The Legend of the Horde of the White One (sign up)

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, December 15, 2013, 01:18:58 PM

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Miss RainbowSocks

Ok what I meant was literally what I asked for. So you are not supposed to find Redwall, and no there is no specific path I want you to take. I wanted the other RPers like Dan and HanNorwood to have a chance to RP with their charries, so I created a subplot where you go out to scout and they meet up with you somehow. I want you to find a mountain or something with which I could build a fortress. I am now allowing people to make "temporary" expendable characters (like a group of woodlanders or a tribe of squirrels or a crew of corsairs) that I could use for many purposes, like troops for the horde or slaves but have no great contribution to the stories. That way I can fill up smaller roles and keep the story rolling. I will create a temporary character sheet and the rules for them soon. I am expecting Redan to use the temporary characters....


Dannflower Reguba

I'm planning on meeting up with Redan, as that seems to be the best way to enter in the way that I discussed with Socks earlier. Probably at a point of interest where you're distracted by something that has value (like a water source and such like). Sound okay?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Miss RainbowSocks


Do we have to wait to be accepted before using these? I realize that I altered did this before you made the rules.

Number of Characters: 1
Names: Rat #1 (Just because ;D)
Rank(s): Solder in the White one's army 
Other: Reports Guvala.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I would like to create another character if you don't mind

Name: Pedagang Budak Jahat (Also called: Waru Yo Dare)
Age: Um this age thing bugs me but in human years he's 46
Gender: Male
Position: Pure evil but not part of the White One's horde
Species: Red giant flying squirrel
Personality: Waru is as sadistic as they come, he takes great pleasure in torture, murder and slavery, this is almost all there is to say on the matter. He is invariably cruel including with his own followers/companions who strangely are all squirrels. He is however incredibly cunning and can easily create a facade of friendship and comraderie. He can be incredibly charismatic when he needs to be but will stab you in the back as soon as your usefulness expires.
Appearance: He has the typical fur markings of a red giant flying squirrel, a dark brown back and legs, an orange head and an underbelly of the same colour. The undersides of his legs and almost all of his tail are the same bright orange as his head, the tip of his tail is that brown colour. He has black rings around his equally black, dead looking eyes and a black nose. His paws are black. Jahat is incredibly rich but does not wear the clothes of the rich, in fact the only indication of his wealth is his vast amount of jewelry and weapons. On the subject of jewelry he wears:
-An amethyst ring on his left index finger
-A diamond ring on his right index finger
-A sapphire ring on his left middle finger
-A pure gold ring on his right middle finger
-An opal ring on his left middle finger
-A silver ring on his right "ring" finger
-A black onyx ring on his left "ring" finger
-A spessartine ring on his right little finger
-A yellow topaz ring on his left little finger
-A thick gold necklace resembling a wesekh
-A silver chain link necklace
-A silver bracelet around both wrists
-A gold bracelet around his right wrist
-A bone tail ring
Aside from the jewelry he wears simple clothes, a deep red tunic and a short brown cloak with a simple silver fastening. He wears a brown belt from which hang two matching swords with elegantly carved hilts in equally elegant scabbards, the only difference between the swords is that one has an orange jewel set at the centre of the crossguards while the other has a blue jewel. He also has a simple long, curved dagger with a black hilt that he keeps hidden at the back of his belt under the cloak.
History: Jahat was born in the kingdom of Zelfar north of Hakaan. His mother was rumored to be from the island nation of Abada to the far south of the kingdom however no one was really sure where she came from, her accent was implacable. His mother's nationality is an important part of his history due to the mounting tension between Abada and its neighboring countries as the Abadian king was just beginning to turn his attention to empire building. Because of this and the naturally xenophobic nature of the Zelfites, Abadians were shunned and abhorred in their society, as were foreigners in general, this also extended to their descendants, this meant that Jahat had very few friends growing up. On top of this his parents were abusive and cruel leading him to believe that he was meant to suffer. Jahat vowed to destroy his oppressors and he did so, quite literally, there was nothing left of his parents but scattered bits of flesh, he was only fifteen when he killed them. Jahat quickly made a name for himself as a feared assassin and mercenary but due to his sadistic nature probably influence by his parents, Jahat became a slaver and moved to the neighboring country of Hakaan where he took up the name Waru Yo Dare. After an unspecified amount of time, Jahat and his band of slavers began traveling eventually arriving in Mossflower.

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Number of Characters: 15
Names: May make names as I go along but pretty much any name will do
Rank(s): None
Other: This is a group of ex corsairs who are living alone in Mossflower that Redan will meet on his quest.

I will make more temporary characters as Redan progresses on his journey but this is all for now.

Miss RainbowSocks

Faiyloe, thanks for reminding me, you do not need to be accepted when creating a temporary character!! I just need the character sheet so that I can put it down in the ranks for other people to use. Thank you both for making temporary characters!!


Hey, Skipper, is it alright if Boris Nir meets up with Redan as well at some point? Also, Miss RainbowSocks. There's a bit of a problem with Boris' history and the roleplay. I said he had been in the Horde almost eight seasons before, but you said that the Horde as newly formed. How about I just change the history to say he merely worked alongside Whitefang in the past?
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Miss RainbowSocks

That's alright, sorry I forgot that little detail..


Well a horde doesn't pop up over night some creatures could have been with him from the beginning. Now it is just finally full sized. 20 is not much of a horde. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?




"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Miss RainbowSocks



EDIT: I've realised that I can't just mention Waru's gang in this rp and need to make some temp character sheets

Number of Characters: about 45
Names: Waru's slaving band
Rank(s): Slavers helping Jahat
Other: All squirrels of some type   
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan