The Heroes of Redwall: The Return of Zanzuthari Deathhound

Started by AbbotAlf0809, February 21, 2014, 04:14:06 AM

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Old Badgerpa Stone opened the slit in the old oaken gates. "We have no business with vermin and- Shadow! Welcome home! I see to have made some new... questionable friends,"  he said opening the gates

The Skarzs

Kliegh rolled his eyes behind his helmet; he was tempted to freeze the badger's feet. "We have orders from Davidari," he said.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


  Jag clapped the badger on his large shoulder, saying, "Aye, they may be interestin', but they're good.  Don't you worry now, Stone, they won't cause any trouble."  Then, with a wink, he walked into the abbey, Shadow following close behind.  She smiled at the badgerpa and nodded slightly in greeting before passing by him.

  Meanwhile, Chelonia walked beside Muchlik, barely noticing the badger as they walked through the gate.  "So, tell me again, Much, what have you been doing since we last saw each other?"

  Shade sighed heavily as she entered the abbey grounds behind the mice.  She'd hoped she would never have to go to a place filled with peace-loving beasts.  It was against her nature to ally with those sorts, and it disgusted her to be anywhere near them.  But she'd promised Chel she would go through with this and help the mouse's friends, so the only thing she could really do was sigh and hope they'd face some real action soon.

  OOC:  Oh, hey, look, my characters are alive still!  :P  Bleh, I don't really like this post, but I felt I should probably say something so it doesn't look like I've quit the RP.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Stone nodded slowly and eyed down the vermin as they entered the ancient abbey. Abbot Amaru walked out to the courtyard to welcome back the adventures. "Welcome back friends only and new! However I must ask, where are Razer, Arraka, and Davidari?" Said the Abbot with a puzzled face

The Skarzs

Kliegh jabbed a claw over his shoulder. "They've gone on another quest, trying to get some help from some beasts called 'Cadre'." The ferret drew his sword and stuck in the ground in front of him, bowing toward the Abbot. "Father Abbot, I presume? It's been too long since I last came to your abbey. Now, Davidari sent us here to prepare this place for war."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Rise master ferret," said Abbot Amaru raising up his paw, "but what is this talk of war? And I hope you all know that Cadre is just an old folk legend."

Badgerpa Stone grunted, "So says you Father Abbot, us badgers have fine memories and I shall assure you that they are not fake."

Dannflower Reguba

       Arraka had taken her usual place at the back of the train, listening for any and everything. She stayed quiet for almost the entire trip, after their journey had gone on for what seemed like ages, she spoke, "Half a step left Davi, wouldn't want to get poisoned now would you?" They had, at long last, neared the Cadre's hold.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

The Skarzs

Kliegh rose and sheathed his sword, watching from behind his eye slits the two creatures decide whether or not to believe if the Cadre were real. "Real or not, they've gone to find them, and left us to prepare for the army of Zanzuthari Deathhound."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Oh dear me..." said Abbot Amaru slowly, "That, that could be a problem. Well, Badgerpa Stone, assist our friends here in the perpetrations. I shall talk to Skipper and Foremole to ensure that we have ample supplies to last."

Davidari took a half step to the left as was told, "Are we? Perfect."

The Skarzs

"Good," murmured Kliegh. "How many creatures here can defend the walls?" he asked, trying to get an idea how they would fare.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Badgerpa Stone sighed, "I am afraid not much. Mainly just the otters and moles. Not many other able bodied beasts who can fight round here."

The Skarzs

The ferret cursed slightly, hoping he went unheard behind his helmet. "Alright then. . . I don't think food is too much of a problem; I remember this place being well-stocked at all times." He tapped his helmet while he thought more. "Moles, right? If they could get plenty of rubble up on the walls, it will help defending."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Badgerpa Stone nodded, "I shall alert Foremole at once. For the time being I shall order te otters to rally the GUOSIM and any other potenial allies in the region."
Abbot Amaru bowed his head and prayed to the gods of his homeland, the Jimanesse Isles, "gods protect us for I fear this is the beginning of the end..."

(BTW when Dan and Skyblade post I can RP Davidari again!)

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Razer walked up to Abbot Amaru. "Pardon, but what's going on?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!