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Star Wars: Rise Of The Redwall Abbey Temple

Started by Griffen, November 28, 2013, 08:38:17 PM

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Should we add duels to this RP. It will make fights cooler and make the entire series more interesting.

Whatever the majority votes.


5,594 BBY
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
It was a period of restoration, after the United Animals of the Republic wiped out the Empire's home base on Korriban; making them retreat beyond the outer rim. Now the Republic is building a Jedi Temple planet side, hoping that after many years the mediation of the Jedi can heal the planet... 

Although the Empire is retreating, some Sith and a hand full of Empire solders remain, what is their plan? To destroy the Republics effort at healing the planet, and to kill of the Jedi on Korriban before the temple is built. What will happen next, who will win? What secrets do the Sith have on their home world? Will the Republic finally restore peace to the galaxy and destroy the remaining Sith...[/b]

Hope y'all enjoyed my crawl... even though it doesn't crawl  :)

So like I said, while I was remaking the plot for "Defiance" I would make a Starwars RP. We need two sides, three if you wish to make it so. When you choose please place which you are under the "Sec" option on your profile.

1) Sith and Empire:
2) Jedi and Republic
3) Bounty Hunters and Smugglers. (Hired Guns, Works for the highest bidder.)


Know here goes the really long and detailed part about choosing your character; for this RP I will let you pick an advanced class. I will be giving a link to SWTOR website because they explain each class so well. Now with these classes please do not think that you're player is OP because he isn't.


Sith warrior: (Over view)



Sith Inquisitor (Over view)



(Note: The Empire does not have solders like the Republic, they use robots. If you wish to be a solder and work the Empire, just be a bounty hunter and have your alliance to the Empire.)

Imperial Agent (Over view)




Jedi Knight (Over view)



Jedi Consular (Over view)




Trooper (Over view)



Bounty Hunters and Smugglers
(Note: Even though they both mainly serve one side, I've decided to let the allegiance be up to you :) )

Smuggler (Over view)



Bounty Hunter (Over view)



Well there you have it, good luck picking one. Hopefully its not over whelming, but if you just focus on your class and learn as much as you can, it will give you an edge over the others. In this RP your character will have a lot of control over the force, so the more you know the better. I know a lot, so don't try to abuse the force or I'll tell you that you'll need to fix it.

PS: Yes I know I'm not supposed to double post... wait what! you just triple posted! Get over it please  :) I need it to help clearify and keep this all easy for me to understand  ;)

BBY = Before Battle on Yavin (4)

PS: I will update each "Allegiance" as more stuff is needed to be added. So keep a close eye on it.


Allegience: Empire     Code of the Sith
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Danflorubuguba Roebang Thunderbrush

Sec: Assassin (Empire)

Name: Roebang Thunderbrush

Species: Red squirrel


Gender: Male

Appearance:Fiery red fur, his absorbing hazel eyes have been the last sight for many a foe. What he wears depends on the planet and community, but it consists of (whatever that thing the Assassin in the SWTOR explanation thingy). he has a small scar crossing his left eye and going up slightly just above the ear.

Weapon: Two Dark Sabers.

Personality: Fiery, excitable, but when he is given a task he can be as calm as a pond on a windless day. A bit shady, tends to keep to himself, but opens up to a select few beasts.

Backstory: Unknown until he was found on a poor planet exhibiting uncanny force abilities. No beast knows how he learned to use them, just that he had some natural talent. He was taken in by the Empire and has been with them since.

Allegiance: Empire

Other: N/A

Griffen Judith

Sec: Juggernaut

Name: Judith

Species: Rat

Age: Restored

Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing tall this Sith rat shows off his charcoal Armour with pride. He has a respirator attached to the back of his armor for back up oxygen, just in case. His single lightsaber shines blood red and reaches just a few inches longer than his left arm which wields it. Two different emblems are painted on the shoulders of his armor, one resembles hate, another is of broken chains.

Personality: If you were to meet Judith you would think he is bipoler, in one conversation he is excited and eager, while seconds later he acts bored and aggressive. But actually he puts on the act to match the force which is being presented, although unseen, in the room. With such actions Judith is able to learn and extract more information from his peers and anyone who is around him.

Backstory: Being born on Korriban Judith has become set free though the dark side. After killing his mentor with other students, the young Sith was banned from the academy. Instead of giving up or asking for forgiveness, he ran into the valley of shadows where he fully embraced the darkside... only to die moments later. Over whelmed with the passion that could have been his spirit remained in the ruins of ancient Sith. One day, a rat of all species, wondered into the tomb in which Judith died. Even though the Rat was not the body he wanted Judith took the opportunity and fought him on a spiritual level and killed him. Now with an empty body the former Sith apprentice returned to the academy, and without telling the other students of the truth, impressed all of them while moving though the ranks. Eventually Judith graduated the academy and was presented a master of whom he would learn under. On that same day he challenged his master... On that same day he slew his master and took his lightsaber.

Allegiance: Empire

Other: N/A

The Shade Ravanus

Sec: Sith Warrior

Name: Ravanus

Species: Ermine

Age: Precisely in his prime. No one knows his exact age though.

Gender: Male

Appearance: The ermine is completely white, accept for two places, the tip of his tail, and a narrow burnt area on his on the side of his head. He wears and loose-fitting black cloak, and black leather protection pads underneath. His eyes and a deep red, almost perfectly matching the colour of the double-bladed lightsaber he uses.

Weapon: His primary weapon is a double bladed lightsaber (red of course). He occasionally uses a extremely sharp black stone knife, though he generally uses the lightsaber.

Personality: Ravanus is very cruel, and dispite his two weapons, his favorite method of killing is with Force Lightning. He is also extremely overconfident and arrogant.

Backstory: Ravanus has an extremely vague and mysterious history. It is known that he came to the dark side quite young though. He had been picked up by traders, on a remote moon. Again, no one knows exactly why he ended up there, but he had be fleeing from the murderers that had slaughtered his family. Recently he has caught up with them. He personally killed each by using his his hate, and producing Lightning.

Allegiance: Empire I guess...


Shadefur Nightblade Pyrus

Sec: sith assassin

Name: Pyrus

Species: melanistic pine marten

Age: unknown

Gender: male

Appearance: he wears a long flowing traditional black hooded cloak and robe when not in combat. In combat he usually wears a similar outfit, but it is made of armorweave, a substance that can be arranged into pieces of fabric and retain the flexibility of cloth and still guard against acid, fire, and even glancing lightsaber and blaster attacks. He wears Beskar' Kandar (mandalorian iron) greaves on top of his armor weave.

Personality: Pyrus is cold, calculating, and sadistic. There isn't much more I can say about him than that and that he rarely speaks.

Backstory: no one knows how he came to the temple, he just appeared there one day and began his training, swiftly ranking up until he was chosen as an apprentice to a famous sith lord. One day, when his master died miraculously, he was declared a true Sith lord.

Allegiance: Sith

Other: he uses dual yellow lightsabers that he can connect into a double bladed lightsaber.

Shadefur Nightblade Atiniir Brokar

Sec: mandalorian

Name: Atiniir Brokar

Species: wolverine age: 19

Gender: male

Appearance: Atiniir, or Atin for short is tall and well muscled. He wears tan mandalorian armor and a sleeveless orange shirt underneath his armor. Under that he wears a light grey combat suit.

Weapons/equipment: Atin's helmet records video and plays it back on command, compensates for low or high lighting, picks up minute sounds and connects with the inboard computer o his ship Mandalore's Omen. It can also compensate for pressure changes and hold 20 to 25 minutes of air. It also has a retractable straw. Atin can control his weapons, sensors, and his Jeff pack with verbal commands. His HUD(heads up display) features information on the environment and a 360 degree field of vision. His HUD also provides up to date info on nearby rooms. The helmets antenna can intercept and unscramble ship transmissions. His orange liner shirt has a micro energy field projector and two layers of thin ceramic plates, in order to spread out physical and blast impacts. He wears a leather utility belt with leather pouches. The pouches contain an anti-security blade, a survival knife, a jet pack adjuster tool, a sonic beam weapon, and multiple grenades. He wears a par of versatile boots with a pair of spikes on the end of each. He uses an Amban phase-pulse blaster, dual Sacros k-11 blaster pistols, a customized ee-3 rifle, Czerka ZX wrist flame projector, DUR wrist laser, DXR-6 disruptor rifle, MM-9 wrist concussion 12A ant-personnel rockets, stun rockets, and a fiber cord wrist whip.

Personality: Atin is stubborn and willful. He has his own cod of honor and will not do anything that breaks it. He is usually soft spoken, but when he spdoes speak, he speaks with meaning.

Background: he was born and raised on Mandalore. Eventually he left his father's clan and went on to make his own path as a mercenary. He wildly wandered space for many years, taking a job from those who would give it.

Allegiance: Empire


Allegience: Republic Jedi Code
Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Death, yet the Force.

Griffen Heri

Sec: Commando

Name: Heri

Species: Badger

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: Without his armor the badger is bald, all his fur was burnt off and his skin has burn marks all over. So he usually keeps his custom shaped armor on. The metal is bent in such a way that explosions won't cause shattering damage to the armor, and with unique technology gifted to him via the Jedi he has better protection from Sith lightning. This brute is ready to charge into war, hunching over while caring his massive V9 assault cannon.  

Personality: Heri is very out going and loves to talk to people. He views every opportunity to help someone as his last chance. He doesn't care for death, and doesn't plan on living till retirement. He once said "To live and die today is better than to stick around for tomorrow!" Right before entering a fight with the odds 3:11

Backstory: Heri was always let down as a child, even during his teenage years. Not till he joined the Republic armed forces did he understand his worth. Ever since then his story has been the same, killing in the name of justice.

Allegiance: Republic

Other: Heri does not have his arms after an incident during a pre-flight test. During which a plasma beam shot out towards another crew member. To save her life Heri absorbed the plasma, and both limbs were melted. He now has mechanical arms which he's learned to adapt to.

The Shade Yassen

Sec: Bounty Hunter

Name: Yassen

Species: Raccoon

Age: Early twenties

Gender: Male

Appearance: Yassen is slightly shorter than an average raccoon, but his advanced multi-surface boots make that up. He wears light mandalorean(Spelling?) armour, painted green, although on certin parts grey shows  from the scratchs. With his helmet on, his face is invisible, even through the T-shaped slid in it. Below all this, he wears a black fire-prof garment.

Weapon: Having no power in The Force whatsoever, he feels he needs to attach as many high-tech gadgets as possible. His primary weapon is a short high powered rifle, slung across his back. He also has a powerful wrist gun, usually used if he has lost his rifle. After that, he has two other weapons, a light flame thrower on his arm, and a light utility rope with a grappling hook, which can be fired from a special attachment on the rifle. He also has a light jet pack, though it is sometimes faulty and cannot carry him far.

Personality: Yassen has a quite laid back, chilled out attitude. He doesn't mind taking orders, or giving them. He does prefer to be on the battlefield though. Although with not the best tactical mind, he possesses a sharp intelligence when he puts his mind to it.

Backstory: Yassen had an extremely wild childhood. His father was a Bounty Hunter like him, recklessly chasing targets across the galaxy. His father also had a large price on his own head, as his enemys sought to rid of him. As a result, Yassen ended up with a dozen homes, constantly moving, constantly avoiding danger. One night, they caught up with him. His parents flet to the one and only ship on the planet, and escaped on it, convinced Yassen was aboard it. Apon reaching hyperspace, they discovered he was not. The enemys that had attacked Yassen's father's home now found a young raccoon. As it happened, his father's enemys were rival bounty hunters, and they brought Yassen up, teaching him everything they knew. In his late teens, Yassen left them, to fend for himself. He soon became a ruthless bounty hunter, and now currently he is working for the Republic.

Allegiance: Republic


The Shade

I've been waiting for quite a while for an RP like this.  ;D How many characters are we allowed?
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


As of now you may have 2 characters, hope you enjoy mate :)

PS: If you have two characters that swear allegiance to different people, they can not help each other.

Dannflower Reguba

Does this class system mean that we cannot improvise weapons or other implements of our own? (obviously the force is strict, but is there any leeway on  other stuff?)

Sec: Assassin (Empire)

Name: Roebang Thunderbrush

Species: Red squirrel


Gender: Male

Appearance:Fiery red fur, his absorbing hazel eyes have been the last sight for many a foe. What he wears depends on the planet and community, but it consists of (whatever that thing the Assassin in the SWTOR explanation thingy). he has a small scar crossing his left eye and going up slightly just above the ear.

Weapon: Two Dark Sabers
The blade is actually a little longer.

Personality: Fiery, excitable, but when he is given a task he can be as calm as a pond on a windless day. A bit shady, tends to keep to himself, but opens up to a select few beasts.

Backstory: Unknown until he was found on a poor planet exhibiting uncanny force abilities. No beast knows how he learned to use them, just that he had some natural talent. He was taken in by the Empire and has been with them since.

Allegiance: Empire

Other: N/A

I think that's it.  :)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Chances are slim that I'll be allowed to do this, but I have a character of my own, called Mauve the Nameless. He is not necessarily related to star wars, but does occasionally travel between dimensions, and it's entirely plausible that, ergo, he would end up in the universe in which this RP would be set. Naturally, he'd be an animal, and he'd be totally balanced out, and not OP at all.

I just want the chance to use him, really.

He'd also make a cute ferret, and an interesting addition to the RP, as although his powers are similar to the force, they're different in some key areas, and he'd not have any strict allegiance.

So can I use him?
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


If so I'll go ahead and use my own character and brother in spirit but not in blood to Mauve named Verde.

Would Mauve have a purple lightsaber Estar? That is if he was a Star Wars character and did not have Vanguard
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


You know, it's never occurred to me before, but he totally would, wouldn't he?


That... should have crossed my mind earlier.
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


@Estar222 No you can't, sorry. The point of this Rp is to be a Star Wars  rip off with Redwall tied into it.

@Danflorubuguba Yes you can, especially with the light sabers. Throughout the books Jedi and Sith alike have more than just sabers. Some have axes and whips, so I'll have the possibilities be nearly endless. They are subject to approval though  :)

The Shade

Sec: Sith Warrior
Name: Ravanus
Species: Ermine
Age: Precisely in his prime. No one knows his exact age though.
Gender: Male
Appearance: The ermine is completely white, accept for two places, the tip of his tail, and a narrow burnt area on his on the side of his head. He wears and loose-fitting black cloak, and black leather protection pads underneath. His eyes and a deep red, almost perfectly matching the colour of the double-bladed lightsaber he uses.
Weapon: His primary weapon is a double bladed lightsaber (red of course). He occasionally uses a extremely sharp black stone knife, though he generally uses the lightsaber.
Personality: Ravanus is very cruel, and dispite his two weapons, his favorite method of killing is with Force Lightning. He is also extremely overconfident and arrogant.
Backstory: Ravanus has an extremely vague and mysterious history. It is known that he came to the dark side quite young though. He had been picked up by traders, on a remote moon. Again, no one knows exactly why he ended up there, but he had be fleeing from the murderers that had slaughtered his family. Recently he has caught up with them. He personally killed each by using his his hate, and producing Lightning.
Allegiance: Empire I guess...

Sorry for the terrible backstory, my mind is so blank at the minute. :P
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


@The Shade Tell me when you've finished your character so I can add him, thanks :)

@Danflorubuguba Accepted!

@Everyone I will be playing all NPC, and if you would like a character sheet of them just ask and I'll make one. This RP will start on Monday (12/2/13)  

Sec: Juggernaut

Name: Judith

Species: Rat

Age: Restored

Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing tall this Sith rat shows off his charcoal Armour with pride. He has a respirator attached to the back of his armor for back up oxygen, just in case. His single lightsaber shines blood red and reaches just a few inches longer than his left arm which wields it. Two different emblems are painted on the shoulders of his armor, one resembles hate, another is of broken chains.

Personality: If you were to meet Judith you would think he is bipoler, in one conversation he is excited and eager, while seconds later he acts bored and aggressive. But actually he puts on the act to match the force which is being presented, although unseen, in the room. With such actions Judith is able to learn and extract more information from his peers and anyone who is around him.

Backstory: Being born on Korriban Judith has become set free though the dark side. After killing his mentor with other students, the young Sith was banned from the academy. Instead of giving up or asking for forgiveness, he ran into the valley of shadows where he fully embraced the darkside... only to die moments later. Over whelmed with the passion that could have been his spirit remained in the ruins of ancient Sith. One day, a rat of all species, wondered into the tomb in which Judith died. Even though the Rat was not the body he wanted Judith took the opportunity and fought him on a spiritual level and killed him. Now with an empty body the former Sith apprentice returned to the academy, and without telling the other students of the truth, impressed all of them while moving though the ranks. Eventually Judith graduated the academy and was presented a master of whom he would learn under. On that same day he challenged his master... On that same day he slew his master and took his lightsaber.

Allegiance: Empire

Other: N/A

Sec: Commando

Name: Heri

Species: Badger

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: Without his armor the badger is bald, all his fur was burnt off and his skin has burn marks all over. So he usually keeps his custom shaped armor on. The metal is bent in such a way that explosions won't cause shattering damage to the armor, and with unique technology gifted to him via the Jedi he has better protection from Sith lightning. This brute is ready to charge into war, hunching over while caring his massive V9 assault cannon.  

Personality: Heri is very out going and loves to talk to people. He views every opportunity to help someone as his last chance. He doesn't care for death, and doesn't plan on living till retirement. He once said "To live and die today is better than to stick around for tomorrow!" Right before entering a fight with the odds 3:11

Backstory: Heri was always let down as a child, even during his teenage years. Not till he joined the Republic armed forces did he understand his worth. Ever since then his story has been the same, killing in the name of justice.

Allegiance: Republic

Other: Heri does not have his arms after an incident during a pre-flight test. During which a plasma beam shot out towards another crew member. To save her life Heri absorbed the plasma, and both limbs were melted. He now has mechanical arms which he's learned to adapt to.

Shadefur nightblade

Sec: sith assassin
Name: Pyrus
Species: melanistic pine marten
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Appearance: he wears a long flowing traditional black hooded cloak and robe when not in combat. In combat he usually wears a similar outfit, but it is made of armorweave, a substance that can be arranged into pieces of fabric and retain the flexibility of cloth and still guard against acid, fire, and even glancing lightsaber and blaster attacks. He wears Beskar' Kandar (mandalorian iron) greaves on top of his armor weave.
Personality: Pyrus is cold, calculating, and sadistic. There isn't much more I can say about him than that and that he rarely speaks.
Backstory: no one knows how he came to the temple, he just appeared there one day and began his training, swiftly ranking up until he was chosen as an apprentice to a famous sith lord. One day, when his master died miraculously, he was declared a true Sith lord.
Allegiance: Sith
Other: he uses dual yellow lightsabers that he can connect into a double bladed lightsaber.


@Shadefur Nightblade Not sure how much you know about the old republic but Sith didn't call themselves Darth. Instead they called themselves "Dark" lord because the term Darth belongs to only one Sith who is claiming to be better, more in power than all other and claims the leadership of the Sith. This causes lots of fighting between the Sith: as soon as someone names themselves "Darth" the others will try to kill him or her. Also the Sith didn't name themselves "Darth" because the title makes them a target for the Republic. But if you change that then you're accepted  :)