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The Legend of the Horde of the White One (sign up)

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, December 15, 2013, 01:18:58 PM

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Miss RainbowSocks

@Jetthebinturong, Great!! Added them to the ranks.
@Skipper, understandable, as I am busy also.

Shadefur nightblade


If anyone's wondering why I haven't posted yet, it is because I have numerous projects going on, can't decide how to start and personal reasons but I will try to post soon
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

@Jet, is that why you won't post in The dragon Of Kigen Mountain? If you want people to join, then the best thing to would be make sure that others see it's active.


Number of Characters: 5
Names: Gavalas Spy's
Rank(s): Solders
Other: Hord beasts who have been set to watch the other captains. (Not Whitefang she trusts him)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

Everybody, I'm back so let's try to get this RP back on its feet!!!
@Shadefur, Please be my guest to join!! In fact, make as many characters as you can because we neeeeeeeed people. Advertise within site rules. Do anything within the limits to gain fame. That goes to everybody!!!(making some soldiers)

Number of Characters: 20
Names: Whitefang's Soldiers Group #1
Ranks: Horde Soldiers
Other: all of them are rats.

Norham Waterpaw

I wanna join! Sounds awesome!

Name: Benjalith Grayle
Age: 60 seasons
Gender: Male
Position: Good
Species: Raccoon

Personality: Benjay is a Nomad, never settling in one place. He is very lively, and full of good spirits. He isn't much of a full-on warrior, but prefers to stay back and pick off enemies from afar. He is deathly afraid of insects, and hates being in open water. When confronted with a form of evil, he stops at nothing, even at the cost of his life, to destroy it.

Appearance: Benjay is not what most would call muscular. He is rather tall and skinny, with a deep brown shade of fur. His mask is pitch black, with white rimming it. He prefers a thick, olive colored cloak, and brown breaches. His eyes are a dull green, and he has a small scar across his chest.

History: Born on a farm in Southsward, Ben had a dark past. The driving force in his life is the capture of his mother, and the murder of his father. They were attacked by vermin, and he intends to liberate his mother. On his travels to find her, he has encountered the Long Patrol, and even accompanied the Rogue Crew once. Eventually, he wound up in Mossflower, and that brings us to where we are.
Any vermin he finds wind up dead, and any friend he finds wind up helping him. Eventually
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Nice sheet maybe you could meet up with Lilac and Bryony in the woods latter?
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

Norham Waterpaw

Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Miss RainbowSocks

Everybody, standby a bit because I'm making a couple of new characters!! :D

Miss RainbowSocks

Name: Fyrolle Robin (Rolls for short, but only his close friends call him that)

Age: 35 Seasons

Gender: Male

Position: Good

Species: Robin

Personality: Fyrolle is not the usual dumb Robin bird, and neither is his tribe. He can speak perfect English, though with a queer accent. It is rather, in human terms, a British accent mixed with an Irish one. But this does not stop the Robin Tribe from singing beautifully. Some say that all the other birds stop to hear a Robin of the Robin Tribe at Redwall sing. Fyrolle is a fearsome protector of the ones that he loves but also as gentle as a kitten sleeping. This gives him the aura of a fatherly type, ready to risk anything for the lives of his Tribe. When required, Fyrolle will kill anything threatening the lives of any good creature. Apart from being fierce, the robin has a great sense of humor, and is usually the source of laughter for many. He loves to sing funny songs at feasts and parties, to which creatures of all age cannot resist dancing to. However, it is very easy for a foebeast to get on Fyrolle's angry side. They do not stand much chance of living...other than that, the robin leader is probably the kindest creature around.

Appearance: As mentioned before, Fyrolle is not your ordinary robin, and neither is his tribe, but great, fearsome looking birds. They are huge, compared to the normal robin, and a full-grown robin of the Robin Tribe at Redwall can get to be as big as a small falcon. Their breast feathers are a brighter red than normal robins, which shows how healthy the Robins of Redwall are feeding off of the abundant food of Redwall. Their talons are sharp, and their beaks a bright, long yellow. Fyrolle is the biggest and strongest of the Tribe. He portrays all elements of grace, speed, and strength. To mark himself as Tribe Leader, a Robin of Redwall is required to paint a small red triangular streak beneath his right eye, as Fyrolle has done.

History: Fyrolle was born in the cold Northern territory. He lived with a small group in a dip on the side of a mountain until he could fly. Not satisfied with the meager living conditions of the North, Fyrolle took a small group of Robins who thought the same and set off south to find a better home. He encountered many adventures on his long journey, one of which was particularly devastating. This incident happened because of the negligence of one young Robin in particular. This robin fell asleep at his post when he was supposed to be watching for predators. Unfortunately, a family of foxes sneaked up on the robins and destroyed their home, killing Fyrolle's mate and crushing his two eggs. Mournful and angry, the robin leader set off the next morning with the survivors, forced to start new again. He eventually found Redwall, and decided to settle on the roof of Redwall. The creatures of Redwall and the Robin Tribe are great friends to this day.
Number of Characters: 37
Names: The Robin Tribe (Dally, June, Graytip, Dreak, Ipson, Onnie, Warro, the rest will be anon or just "Robin")
Rank(s): Mossflower Army Soldiers
(Ipson and Onnie are cooks, Warro and June are Fyrolle's 'deputies' or second in commands/captains, Dally, Graytip, and Dreak are captains of the Robin Tribe.)
Other: meep.

More to come!!!!




Number of Characters: 2
Names: Vengut (rat) and Blackpaw (ferret)
Rank(s): Soldier
Other: Very stupid. Vengut is just a complete idiot and he acts like it and Blackpaw acts smart but in reality is just as stupid as his friend.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?