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The Legend of the Horde of the White One (sign up)

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, December 15, 2013, 01:18:58 PM

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The Shade

Excellent, good rank for Dragao too.  :D I'll most probably have a second character sheet up today, if I can summon the motivation...  :P
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Just to make a point,  Boris will likely end up working with the Wood Landers, as he abandoned The White One's horde.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Miss RainbowSocks


I'll join this looks cool. 

Name: Guvala Wrath. This was the name given to her by the vermin leader.(Her real name is Heather but she does not know this.)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Position: Bad (She grew up among vermin but if she hadn't she would be good.) (Don't worry I OKed it with RainbowSocks) 
Species: Mouse

Personality: She is a fighter threw and threw. She is a little vain, Just a little. She is excellent at throwing knives and caries two on her person. She is also good at archery. She is completely capable of "a little fun" and it doesn't bother her but some of the cruller more heartless things that vermin tend to do, does. She can't explain the feeling she gets and she doesn't understand it, she just knows that it is unpleasant. Even though she grew up with vermin she is still a mouse and she does have some endearing quality's that most vermin do not. She is loyal and is not taken to stabbing people in the back and in a fight she prefers to play fair. She is trust worth and she never brakes her word.

Appearance: She has gray fur with a white under belly and sparkling black eyes. She doesn't take a bath as often as she should but she does more often than most vermin but as a result her fur is a little messy and unkempt. She has a scar going parallel over her left eye and she ties a red bandanna around her forehead to cover it. She wares a free moving black tunic and black belt with a silver buckle. She has two throwing knives one in her belt and the other smaller one strapped to her upper arm in a small sheath. She also has a dirk which she keeps in her belt as well. She has a bone tail ring with a blue stone embedded in it and a necklace with a wooden tag on the end and painted on the tag is a picture of a single heather bloom. She's had it for as long as she can remember.
History: She was born in small house in Mossflower woods. Soon after she was kidnapped by some vermin but instead of enslaving her the leader brought her up as his own. She learned to fight at a young age. She had to to survive and as a result she is now a very good fighter. Her "father" was killed and the horde became part of the Wight ones horde. They were at first skeptical about letting a mouse be part of the horde but she soon proved her self. 

Name: Lilac

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Position: Good

Species: Mouse

Personality: Determined and willing to fight for whats right. She is a good healer and know a thing or two about tracking. She loves the woods. She is a little vain but just a little. She is a good friend loyal and upright. if she is not easily intimidated and is good at keeping a strait head. She is not the strongest and has a small stature. She is independent.         

Appearance: She has gray fur with a white under belly and sparkling black eyes. She wares a purple dress with a white apron when at home in the abbey but if she has to travel she wares a light green tunic with a hood and rope belt. She also would carry a satchel. She has a necklace with a wooden tag at the end with a painting of a single Lilac bloom on it. It was given to her by her parents when she was a baby.     

History: She was born in small house in Mossflower woods. Soon after Her home was attacked by vermin and her parents were forced to flee. her twin sister Heather was lost and is presumed to be dead. They went to Redwall and stayed there for three years. Then her parents went off in to the wood leaving her behind to see if they could find a place to build a new home and were killed by vermin. After that Lilac was brought up by the Redwallers and Redwall became her new home.   

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

Faiylo, you are accepted!! Excited to roleplay with you!!!

Here is the character I came up with to be the leader of the Mossflower army.

Name: Evermoon

Age: 20 seasons

Gender: Female

Position: Leader of Mossflower Army

Species: Badger Lady

Personality: Strict and disciplinary, Evermoon is a no-nonsense Badger. She is considered among the wisest creatures in Mossflower, and her wisdom has saved many lives in several instances. She has great ambitions, and tries to achieve her goals with a passion.  In battle, she is a ferocious foe that no one would want to cross paths with. However, her sense of humor is somewhat lacking and therefore never participates in prose conversation.

Appearance: She is huge and burly, like most badgers. She looks like a regular badger, really, but one thing that distinguishes her is a mutation on the pad her right paw, which, instead of circular, is shaped like a crescent moon. This can be a hindrance sometimes, because on occasion it pains her immensely, and the reason is unclear. Also, she always wears a thin, leather cord with a small, bright red stone attached to it. Usually, it is hidden under the neckline of her clothing.

History: She was born in Redwall as an only child, and soon after her mother died of sickness. Her father tried his best to make up for the loss, and he felt guilty. He tried his best to educate her and teach her, and this is where she gets her warrior spirit and skills. One day, her father left for battle and never came back. Her necklace was given to her in remembrance of him. She then continued to grow at Redwall, and eventually became the Warrior of Redwall.

The Shade

Name: Nile
Age: No beast knows, for he hasn't told anyone, although most guess he's in his late teens/early twenties.
Gender: Male
Position: Mercenary, working for Mossflower army.
Species: Otter. (And a black one at that!)
Personality: Nile has a lot of mood swings regularly, sometimes he's angry, sometimes he's laid-back. This can sometimes be useful, as his enemies have no idea what to expect from him. He does live by "A dead enemy is an enemy no more" code, however, most probably being brought up this way. When found he has been cheated, he will take no hesitation in killing those who have betrayed him. He treats all beast in black and white; They are either comrades or foe.  He doesn't enjoy killing. He doesn't hate it. To him it is necessary, a job to be done.
Appearance: One of the most distinguishing things about him is his jet-black fur. Athleticy built, he is an excellent swimmer. The otter wears a faded white tunic, with another long-sleeved tunic underneath, complete with hood. He wear black trousers, black boots, and a pair of steel capped finger-less guantlets. The guantlets contain a hidden bladed, which can be retracted. Hanging from his sword belt is his sword, and slightly above are four leather sheaths for his four belt knives.
History: Nile never knew his mother. He father was somewhat of a pirate, attacking trade ships, the like. At a young age Nile was taught to be ruthless, although he didn't contain the same evilness as his father. One day, his father set sail for a dangerous voyage, and never returned. It is not known whether he still lives, or was sent to a watery grave. A pair of traveling otters took him to Redwall, where he lived till he could fend for himself. He left to live a mercenary by trade, but sometimes visits the old place once in a while.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

I don't mean to be obnoxious Shade, and I'm by no means the GM, but could you possibly recolor your otter? Having both a black squirrel and otter seems a little... strange.... obviously I can't tell you to do anything, just a request.

Name: Ashe Blackflight

Age: if he were a human, he'd be about 27 (seasons vs. years is confusing to me as to how it translates into age)

Gender: Male

Position: Hasn't really chosen, he wanders, and talks little.

Species: Fox Squirrel (yes, it's a legitimate species, they are larger than most other types)

Personality: He is very quiet which makes him annoying to work with, but this quietness also translates into his actions in the form of his stealth which he executes with high speed and precision. He's generally fair and considerate, but his actions have sometimes been questioned by the good of heart. His weakness is communication, aversion to sociability. He can work with others and even live with them, but starting to truly know somebeast would be a first for him. His strength comes through discipline, his ears and eyes wouldn't miss the fall of a leaf or the rustle of wind-blown loam, he has become an excellent archer as a result, and well capable of hitting a target he can't even see.

Appearance: Ashe's fur drew every color into a blend of jet black that is only comparable to the darkness of a moonless, clouded night. His eyes, on the other hand, are intense and bright in their enchantingly darker blue. He wears a forest green tunic with scarlet and black trim over his grey trousers and longer sleeves. The tunic also has a forest green hood which is almost always up, helping his black mask-style veil to conceal most of his facial features. Despite this concealment, you can still see a scar which crosses his left eye (starting from the top of his nose) and drops down to the center of the left cheek. This injury had damaged his eye tissue, but he has since recovered. He wears leather and hardwood gauntlets and greaves.  He is of slightly above average height, and maintains a decent build. He has also made a Longbow, and obtained a pair of long knives.

History: Ashe was part of a rather large family (9) and being the middle child isn't exactly a good position to be in. He was responsible for his younger siblings, and helped out with many other odd jobs around the drey. This has somewhat contributed to his quietness as he didn't even know many of his family that well. His youngest sister was a different matter, being the youngest was also one of the less than preferable positions to be in, which put her in the same boat as Ashe. He was already quiet at this point, but his sister managed to make him talk, smile, and sometimes even laugh or sing (he sings an even, sweet tenor). She came down with an unknown disease and her body appeared to be decaying. Just the thought of losing his sister drove Ashe out of the entire country, he ran hard and long. He preferred to remember his dear little sister the way she was. He didn't say goodbye, because when you don't say goodbye it's not like your gone, just that your not with them right now. He never found out what happened to the one joy in his life, and has yet to return to find out. He now finds himself in Mossflower Woods on the brink of a earth-shattering conflict, and needs to make an decision...

I think that's it.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Miss RainbowSocks

@TheShade; I need a little more for personality, but otherwise you are good to go (as soon as you edit it...) ;)
@Danflorreguba; Accepted!! excited to roleplay with you!!!

Cornflower MM

Looks fun. I would really like to be a healer, but that's up to Miss RainbowSocks.

Name: Bryony
Age: (four seasons = 1 year, the way I deduced from the books) 16 YEARS.
Gender: Female
Position: (Are you good or bad or in between?)Good
Species: (This depends on your position. You must be a type of vermin if you are part of the Horde, and you must be a good creature if you are good. Exceptions can be made if you talk to me)Squirrel
Personality: (This must be at least five sentences long, with good punctuation and grammar. Include if you are a warrior, your weakness and strengths, your secrets, stuff like that) She's sweet kind and gentle. Bryony's will always help others in need, unless they are Vermin. Bryony is good with her paws, and doesn't mind doing things for others, unless it has anything to do with love notes. She loves Dibbuns and wishes she had some of her own. She does have a little green snake, though. She envy's anyone who is in a relationship, mainly because most males run from her.Bryony likes healing, and knows a good deal about it. She longs to be settled, since she is a wanderer.
Appearance: (This must be at least five sentences long, with good punctuation and grammar. Include all aspects of your body and any flaws) She has nut brown fur everywhere except her belly, which is sandy tan. She only has one ear, but that doesn't bother her at all. She has one blue eye and one brown eye. She has a scar on her tummy from an accident with a tree branch. She has a startling pink nose and ears.
History: (Must be at least six sentences long. Include your family, you origin, important events, stuff like that) She ran off from her family when she was five by YEARS.. Her origin is Mossflower Woods.She hates her mother and her father but wishes she could see her brother again. She has had odd living situations before and realizes that. She has lived in a tree, in a hole, pretty much everywhere. Bryony has been to the mountain of Salamandastron and has friends there. She hashas tp defend herself with a dagger and bow and arrows before, so she knows how to use them. Bryony enjoys baking too. (I can't think of anything else!!)


Since animals have a different life span I believe that A mouse that is 10 seasons would be the equivalent in maturity and growth to a human that is 10 years old. But it doesn't real matter just for clarity sake you should probably put it in as the human equivalent Like Mariel was probably 12 Mattimeo was probably 10 etc...
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

Thanks for your input, but, in the long run, I don't think it really matters. That's why I haven't addressed the problem yet, because we can all just assume that somebody is young or old or we could just compare it to a human at that certain maturity level.

The Shade

Quote from: Miss RainbowSocks on December 16, 2013, 05:28:00 PM
@TheShade; I need a little more for personality, but otherwise you are good to go (as soon as you edit it...) ;)

Understandable, I was going to add a bit on anyway.   :)
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Decided to make a villain as well. "Why is it so fun to be a villain?"-Han Norwood, 2013.  ;)

Name: Lanatu Farwat. (Goes by Wat)
Age:Still going the same way I did for Boris, I'll say about 35 Seasons.
Gender: Male
Species: Pine Martin. (I was originally gonna say Lynx, and might change if Miss says it's ok. To lazy to PM.  ;))
Personality: A quiet soul, he is extremely Dark and pessimistic. Is quick to anger, but rather then having a hot anger that controls him, he has a cold anger that he controls. Lanatu enjoys terrorizing other creatures, especially those who have few means of defense. He looks down upon any creatures that he considers to be a lesser beast, which is most. He is merciful, to an extent, refusing to draw out his kills, and quickly finishing injured creatures.
Appearance: He is short, and very burly. He wears dark brown breeches, and a slightly lighter leather tunic. On his head he dons a leather cap. His fur is a creamy tan color. In his belt he has two swords, both made of obsidian. They are cruelly curved scimitars, which he wields with skill.
History: He was born in the North lands, in a small village near the coast. He had just reached 18 when Whitefang came looking for "volunteers" for his Horde. Wat quickly joined up, sensing that he had found a strong leader, who could help Wat gain fame, or in this case, infamy. For Wat's dearest ambition was to be known, to have his name spoken, albeit with fear, throughout the land. On one of his first raids, Wat found the two scimitars in the forge of a blacksmith, and took them, killing the Blacksmith with them moments later. He has been with Whitefang, terrorizing and killing since them. (Roughly 17 seasons.)
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Miss RainbowSocks

@HanNorwood Both of your characters are accepted! BTW, thank you for posting Lanatu! He was just what I was looking for.

Miss RainbowSocks

@CornflowerMM A bit more please for history. Also, you tend to repeat "her" a lot. Just a tip, Roleplaying is a lot more interesting if you choose a variety of sentence beginnings.