
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Spy Wars!

Started by Ungatt Trunn, December 24, 2013, 12:24:43 AM

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Ungatt Trunn

You'll all get what were suppose to do here as we go along. ;)

Here, I'll start us off....

*Its about midnight at Redwall Abbey. There's a full moon. Secret agent Ungatt Trunn, a.k.a Agent #7, sneaks down to the Abbey lawn*
*Speaks into a walkie talkie in a whisper* Alright, Shade, send in the reinforcements.
*Starts rolling across the lawn, then pulls out a large tranquilizer gun, ready to shoot anybody who is an enemy of the secret agents*

Life is too short to rush through it.


*Ninja Faiyloe crouches on the abbey roof blending in with the night watching secret agent Ungatt creep across the abbey lawns.* 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Dimension jumper Blaggut sees everything using night vision goggles and X-ray tech from another dimension. He readies his penguin bomb.
~Just a soft space boi~

Ungatt Trunn

*Ungatt, a.k.a Agent #7, stops in his tracks. He sees movement on the Abbey roof. He whispers into his walkie talkie*
Shade, I think that I have detected the enemies. Send in the reinforcements at my signal.
*Ungatt raises his large tranquilizer machine gun towards the Abbey roof, getting ready to strike*

Life is too short to rush through it.


While Ungatt had been talking Faiyloe had move around and nimbly climbed down from the roof and entered a room in the abbey through a window.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Ungatt Trunn

*Ungatt turns back to look at the Abbey roof, just to see that Faiyloe had gone. He saw one of the windows to one of the Abbey rooms stand ajar, so he realized that Faiyloe must have gone in there. He quietly sneaks into the Abbey*

Life is too short to rush through it.


Faiyloe hid in the rafters of Grate Hall not making a sound blending in with the shadows.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Ungatt Trunn

Ungatt heard a small creak above him as he entered Great Hall. He slowly raised his large tranquilizer machine gun towards the rafters, then...RATTATATATATAT! Hundreds of tranquilizer darts were fired up into the rafters. There was no way that Faiyloe wouldn't get hit!

Life is too short to rush through it.


The Darts hit the rafters far away from where Faiyloe hid she then Threw two metal star shaped disks in qick succession at Ungatt before hiding in another group of shadows. 

OOC: what don't you understand about Not making a sound. that couldn't have been me because I was not making any noise. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


*With his combination of night vision and x-ray, Blaggut clearly sees faiyloe from his current positing on the roof. He sneaks through a window into the great hall rafters, and shoots his Corrupted Bunny bullet at faiyloe*
~Just a soft space boi~


*The bullet pinged of Faiyloe's blade as she drew her katana and then nimbly jumped to the abbey floor with out hardly making a sound. She then ran down in to the abbey cellars. There were plenty of places to hide down there.*
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Sky-Pirate Rusvul dropped from the sky. He didn't care about the agents, or the dimension jumper. He only wanted to kill the ninja- Ninjas and pirates have always had a rivalry. He activated his clockwork wingpack at the last second, and he swooped through the stained glass window in the Great Hall, shattering it. He began to dive-bomb Faiyloe, dropping explosives, slashing, and bombarding with bullets.


Except Faiyloe was no longer there she was in the cellars. She went and hid among the barrels waiting for her enemys.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Wetboy Kylar Stern watches from his vantage point up on the Abbey. With one flick of his Talent, he jumps down into a tree, muffling the sound of his fall.

Ungatt Trunn

Ungatt got off the ground. He had been hit in the head with one of Faiyloe's star-shaped discs, rendering him unconscious. But he was awake now, so he grabbed his large tranquilizer machine gun and knocked out everybody else in the room

Life is too short to rush through it.