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Star Wars: Rise Of The Redwall Abbey Temple

Started by Griffen, November 28, 2013, 08:38:17 PM

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Should we add duels to this RP. It will make fights cooler and make the entire series more interesting.

Whatever the majority votes.


@The Shade yay! I thought I'd be the only republic haha accepted!

@Jetthebinturong Bane, the maker of "The rule of two" had every single Sith killed besides himself (give or take a few rebel Jedi). After they were killed off he was the last Sith in the universe and he was called "Darth Bane". Now that every Sith was killed he needed an apprentice who was named Zannah. Once she became his apprentice she was called "Darth Zannah". Ever Since Bane there has only been two Sith*. And both the master and the apprentice were called "Darth" and the term "Dark" was no longer used.

"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it." ~Darth Bane

Darth Bane lived about 1,000 years before Darth Sidious'. As for Sidious' feeling threatened about his apprentice's... Well that is the point. The master has to train the apprentice so that, when the time comes, the apprentice can kill the master. But if the student fails then the master has to look for a new apprentice. That's the entire point of "The rule of two". Bane saw that the Sith were getting weaker. Some masters had more than 30 Students/Apprentices and more often then not the students would team up and kill the master. The master's knowledge lost before being passed on, and the students didn't become stronger. The rule of two makes sure that the one and only apprentice will have to be stronger and better than his master, so the Sith will become stronger.

*The only other occurrence that I know of, when there was more than two Sith after Bane is "Star Killer", who was Darth Vader's apprentice while Vader was still Darth Sidious' apprentice.  

QuoteAlso would a Cathar just be a normal wildcat? (Cathar are my favourite Star Wars species, my main SW OC is a Cathar)

The answer is no.

Human + Wildcat = Normal Wildcat: Everything about this character is made up.
Cathar + Wildcat = Cathar Wildcat: Everything about this character is based on the species and it's heritage. (Just make sure you fully understand the Species first.)

Shadefur nightblade

Well, when Darth Krayt took over he stated the rule of one, but there were still hundreds of Sith, and that was far after Sidious.


Please talk here if you wish to discus.

Any question about the RP please post them on this thread, if you wish to discuss star wars stuff that chases bunny trails and doesn't matter to my rp please follow the link.


I'm not sure why you're using the SWTOR class system for something which happened long after that particular time period but does that mean we'd be allowed to use the colours of lightsabers from those games (yellow and orange lightsabers do not appear in the film) as well as other colours? (such as white)
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Also, in no way are the Sith necessarily evil. They allow their emotions to control them at times, but in that respect, they are just free. The entirety of the star wars saga is told from the 'good guys' perspective, but from a different point of view, the Jedi can be seen as oppressive, controlling, and malignantly so. The Sith are free, and are thus more prone to corruption through hedonism, and their lack of 'morals' but this does not make them evil. Undoubtedly, there have been some evil sith, such as Darth Sidious, but they are not evil because they are sith, as they were likely evil before that anyway. (modern) Sith are free to follow their hearts.

Also, as for the message you sent me regarding Mauve as a character in this RP, don't worry. I don't feel like applying anymore.
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


@Jetthebinturong Yes you are free to make your sabers any color you choose, just remember that there is a glow and if its black that people can still see it in the night. (Had someone try to pull a fast one on me xD)

Dannflower Reguba

I was not trying to pull a fast one on you! I knew that the dark saber's glowed! I told you that!  :D

Estar, that was incredibly inappropriate.  >:(

Jet, he's just using it as a basis to run off of, I was talking to him earlier and certain things don't even have to be from Star Wars. (but are then subject to more strict approval criterion)  ;)

I'll be posting my second charrie shortly, and it's Republic.  :)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Yay sorry guys (people who weren't in the debates) I totally let that get out of hand and spam this OOC. Also I didn't want people to be called "Darth" because not only how it says in the books but because the plot to one of the Starwars RP will be about a "Darth"  who will try to become the Dark lord of the entire Sith.

Dannflower Reguba

Not your fault Grif, spammers will spam despite what you say. There's been far to much disrespect for the GM going on in this topic.

Which brings me to a very important note. GRIFFEN IS THE GM! This means that he has final say period! Arguing gets you kicked, spamming gets you kicked, being rude gets you reported (and hopefully gagged) What he says goes! If he says something stupid, then you deal with it, or leave (Griffen's not stupid though, so that will never be an issue). So please respect the topic maker, I know I wouldn't put up with any of this from my applicants.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Thanks mate, if you do have something that is concerning the Rp (not canon stuff) PM and we can talk about it so that the RP will be better. Can't wait to start this on monday :)

Dannflower Reguba

I already sent you a PM, didn't you get it?  ???

EDIT: BTW I apologize for taking up so much space with less important stuff, but if my PM didn't get through then I'm not sure if a follow up would.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Shadefur nightblade

Sorry for arguing with you Griffen about the Darth thing.
Here's my Mando character

Sec: mandalorian
Name: Atiniir Brokar
Species: wolverine age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: Atiniir, or Atin for short is tall and well muscled. He wears tan mandalorian armor and a sleeveless orange shirt underneath his armor. Under that he wears a light grey combat suit.
Weapons/equipment: Atin's helmet records video and plays it back on command, compensates for low or high lighting, picks up minute sounds and connects with the inboard computer o his ship Mandalore's Omen. It can also compensate for pressure changes and hold 20 to 25 minutes of air. It also has a retractable straw. Atin can control his weapons, sensors, and his Jeff pack with verbal commands. His HUD(heads up display) features information on the environment and a 360 degree field of vision. His HUD also provides up to date info on nearby rooms. The helmets antenna can intercept and unscramble ship transmissions. His orange liner shirt has a micro energy field projector and two layers of thin ceramic plates, in order to spread out physical and blast impacts. He wears a leather utility belt with leather pouches. The pouches contain an anti-security blade, a survival knife, a jet pack adjuster tool, a sonic beam weapon, and multiple grenades. He wears a par of versatile boots with a pair of spikes on the end of each. He uses an Amban phase-pulse blaster, dual Sacros k-11 blaster pistols, a customized ee-3 rifle, Czerka ZX wrist flame projector, DUR wrist laser, DXR-6 disruptor rifle, MM-9 wrist concussion 12A ant-personnel rockets, stun rockets, and a fiber cord wrist whip.
Personality: Atin is stubborn and willfull. He has his own cod of honor and will not do anything that breaks it. He is usually soft spoken, but when he spdoes speak, he speaks with meaning.
Background: he was born and raised on Mandalore. Eventually he left his father's clan and went on to make his own path as a mercenary. He wildly wandered space for many years, taking a job from those who would give it.
Allegiance: Empire


It's alright mate  :)

Nice profile, your accepted as soon as you update it with whom has hired you. (your allegiance)

Dannflower Reguba

Umm..... No mind yet known of can handle a 360 degree range of view, that's literally impossible to comprehend. Not to mention how the heck do you get info on other rooms? And on top of all that there's no way that you could have a technology capable of not only intercepting but also descrambling a coded message. That kind of equipment takes a lot to house! Your not going to be able to fit it in a helmet! I'm assuming you don't carry all bazillion weapons at one time right? Just putting logic on the table here, because currently you're God-moding to a rather large degree. I'm an experienced RP'er, and God-moding never goes over well.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Quotea 360 degree field of vision
Does not mean that he is paying attention to all 360 angles, it is after all just a HUD. So he will only see what ever angle he is looking at.

QuoteMandalore's Omen.
That's the name of his ship, so I'd assume he keeps his extra weapons in there till he decides to use them.

QuoteHis HUD also provides up to date info on nearby rooms.
This can easily be possible by just having the HUD display being able to (a) have hacked into any device in the room to show video or audio. (b) If the HUD is connected to a camera on him then it might be able to get heat signatures through walls.

QuoteThe helmets antenna can intercept and unscramble ship transmissions.
This simple says that it can do these things. It does not say all, which implies that there can be some transmissions and scrambled messages it can decode. Of course It wouldn't be able to unscramble important things like stuff related to Jedi, Sith, or important Empire and Republic stuff. Its not that simple.

Thanks for catching those things pall, hope this clears stuff up. Not sure if this is what you're implying Shadefur... but lets just think logical for a second.

1) If a Mandalorian mind was to try to see every angle at once he/she wouldn't be able to handle it and might even cause some type of coma. 

2) If you were to try and keep all those weapons on you at once... well you'd be slow and die before being able to use one properly.

3) Your HUD can only do so much to the point of where its logical. And try not to forget, the more data you have being thrown at you in your HUD means the more to be distracted while fighting and all that stuff.

4) If someone a little as a mercenary using a helmet can unscramble anything of value then whats the point of scrambling it in the first place? So reasonably speaking your helmet probably won't go through anything more than scrambled police codes.