively non-physical or non-intellectual forms will not be accepted). Before making an entry, please read this post fully. You will most likely need every scrap of knowledge contained here.

My entries:

Name: Nutsal
Gender: Female
Rank: Engineer.
Species: Azzoite
Age: 34
Home planet: Earth
Personal traits: Gruff, but intelligent. Doesn't quite trust the  new crew.
History: She was born to Azzoite parents who couldn't care for her, so she was given up to the Azzoite social services. She was placed in an orphanage-like building, where she was adopted and taken to Terra by a pair of Terran otters. From when she was 6 months old, she has been raised by her otter parents. She was left with a sort of curiosity and very slight disdain for Azzoites. As she grew up, she studied to be an engineer. She passed the training. The Integrity is her second position, prior to that she was the second engineer on the cargo ship Endurance.
Physical appearance: All Azzoites look similar to those not of their species, however she is distinguished by her very dark fur and scales, as well as the V-shaped scar on her topscale. (A topscale being the large, thick scale on her forehead. Headscales are not shed like most other scales, so they are the only ones capable of permenant scarring.)
Interests/Hobbies: In her free time, Nutsal reads engineering manuals created by the replicator. She also practices the Azzoite sport of Damma, which is extremely physically taxing.
Strengths: Physical and intellectual prowess.
Weaknesses: As she focuses on physical practicality, she is not very emotionally or socially experienced. This can lead to a short temper, awkwardness, and potentially violence.

Items all crew members have.
Standard-issue items

1 Uniform, color corresponds to position
1 Badge, (Not a com badge) type corresponds to rank
1 Search-Recorder (Basically a tricorder)
1 Hand-phaser
1 Ear-piece. These take the place of the com-badges in ST.
Any more ideas? Tell me!



Planet of origin: Terra (Earth)

Main cultural trait: Diversity and creativity

Species traits: As diverse as a race could be, but in general, they are very outgoing and helpful.

Alliance/Allegiance: Interplanetary Alliance

Physical appearance: Basically anything in Redwall with the exception of unconditionally violent creatures (Like wolverines, most vermin creatures are okay. By this time, we've gotten over species bias, at least, among Terran species) , turtles, beavers, and maybe a few more.

Other Species


Planet of origin: Aln

Main cultural trait: Nonreligious spirituality- Help others find their inner light as a way to resolve their problems- and as a result, your own

Species traits: Empathic, but not telepathic. From various body cues is able to tell exactly how someone is feeling, unless they know precisely how to cloak their emotion

Alliance/Allegiance: Interplanetary Alliance

Physical appearance: Birdlike in appearance, but their feathers are patterned and have a green tint. However, they lack the bird traits of Terran creatures- no beaks or full wings. However, they have hollow bones and flaps between their limbs. (Their clothing accounts for this, so as to not inhibit their basic gliding. If on the crew, their uniforms will be modified accordingly) Considered beautiful by most Terrans and Azzoites.

Planet of origin: Azxyxza (AZZAK-za)

Main cultural trait: Strength

Species traits: Strong, tall, and broad. They believe in physical endurance above all else- If you can't make it go away by reason, prove to it that it can accomplish nothing and that you are above any challenge it presents.

Alliance/Allegiance: Interplanetary Alliance

Physical appearance: Tall and heavyset, strong, but not violent unless provoked. Possesses a hood like a cobra, long, venomous fangs, and an odd mixture of white fur and black scale. Has no legs, rather, a tail twice as long as their body, that they use to support and balance themselves. Ends in five barbs, all tipped with venom. The tailtips are sheathed in a garment worn at the end of the tail- Not wearing one, or unsheathing the tips, is a sign of aggression as strong as pointing a phaser.

Planet of origin: Dennensilvakkin, originally.

Main cultural trait: Strategy and thinking

Species traits: Cerebral and strategical at the risk of seeming cold. Logical at the risk of overthinking minor things. Often socially awkward with those not of their species.

There are currently three different factions of Dennensil- Revolutionaries, who want to change the roots of Dennensil society, and are unwilling to compromise. Functionalists, who have recently done so and are sure that their way is the best. Pacifists, who take no sides during these conflicts and just want the dispute to end.
Functionalists are formally allied with the Interplanetary Alliance, however it is a purely... functional... association. As with everything to do with the Functionalists, there is no compassion or emotion involved- Simply mutual benfit.
Because of that, Revolutionaries are against the Alliance. They won't necessarily open fire immediately upon seeing an Alliance ship, but they are certainly hostile.
Pacifists are, as their name implies, allies with everyone they can be. This includes the Functionalists, the Revolutionaries, the Azzoites, the Alnerrans, and in fact most of the major Alliance species.

Alliance/Allegiance: Depends on the faction.

Physical appearance: Slightly shorter than an average Terran, they have smooth, pure white skin. They have no snout to speak, and their features are rather like that of a human- But the possess no nose, no ears, their lips are thin and green, and their sparse hair is light blue. Their eyes are quite large, as their homeworld is a dark place, and light can make them uncomfortable. All over their bodies aside from their heads, they have a thick black fur. They have six long fingers on each hand- Their hands are shaped much like that of a human, but with a thumb on either side. For their size, their arms and legs are disproportionately long and thin- Despite this, they are immensely strong, being able to carry more than twice their body weight. This does not necessarily translate into combat strength- They have a significant advantage if wrestling or grappling, however they are fairly evenly matched in conventional combat, or in a fist fight.


If anyone has ideas for races, or the history they should have, tell me. I know one thing for certain- I can't get this RP off the ground on my own. Please give me ideas! And feel free to ask any question about these races- that helps immensely too! Thanks!

More soon!


Is it just a coincident that I am watching Star Trek as I type. Of course I am interested! Would different animals represent different star trek species like Klingon, Cardassian or Betazoid?     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

I might join! Also, could it be a 'lil more like Star Wars? 'Cuz I don't know a thing about trekky.  :)
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Quote from: The Shade on October 14, 2013, 09:08:39 PM
I might join! Also, could it be a 'lil more like Star Wars? 'Cuz I don't know a thing about trekky.  :)
Hrr, how would I do that? Make people kill people with lasers? Idk, I feel like I have a lot more to work with if I use Star Trek, plus, I know a lot more about it.


What about my question Rus?

Edit: Would people fill roles like second in command, engineer, councilor etc? 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Faiyloe on October 15, 2013, 12:41:06 AM
What about my question Rus?
Oh! Yeah. It wouldn't be a direct thing, but some creatures may have certain racial powers, such as empathy, telepathy, or innate teleportation or flight. It would also introduce species that don't exist in Redwall, or IRL.


That sounds AMAZING, Rus! Star Trek is awesome, and I'll be glad to join up once this gets rolling. :)
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


I'll join!  It's been a while since I RPed, and I've been meaning to start again.


I would probably have empathy or telepathy. If I was a telepath would it be like Vulcan  telepathy or Betazoid telepathy? 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Faiyloe on October 15, 2013, 01:38:43 PM
I would probably have empathy or telepathy. If I was a telepath would it be like Vulcan  telepathy or Betazoid telepathy? 
There would likely be a race with some kind of telepathy, most likely empathic. You could take the roll of the counselor or advisor if you like.

Also, ship names? I think Integrity, Insight, or Courage. Any ideas on prefixes? (USS, HMS..)


All right I'll be an empath! I really like USS Integrity.  The word fits perfectly with every thing that Starfleet stands for. 

Will you play the captain Rus?
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ziz doez look intereztin'! May'apz if ye added a bit (juzt a bit) o' ztuff from zin'z like Ztar Varz (Or per'apz Dune for zoze zat 'ave read it; major zeriez, by ze vay!) tae it ah'd join. Like Shade, ah'm nae intae Ztar Trek eizer; ze only epizode ah've ever really vatched bein' Ze Trouble Viz Tribblez, an' zat vaz a vhile ago. Ozer zan zat, lookz major! Ah've alvayz vanted tae dae a Zci-Fi Redwall RP!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Quote from: Faiyloe on October 15, 2013, 02:45:24 PM
All right I'll be an empath! I really like USS Integrity.  The word fits perfectly with every thing that Starfleet stands for. 

Will you play the captain Rus?
Nope! I'll be the lead Engineer, and any other unclaimed roles. (The reason I have to be engineer is because I am the only one who knows all the things the ship can do. And more importantly, what it can't. Like,
Captain: Can you fix this?
Engineer: Yeah, but it'll take (X period of time that's longer than we have)
I can help advance the plot a ton from Engineering.

Keep an eye on the OP for the next few days, I'm going to be posting a lot of things.


Ok. What does OP Stand for? If I'm an Empath would I have to be a specific animal?   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Faiyloe on October 16, 2013, 12:28:54 AM
Ok. What does OP Stand for? If I'm an Empath would I have to be a specific animal?   
OP means Original Post. And yes, to be an Empath you would have to be a specific alien species.